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We propose geometrical methods for constructing square 01-matrices with the same number n of units in every row and column, and such that any two rows of the matrix have at most one unit in the same position. In terms of Design Theory, such a matrix is an incidence matrix of a symmetric configuration. Also, it gives rise to an n-regular bipartite graphs without 4-cycles, which can be used for constructing bipartite-graph codes so that both the classes of their vertices are associated with local constraints (constituent codes). We essentially extend the region of parameters of such matrices by using some results from Galois Geometries. Many new matrices are either circulant or consist of circulant submatrices: this provides code parity-check matrices consisting of circulant submatrices, and hence quasi-cyclic bipartite-graph codes with simple implementation.
Graphs and Combinatorics, 2013
We propose geometrical methods for constructing square 01-matrices with the same number n of units in every row and column, and such that any two rows of the matrix contain at most one unit in common. These matrices are equivalent to n-regular bipartite graphs without 4-cycles, and therefore can be used for the construction of efficient bipartite-graph codes such that both the classes of its vertices are associated with local constraints. We significantly extend the region of parameters m, n for which there exist an n-regular bipartite graph with 2m vertices and without 4-cycles. In that way we essentially increase the region of lengths and rates of the corresponding bipartite-graph codes. Many new matrices are either circulant or consist of circulant submatrices: this provides code parity-check matrices consisting of circulant submatrices, and hence quasi-cyclic bipartite-graph codes with simple implementation.
We propose geometrical methods for constructing square 01-matrices with the same number n of units in every row and column, and such that any two rows of the matrix have at most one unit in the same position. In terms of Design Theory, such a matrix is an incidence matrix of a symmetric conflguration. Also, it gives rise to an
The following two important problems are considered in the paper: constructing a low density parity check code on a bipartite graph and rapid encoding of this code. For a given constituent code, the first problem solving is reduced to constructing and investigation of pa- rameters of the matrix describing connections of two vertex subsets of a regular bipartite graph (biadjacency matrix). It is convenient to treat the such matrix as a support-matrix of a code word. We propose a number of constructions that essentially extend the region of accessible parameters of the such matrices including these providing graphs without 4-cycles. Biadjacency matrices of regular bipartite graphs without 4-cycles are treated also as the incidence matrices of symmetric combinatorial configurations. This contributes to understanding and solving of the first problem. The second problem solving leads to search of such support-matrix transforma- tions that maximize the encoding speed and allow us to find ...
The adjacency matrix of a graph can be interpreted as the incidence matrix of a design, or as the generator matrix of a binary code. Here these relations play a central role. We consider graphs for which the corresponding design is a (symmetric) block design or (group) divisible design. Such graphs are strongly regular (in case of a block design) or very similar to a strongly regular graph (in case of a divisible design). Many construction and properties for these kind of graphs are obtained. We also consider binary code of a strongly regular graph, work out some theory and give several examples.
ArXiv, 2020
In this paper, we examine the binary linear codes with respect to Hamming metric from incidence matrix of a unit graph $G(\mathbb{Z}_{n})$ with vertex set is $\mathbb{Z}_{n}$ and two distinct vertices $x$ and $y$ being adjacent if and only if $x+y$ is unit. The main parameters of the codes are given.
Designs, Codes and Cryptography, 2014
The hulls of codes from the row span over F p , for any prime p, of incidence matrices of connected k-regular graphs are examined, and the dimension of the hull is given in terms of the dimension of the row span of A + k I over F p , where A is an adjacency matrix for the graph. If p = 2, for most classes of connected regular graphs with some further form of symmetry, it was shown by Dankelmann et al. (Des. Codes Cryptogr. 2012) that the hull is either {0} or has minimum weight at least 2k − 2. Here we show that if the graph is strongly regular with parameter set (n, k, λ, μ), then, unless k is even and μ is odd, the binary hull is non-trivial, of minimum weight generally greater than 2k − 2, and we construct words of low weight in the hull; if k is even and μ is odd, we show that the binary hull is zero. Further, if a graph is the line graph of a k-regular graph, k ≥ 3, that has an -cycle for some ≥ 3, the binary hull is shown to be non-trivial with minimum weight at most 2 (k − 2). Properties of the p-ary hulls are also established.
Discrete Mathematics, 2014
Linear codes arising from the row span over any prime field Fp of the incidence matrices of the odd graphs O k for k ≥ 2 are examined and all the main parameters obtained. A study of the hulls of these codes for p = 2 yielded that for O2 (the Petersen graph), the dual of the binary hull from an incidence matrix is the binary code from points and lines of the projective geometry P G3(F2), which leads to a correspondence between the edges and vertices of O2 with the points and a collection of ten lines of P G3(F2), consistent with the codes. The study also gives the dimension, the minimum weight, and the nature of the minimum words, of the binary codes from adjacency matrices of the line graphs L(O k).
International Journal of Information …, 2010
Linear codes that can be obtained from designs associated with the complete graph on n vertices and its line graph, the triangular graph, are examined. The codes have length n choose 2, dimension n or n − 1, and minimum weight n − 1 or 2n − 4. The parameters of the codes and their automorphism groups for any odd prime are obtained and PD-sets inside the symmetric group S n are found for full permutation decoding for all primes and all integers n ≥ 6.
IEEE Access, 2021
Multitype quasi-cyclic (QC) low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes are a class of protograph LDPC codes lifted cyclically from protographs with multiple edges, represented by two weight and slope matrices. For a given weight-matrix, an approach is proposed to find the maximum-achievable girth <inline-formula> <tex-math notation="LaTeX">$g_{\max }$ </tex-math></inline-formula> of the corresponding multitype QC-LDPC codes by some inevitable chains having less complexity than the existing methods. This advantage leads to some new patterns of the weight matrices such that the corresponding codes have some improvements in terms of the maximum-achievable girths or the minimum-distance upper-bounds. In continue, for a given weight-matrix with maximum-achievable girth <inline-formula> <tex-math notation="LaTeX">$g_{\max }$ </tex-math></inline-formula>, some slope-matrices are constructed by a depth-first search algorithm for...
