Food webs: reconciling the structure and function of biodiversity

2012, Trends in Ecology & Evolution


Glossary Assembly: the set of processes by which a food web is rebuilt after disturbance or the creation of new habitat. Bioenergetics: the flow and transformation of energy in and between living organisms and between living organisms and their environment. Cascade model: a food-web model which assumes hierarchical feeding along a single niche axis, with each species allocated a probability of feeding on taxa below it in the hierarchy. Community web: a food web intended to include all species and trophic links that occur within a defined ecological community. 'Species' in this sense might involve various degrees of aggregation or division of biological species. Compartmentalisation: the property by which one subset of species within a food web operates, to varying degrees, independently of other parts. Ecological stoichiometry: how the balance of multiple chemical elements within organisms influences their interactions in food webs. Ecosystem function: the physical, chemical, and biological processes or attributes that contribute to the self-maintenance of the ecosystem; including energy flow, nutrient cycling, filtering, buffering of contaminants, and regulation of populations. Interaction strength: a measure of how much a predator alters population size, biomass, or production of its prey. In food webs these are associated with energy flows while noting that predators can affect prey non-trophically. Niche model: a food-web model which assigns each consumer a feeding distribution on the niche axis that can overlap with itself (cannibalism) and permits trophic loops but still generates realistic patterns whereby species tend to feed in a linear hierarchy. Quantitative food web: a food web where the interaction strengths or trophic flows are quantified. Scale-independence and/or dependence: the degree to which attributes of a food web change with food-web size. Stability: measures of the ability to and/or speed with which a food web regains its structure following a disturbance (resilience) or resists change in food web structure (resistance).