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Gender is one of the social problems that are specifically fighting for the supremacy of women in everyday life, especially in the areas of socio-political to the fullest. Classical Islamic thought that is often criticized, with the argument that the classical Islamic discourse is based on the arguments and assumptions that are discriminatory, and in turn give birth, standardize and preserve the unequal gender relations between men and women. Women were seen as being imperfect, weak intellectual ability, emotional, not rational. In turn, all of the above trying to be analyzed back, because the real Qur'an teaches that Islam came to give comfort, peace of life (rahmatan lil 'alamin). Islam is essentially a religion that is very friendly to women, for Feminism Islam (Islamic Feminism) gender issue as a social problem of unequal needs and requires completion.
Muwazah Jurnal Kajian Gender, 2015
Makalah ini mendiskusikan salah satu tema dalam pergerakan dan pemikiran feminism Barat, yakni persoalan eksploitasi terhadap tubuh perempuan Bagaimana pun feminism modern lahir dalam konteks peradaban Barat, olehnya Pembahasan dimulai dari tinjauan terhadap cara Barat memperlakukan perempuan, kemudian usaha feminisme dalam merombak masyarakat tersebut. Selanjutnya akan ditunjukan titik fatal yang membuat feminisme terjebak pada pola yang sama dengan masyarakat yang mereka lawan dan cara Islam yang unik dalam melihat persoalan ini.
Sepanjang sejarah kontemporer, silih berganti muncul wacana baru, diskursus baru, sudut pandang baru, yang intinya sama yaitu memperjuangkan hak-hak perempuan yang tertindas. Kata feminisme seolah menjadi sebuah kata yang melambangkan kemodernan dan kemandirian perempuan. Gerakan untuk mengangkat harkat perempuan, yang diberi label gerakan feminisme, seolah menjadi isu atau gerakan yang bernilai jual tinggi, yang mendanai proyek-proyek inipun lembaga-lembaga donor Barat yang konon ingin memperbaiki kondisi masyarakat dunia.
At- Tarbawi, 2020
The purpose of this study is to determine the role and rights of women in Islamic and Western views. Islam is a grace to all nature and although we know that women are created from male ribs, Islam never states that women’s degrees are below men. The methodology used literature studies. As for the research results that the role of women is said to be important because of the many heavy loads it has to deal with, even the burdens that men should have been imposing. Women have equal and equal rights in Islam in contrast to those prosecuted by Western women who demand equality and identification between men and women in every respect. The point of departure they use in this is that their rights must be equal, identical and comparable. There is no privilege and primacy for either of them. Equations are different from those of the identities. The gender equations many westerners had buzzed, evidently having permeated into the body of these Muslims' Muslims. They had been fooled by th...
Perempuan dalam agama apa pun selalu menjadi sasaran diskriminasi dan eksploitasi para penafsir fundamental yang benci pada perempuan (mysogini). Masyarakat Muslim yang mempertahankan fundamentalisme memiliki kecenderungan memanipulasi dan memanfaatkan ajaran Islam untuk melegitimasi kekuasaan patriarki yang merendahkan perempuan. Slogan fundamentalisme untuk kembali memurnikan ajaran Islam selalu bermakna kembali kepada Islam tekstualis dengan karakter ideologis yang statis, ahistoris, sangat eksklusif, dan bias nilai-nilai patriaki. Kembali mendiskriminasikan perempuan seperti pada masa-masa kegelapan Jahiliyah. Bukan kembali ke visi otentik Islam yang cirinya adalah dinamis, kritis, rasional, inklusif, dan memuliakan perempuan. Tulisan ini ingin menegaskan kembali bahwa Islam hadir demi membebaskan manusia (perempuan dan laki-laki) dari semua sistem tiranik, despotik, dan totaliter menuju masyarakat sipil yang berkeadaban (civic and civilized society). Masyarakat dimaksud adal...
Habibullah & Hasby As Shiddiqi, 2019
Islam adalah agama yang keberadaannya sebagai rahmatan lil alami, artinya dalam Islam mengedepankan sebuah kesejahteraan, keadilan dan persaman dalam setiap aspeknya yakni dengan mengandung prinsip-prinsip sebuah kesetaraan, begitu juga Islam memandang emansipasi perempuan dengan kesetaarannya dengan laki-laki atau lebih dikenal dengan kesetaraan gender, baik dalam bidang pendidikan, sosial dan yang lainnya. Makanya perempuan dan laki-laki mempunyai kesamaan dalam berpotensi meraih prestsi yang optimal. Implementasi kesetaraan gender dalam perspektif al-Qur'an melahirkan adanya transformasi hukum Islam yang bertalian dengan isu kesetaraan. Relasi dan keberadaannya di bidang profesi baik dalam bidang apapun, seperti adanya hakim perempuan serta memicu lahirnya produk hukum yang berpespektif kesetaraan dan keadilan gender. Islam menjadi jembatan untuk menjadi tali dari pemeluknya, konsep yang sudah tertera dalam literatur di dalamnya sudah mengupas tuntas tentang emansipasi kaum perempuan dalam setiap aspeknya, konsep kesetaraan gender dalam islam sangatlah jelas dan juga keistimewaan dan penghormata terhadap perempuan juga sangat di perhatikan dan mengedepankan keadilan gender. Kata kunci: Emansipasi Perempuan, Kesetaraan, Gender, Hukum Islam Pendahuluan Pada dasarnya Allah menciptakan manusia, baik laki-laki maupun perempuan, semata-mata bertujuan untuk mendarmabaktikan dirinya kepada-Nya. Islam datang membawa ajaran yang egaliter, persamaan, dan tanpa ada diskriminasi antara jenis kelamin yang berbeda sehingga laki-laki tidak lebih tinggi dari perempuan. Dengan demikian, Islam tidak membedakan antara laki-laki dan perempuan, baik dalam hal kedudukan, harkat, martabat, kemampuan, dan-kesempatan untuk berkarya. Kebiasaannya, istilah gender dihuraikan sebagai perbezaan antara lelaki dan perempuan hasil dari pada konstruksi sosio-budaya. Dengan kata lain, ia merujuk kepada sifat maskulin (masculinity) dan feminin (femininity) yang dipengaruhi dengan kebudayaan, simbolik, stereotaip dan pengenalan diri. Walaupun pada dasarnya gender membincangkan tentang lelaki dan perempuan tetapi perbincangan banyak difokuskan kepada perempuan. Menurut Ursula King, senario ini disebabkan golongan perempuan telah lama dipinggirkan dalam sejarah dan budaya masyarakat.
