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2009, Lecture Notes in Computer Science
JavaScript is the main scripting language for Web browsers, and it is essential to modern Web applications. Programmers have started using it for writing complex applications, but there is still little tool support available during development. We present a static program analysis infrastructure that can infer detailed and sound type information for JavaScript programs using abstract interpretation. The analysis is designed to support the full language as defined in the ECMAScript standard, including its peculiar object model and all built-in functions. The analysis results can be used to detect common programming errors -or rather, prove their absence, and for producing type information for program comprehension. Preliminary experiments conducted on real-life JavaScript code indicate that the approach is promising regarding analysis precision on small and medium size programs, which constitute the majority of JavaScript applications. With potential for further improvement, we propose the analysis as a foundation for building tools that can aid JavaScript programmers.
Object-oriented scripting languages like Javascript and Python are popular partly because of their dynamic features. These include the runtime modification of objects and classes through addition of fields or updating of methods. These features make static typing difficult and so usually dynamic typing is used. Consequently, errors such as access to non-existent members are not detected until runtime. We first develop a formalism for an object based language, JS0 with features from Javascript, including dynamic addition of fields and updating of methods. We give an operational semantics and static type system for JS0using structural types. Our types allow objects to evolve in a controlled manner by classifying members as definite or potential. We define a type inference algorithm for JS0 that is sound with respect to the type system. If the type inference algorithm succeeds, then the program is typeable. Therefore, programmers can benefit from the safety offered by the type system, without the need to write explicitly types in their programs.
Proceedings of the 19th ACM SIGSOFT symposium and the 13th European conference on Foundations of software engineering - SIGSOFT/FSE '11, 2011
Developers of JavaScript web applications have little tool support for catching errors early in development. In comparison, an abundance of tools exist for statically typed languages, including sophisticated integrated development environments and specialized static analyses. Transferring such technologies to the domain of JavaScript web applications is challenging. In this paper, we discuss the challenges, which include the dynamic aspects of JavaScript and the complex interactions between JavaScript, HTML, and the browser. From this, we present the first static analysis that is capable of reasoning about the flow of control and data in modern JavaScript applications that interact with the HTML DOM and browser API. One application of such a static analysis is to detect typerelated and dataflow-related programming errors. We report on experiments with a range of modern web applications, including Chrome Experiments and IE Test Drive applications, to measure the precision and performance of the technique. The experiments indicate that the analysis is able to show absence of errors related to missing object properties and to identify dead and unreachable code. By measuring the precision of the types inferred for object properties, the analysis is precise enough to show that most expressions have unique types. By also producing precise call graphs, the analysis additionally shows that most invocations in the programs are monomorphic. We furthermore study the usefulness of the analysis to detect spelling errors in the code. Despite the encouraging results, not all problems are solved and some of the experiments indicate a potential for improvement, which allows us to identify central remaining challenges and outline directions for future work.
• We conducted a survey of real-world JavaScript programs, focusing on idioms that employ JavaScript's quirks. • We developed a type system for JavaScript that handles these quirks, allowing developers to use modern technology to reason about their programs. In this document, I present JSTrace. I first discuss the general idea behind my tool and choices made when developing it. I then expose the technical details of the tool's functionality. In the evaluation chapter, I demonstrate that the tool is effective at reducing the burden of typing programs. I then conclude, discuss future work, and review related work.
We describe JSAI, an abstract interpreter for JavaScript. JSAI uses novel abstract domains to compute a reduced product of type inference, pointer analysis, string analysis, integer and boolean constant propagation, and control-flow analysis. In addition, JSAI allows for analysis control-flow sensitivity (i.e., context-, path-, and heap-sensitivity) to be modularly configured without requiring any changes to the analysis implementation. JSAI is designed to be provably sound with respect to a specific concrete semantics for JavaScript, which has been extensively tested against existing production-quality JavaScript implementations. We provide a comprehensive evaluation of JSAI's performance and precision using an extensive benchmark suite. This benchmark suite includes real-world JavaScript applications, machine-generated JavaScript code via Emscripten, and browser addons. We use JSAI's configurability to evaluate a large number of analysis sensitivities (some well-known, som...
Proceedings of the Eighth ACM SIGPLAN workshop on Programming languages and analysis for security - PLAS '13, 2013
Dependency analysis is a program analysis that determines potential data flow between program points. While it is not a security analysis per se, it is a viable basis for investigating data integrity, for ensuring confidentiality, and for guaranteeing sanitization. A noninterference property can be stated and proved for the dependency analysis.