Advances in Mathematics of Communications, 2011
We examine the p-ary codes from incidence matrices of Paley graphs P (q) where q ≡ 1 (mod 4) is a prime power, and show that the codes are [ q(q−1) 4 , q − 1, q−1 2 ] 2 or [ q(q−1) 4 , q, q−1 2 ] p for p odd. By finding PD-sets we show that for q > 9 the p-ary codes, for any p, can be used for permutation decoding for full error-correction. The binary code from the line graph of P (q) is shown to be the same as the binary code from an incidence matrix for P (q).
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 2004
In this correspondence, the construction of low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes from circulant permutation matrices is investigated. It is shown that such codes cannot have a Tanner graph representation with girth larger than 12, and a relatively mild necessary and sufficient condition for the code to have a girth of 6 8 10 or 12 is derived. These results suggest that families of LDPC codes with such girth values are relatively easy to obtain and, consequently, additional parameters such as the minimum distance or the number of redundant check sums should be considered. To this end, a necessary condition for the codes investigated to reach their maximum possible minimum Hamming distance is proposed.
Central European Journal of Mathematics, 2011
For any prime , we consider -ary linear codes obtained from the span over F of rows of incidence matrices of triangular graphs, differences of the rows and adjacency matrices of line graphs of triangular graphs. We determine parameters of the codes, minimum words and automorphism groups. We also show that the codes can be used for full permutation decoding.
Abstract We examine the p-ary codes, for any prime p, from the row span over F _p of| V|×| E| incidence matrices of connected graphs Γ=(V, E), showing that certain properties of the codes can be directly derived from the parameters and properties of the graphs.
ArXiv, 2016
In this work, connected cubic planar bipartite graphs and related binary self-dual codes are studied. Binary self-dual codes of length 16 are obtained by face-vertex incidence matrices of these graphs. By considering their lifts to the ring R_2 new extremal binary self-dual codes of lengths 64 are constructed as Gray images. More precisely, we construct 15 new codes of length 64. Moreover, 10 new codes of length 66 were obtained by applying a building-up construction to the binary codes. Codes with these weight enumerators are constructed for the first time in the literature. The results are tabulated.
Advances in Mathematics of Communications, 2022
Linear codes over finite fields with small dimensional hulls have received much attention due to their applications in cryptology and quantum computing. In this paper, we study cyclic and negacyclic codes with onedimensional hulls. We determine precisely when cyclic and negacyclic codes over finite fields with one-dimensional hulls exist. We also introduce onedimensional linear complementary pairs of cyclic and negacyclic codes. As an application, we obtain numerous optimal or near optimal cyclic codes with onedimensional hulls over different fields and, by using these codes, we present new entanglement-assisted quantum error-correcting codes (EAQECCs). In particular, some of these EAQEC codes are maximal distance separable (MDS). We also obtain one-dimensional linear complementary pairs of cyclic codes, which are either optimal or near optimal.
Computing Research Repository - CORR, 2010
This paper is concerned with construction and structural analysis of both cyclic and quasi-cyclic codes, particularly LDPC codes. It consists of three parts. The first part shows that a cyclic code given by a parity-check matrix in circulant form can be decomposed into descendant cyclic and quasi-cyclic codes of various lengths and rates. Some fundamental structural properties of these descendant codes are developed, including the characterizations of the roots of the generator polynomial of a cyclic descendant code. The second part of the paper shows that cyclic and quasi-cyclic descendant LDPC codes can be derived from cyclic finite geometry LDPC codes using the results developed in first part of the paper. This enlarges the repertoire of cyclic LDPC codes. The third part of the paper analyzes the trapping sets of regular LDPC codes whose parity-check matrices satisfy a certain constraint on their rows and columns. Several classes of finite geometry and finite field cyclic and qua...
Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B, 1991
We show that the rows of the face-vertex indicence matrix of a connected cubic planar bipartate graph on n vertices generate a self-dual binary code of length n.
In this paper we analyze the bound on the additive white Gaussian noise channel (AWGNC) pseudo-weight of a (c,d)-regular linear block code based on the two largest eigenvalues of H^T H. In particular, we analyze (c,d)-regular quasi-cyclic (QC) codes of length rL described by J x L block parity-check matrices with circulant block entries of size r x r. We proceed by showing how the problem of computing the eigenvalues of the rL x rL matrix H^T H can be reduced to the problem of computing eigenvalues for r matrices of size L x L. We also give a necessary condition for the bound to be attained for a circulant matrix H and show a few classes of cyclic codes satisfying this criterion.
IEEE Transactions on Communications, 2000
Using group theory, we analyze cycle GF(2 p ) codes that use Cayley graphs as their associated graphs. First, we show that through row and column permutations the parity check matrix H can be put in a concatenation form of row-permuted block-diagonal matrices. Encoding utilizing this form can be performed in linear time and in parallel. Second, we derive a rule to determine the nonzero entries of H and present determinate and semi-determinate codes. Our simulations show that the determinate and semi-determinate codes have better performance than codes with randomly generated nonzero entries for GF(16) and GF(64), and have similar performance for GF(256). The constructed determinate and semi-determinate codes over GF(64) and GF(256) can outperform the binary irregular counterparts of the same block lengths. One distinct advantage for determinate and semi-determinate codes is that they greatly reduce the storage cost of H for decoding. The results in this correspondence are appealing for the implementation of efficient encoders and decoders for this class of promising LDPC codes, especially when the block length is large.
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