Negation in Bashiic Languages

The Bashiic group of languages occupies a unique position in the Philippine genetic subunit (Ross, 2004). This position offers linguists a plethora of problems ranging from issues in genetic relationship, macrohistory, and language contact so on and so forth. One of the problems that these languages exhibit is their apparent disregard of the tendencies Austronesian (Klamer, Reesink, & van Staden, 2008) and Philippine (Zubiri, 2011) languages have in expressing the phenomenon of negation. Ivatan, as a representative of the Bashiic group of languages, is one of the few Philippine languages that reflects a post-verbal negation. This mode of expression can be attributed to either retention, contact, or a previous innovation. This paper revisits how negation is expressed in Bashiic languages, and based on synchronic and diachronic evidences, determines which of the mentioned explanations is the most probable.