Proceedings of the 2016 24th ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Foundations of Software Engineering, 2016
Static analysis is challenged by the dynamic language constructs of JavaScript which often lead to unacceptable performance and/or precision results. We describe an approach that focuses on improving the practicality and accuracy of points-to analysis and call graph construction for JavaScript programs. The approach first identifies program constructs which are sources of imprecision (i.e., root causes) through monitoring the static analysis process. We then examine and suggest specific context-sensitive analyses to apply. Our technique is able to to find that the root causes comprise less than 2% of the functions in JavaScript library applications. Moreover, the specialized analysis derived by our approach finishes within a few seconds, even on programs which can not complete within 10 minutes with the original analysis. CCS Concepts •Software and its engineering → Software testing and debugging; •Theory of computation → Program analysis;
Abstract As the programming language of the web, JavaScript deserves a principled yet robust framework for static analysis. To achieve both aims simultaneously, we start from an established reduction semantics for JavaScript and systematically derive its intensional abstract interpretation. Our first step is to transform the semantics into an equivalent low-level abstract machine: the JavaScript Abstract Machine (JAM). We then derive the systematic abstraction of the entire low-level machine.
ACM SIGPLAN Notices, 2010
The JavaScript programming language is widely used for web programming and, increasingly, for general purpose computing. As such, improving the correctness, security and performance of JavaScript applications has been the driving force for research in type systems, static analysis and compiler techniques for this language. Many of these techniques aim to reign in some of the most dynamic features of the language, yet little seems to be known about how programmers actually utilize the language or these features. In this paper we perform an empirical study of the dynamic behavior of a corpus of widely-used JavaScript programs, and analyze how and why the dynamic features are used. We report on the degree of dynamism that is exhibited by these JavaScript programs and compare that with assumptions commonly made in the literature and accepted industry benchmark suites.
JavaScript has become one of the most popular programming languages, yet it is known for its suboptimal design. To effectively use JavaScript despite its design flaws, developers try to follow informal code quality rules that help avoid correctness, maintainability, performance, and security problems. Lightweight static analyses, implemented in "lint-like" tools, are widely used to find violations of these rules, but are of limited use because of the language's dynamic nature. This paper presents DLint, a dynamic analysis approach to check code quality rules in JavaScript. DLint consists of a generic framework and an extensible set of checkers that each addresses a particular rule. We formally describe and implement 28 checkers that address problems missed by state-of-the-art static approaches. Applying the approach in a comprehensive empirical study on over 200 popular web sites shows that static and dynamic checking complement each other. On average per web site, DLint detects 49 problems that are missed statically, including visible bugs on the web sites of IKEA, Hilton, eBay, and CNBC.
• We conducted a survey of real-world JavaScript programs, focusing on idioms that employ JavaScript's quirks. • We developed a type system for JavaScript that handles these quirks, allowing developers to use modern technology to reason about their programs. In this document, I present JSTrace. I first discuss the general idea behind my tool and choices made when developing it. I then expose the technical details of the tool's functionality. In the evaluation chapter, I demonstrate that the tool is effective at reducing the burden of typing programs. I then conclude, discuss future work, and review related work.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2010
With the current surge of scripting technologies, large programs are being built with dynamically typed languages. As these programs grow in size, semantics-based tools gain importance for detecting programming errors as well as for program understanding. As a basis for such tools, we propose a descriptive type system for an imperative call-by-value lambda calculus with objects. The calculus models essential features of JavaScript, a widely used dynamically-typed language: first-class functions, objects as property maps, and prototypes. Our type system infers precise singleton object types for recently allocated objects. These object types are handled flow-sensitively and change during the objects' initialization phase. The notion of recency provides an automatic criterion to subsume these precise object types to summary object types, which are handled flow-insensitively. The criterion applies on a per-object basis. Thus, the type system identifies a generalized initialization phase for each object during which the change of its value is precisely reflected in the change of its type. Unlike with linear types, summary types may refer to singleton types and vice versa. We prove the soundness of the type system and present a constraintbased inference algorithm. An implementation is available on the web.
Abstract. We reduce JavaScript to a core calculus structured as a small-step operational semantics. We present several peculiarities of the language and show that our calculus models them. We explicate the desugaring process that turns JavaScript programs into ones in the core. We demonstrate faithfulness to JavaScript using real-world test suites. Finally,weillustrateutilitybydefiningasecurityproperty,implementing it as a type system on the core, and extending it to the full language. 1 The Need for Another JavaScript Semantics The growing use of JavaScript has created whole new technical and business models of program construction and deployment. JavaScript is a feature-rich language with many quirks, and these quirks are often exploited by security and privacy attacks. This is especially true in cases where JavaScript has a familiar syntax but an unconventional semantics. Duetoitspopularityandshortcomings,companiesandresearchershavetried to tame JavaScript via program analyses [4...
EPiC Series in Computing
Static analyzers for JavaScript use constant propagation and interval domains to dis- cover numerical properties of program variables. These domains are non-relational and incapable of tracking relationships between variables, leading to imprecise analysis. This paper presents a static analyzer for the full language of JavaScript that employs the octagon domain to capture numerical properties of the program. Our work is built on top of TAJS (type analyzer for JavaScript) which employs a constant propagation domain for numerical properties. We reengineered TAJS’s abstract domain for abstractions of primitive values and its abstract domain for object abstractions and related transfer functions, resulting in an analyzer that is much more precise. Our experiments show an improvement in analysis precision of JavaScript programs with an acceptable increase in cost.
