Perjuangan Feminisme Islam Melawan Ketimpangan Gender di India


Gender is one of the social problems that are specifically fighting for the supremacy of women in everyday life, especially in the areas of socio-political to the fullest. Classical Islamic thought that is often criticized, with the argument that the classical Islamic discourse is based on the arguments and assumptions that are discriminatory, and in turn give birth, standardize and preserve the unequal gender relations between men and women. Women were seen as being imperfect, weak intellectual ability, emotional, not rational. In turn, all of the above trying to be analyzed back, because the real Qur'an teaches that Islam came to give comfort, peace of life (rahmatan lil 'alamin). Islam is essentially a religion that is very friendly to women, for Feminism Islam (Islamic Feminism) gender issue as a social problem of unequal needs and requires completion.