In the history of women's life, the woman has never cracked from the wild cry of helplessness. Woman always become victim of men's egoism, marginalized, hurt, unfettered, fooled and never appreciated the presence and role. This situation troubles many intellectual Muslims who have perspective that Islam teaches equality, equality for all human beings in the world. The difference in skin color, race, tribe and nation, as well as gender does not cause them to get the status of the different rights and obligations. The potential and the right to life of every human being and the obligation to serve the Lord Almighty is the same. Indeed, all human beings, as caliph in the world, have the same obligation, namely to prosperity of life in the world. No one is allowed to act arbitrarily, destroying, or hurt among others. They are required to live side by side, united, and harmonious, help each other and respect each other. However, that "demand" never becomes a reality. The differences among human identities become a barrier and the cause of divisions. For them, those who are outside environment, different identities are "others" who rightly do not need them "know". The difference of identity has become a reason to allow "hurt" each other. Several intellectual Muslims who recognize the wrong (discrimination against women), and then they attempt to formulate a movement for women's liberation. All the efforts have been done on the basis of awareness that arbitrary action by any person can never be justified. They also realize, that the backwardness of women are "stumbling block" that will lead to the resignation of a civilization. However, this struggle found a lot of challenges; including the consideration of "insubordination" to conquer the power of men, despite it had done by using many strategies. Starting from the writing of scientific book and countless fiction themed women has been published in order to give awareness of equality between men and women. This paper seeks to reexamine the process of the empowerment struggle to give a brand new concept, so that the struggle of women empowerment is not as insubordination and curiosity process in an attempt to conquer the male. Through approach of literature review and observations on the relationship between men and women, the writer finally concluded that the movement of Islamic feminism is not a movement to seize the power of men, but an attempt to liberate women from oppression so that they get the rights of their social role, giving freedom for women to pursue a career as wide as possible like a man, without forgetting a main duty as a mother: to conceive, give birth and breastfeed their children.
Abstrak Gender merupakan satu di antara sejumlah wacana yang bisa disebut kontemporer yang cukup menyita perhatian banyak kalangan, mulai para remaja, kalangan aktivis pergerakan, akademisi dan mahasiswa, kalangan legislatif dan pemerintah, hingga para agamawan. Maksud wacana ini adalah menutup ketidakadilan sosial berdasarkan perbedaan jenis kelamin, selanjutnya berupaya mewujudkan kesetaraan antara laki-laki dan perempuan pada aspek sosialnya. Dan sampai saat ini, wacana gender setidaknya dapat kategorikan menjadi empat penampilan, yaitu sebagai suatu gerakan, sebagai diskursus kefilsafatan, perkembangan dari isu sosial ke isu keagamaan, dan sebagai pendekatan dalam studi agama. Tulisan ini akan membahas perspektif kesetaraan gender sebagaimana dipahami oleh para feminis muslim. Secara umum dapat disebutkan bahwa tujuan perjuangan feminisme adalah mencapai kesetaraan, harkat, dan kebebasan perempuan dalam memilih dan mengelola kehidupan dan tubuhnya, baik di dalam maupun di luar rumah tangga. Gender is one of discourses called contemporary discourse calls for the attention of many parties, the youth, among movement activists, academics and students, legislative and government, and the theologian. The purpose of this discourse is to close a social injustice based on gender differences. Furthermore, it seeks to achieve equality between men and women in the social aspects. And so far, of the discourse on gender at least can be categorized into four performance, i.e., as a movement, as a discourse of development, those social issues into religious issues, and as an approach in the study of religion. This paper discusses about the perspectives of gender equality as understood by the muslim feminists. In general, it can be mentioned that the purpose of the struggle of feminism is equality, dignity, and freedom of women in choosing and managing life and her body, both inside and outside the household.
EL-FIKR: Jurnal Aqidah dan Filsafat Islam
This study aimed at investigating Arthur Schopenhauer and Murtadha Muthahhari's perspectives on feminisme. This study employed a qualitative approach. This is a library research in which data were collected from related literatures. Descriptive analytical and historical analytical methods were used to analyze data. The findings of the study showed that perspectives on feminisme between both scholars are different. Arthur Schopenhauer views that feminisme is debatable. Meanwhile, Murtadha Muthahhari emphasized that feminism it is not necessary to debate it because it has been clearly stated in the Holy Quran. This research recommends educational institutions and other social institutions to view feminisme as a path to woman's equality. Keywords: Comparison; Feminism; Perspective.
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Dinul Koyyimah, 2019
Kafa`ah: Journal of Gender Studies, 2011
An-Nisa' : Jurnal Kajian Perempuan dan Keislaman, 2019
SANGAJI: Jurnal Pemikiran Syariah dan Hukum, 2017
Info Singkat, 2024
Jurnal Perempuan
Hasby As'Shiddiqi & Habibullah, 2019