Proceedings of the 37th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering
Types in TypeScript play an important role in the correct usage of variables and APIs. Type errors such as variable or function misuse can be avoided with explicit type annotations. In this work, we introduce FlexType, an IDE extension that can be used on both JavaScript and TypeScript to infer types in an interactive or automatic fashion. We perform experiments with FlexType in JavaScript to determine how many types FlexType could resolve if it were to be used to migrate top JavaScript projects to TypeScript. FlexType is able to annotate 56.69% of all types with high precision and confidence including native and imported types from modules. In addition to the automatic inference, we believe the interactive Visual Studio Code extension is inherently useful in both TypeScript and JavaScript especially when resolving types is taxing for the developer. The source code is available at GitHub 1 and a video demonstration at CCS CONCEPTS • Computing methodologies → Machine learning; • Theory of computation → Type structures; • Software and its engineering → Integrated and visual development environments; Source code generation.
Proceedings of the 40th annual ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT symposium on Principles of programming languages - POPL '13, 2013
Many tools allow programmers to develop applications in highlevel languages and deploy them in web browsers via compilation to JavaScript. While practical and widely used, these compilers are ad hoc: no guarantee is provided on their correctness for whole programs, nor their security for programs executed within arbitrary JavaScript contexts. This paper presents a compiler with such guarantees. We compile an ML-like language with higher-order functions and references to JavaScript, while preserving all source program properties. Relying on type-based invariants and applicative bisimilarity, we show full abstraction: two programs are equivalent in all source contexts if and only if their wrapped translations are equivalent in all JavaScript contexts. We evaluate our compiler on sample programs, including a series of secure libraries.
Developers often prefer dynamically typed programming languages, such as JavaScript, because such languages do not require explicit type declarations. However, such a feature hinders software engineering tasks, such as code completion, type related bug fixes and so on. Deep learning-based techniques are proposed in the literature to infer the types of code elements in JavaScript snippets. These techniques are computationally expensive. While several type inference techniques have been developed to detect types in code snippets written in statically typed languages, it is not clear how effective those techniques are for inferring types in dynamically typed languages, such as JavaScript. In this paper, we investigate the type inference techniques of JavaScript to understand the above two issues further. While doing that we propose a new technique that considers the locally specific code tokens as the context to infer the types of code elements. The evaluation result shows that the proposed technique is 20-47% more accurate than the statically typed language-based techniques and 5-14 times faster than the deep learning techniques without sacrificing accuracy. Our analysis of sensitivity, overlapping of predicted types and the number of training examples justify the importance of our technique.
Scripting languages, such as PHP, are among the most widely used and fastest growing programming languages, particularly for web applications. Static analysis is an important tool for detecting security flaws, finding bugs, and improving compilation of programs. However, static analysis of scripting languages is difficult due to features found in languages such as PHP. These features include run-time code generation, dynamic weak typing, dynamic aliasing, implicit object and array creation, and overloading of simple operators. We find that as a result, simple analysis techniques such as SSA and defuse chains are not straightforward to use, and that a single unconstrained variable can ruin our analysis. In this paper we describe a static analyser for PHP, and show how classical static analysis techniques can be extended to analyse PHP. In particular our analysis combines alias analysis, type-inference and constantpropagation for PHP, computing results that are essential for other analyses and optimizations. We find that this combination of techniques allows the generation of meaningful and useful results from our static analysis.
Javascript is a dynamic computer programming language. It is lightweight and most commonly used as a part of web pages, whose implementations allow client-side script to interact with the user and make dynamic pages. It is an interpreted programming language with object-oriented capabilities. As such, improving the correctness, security and performance of JavaScript applications has been the driving force for research in type systems, static analysis and compiler techniques for this language. In this paper we perform an empirical study of the dynamic behavior of a corpus of widely-used JavaScript programs, and analyze how and why the dynamic features are used. We report on the degree of dynamism that is exhibited by these JavaScript programs and compare that with assumptions commonly made in the literature and accepted industry benchmark suites.
In modern statically typed functional languages, type inference is used to determine the type of each function automatically. Whenever this fails, the compiler emits an error message that is often very complex. Sometimes the expression mentioned in the type error message is not the one that is wrong. We therefore implement an interactive tool that allows programmers to browse through the source code of their program and query the types of each expression. If a variable cannot be typed, we would like to present a set of possible types from which the user can decide which is wrong. This should help finding the origin of type errors without detailed knowledge of type inference on the user side.
2022 IEEE/ACM 44th International Conference on Software Engineering: Software Engineering in Practice (ICSE-SEIP)
Static analysis has established itself as a weapon of choice for detecting security vulnerabilities. Taint analysis in particular is a very general and powerful technique, where security policies are expressed in terms of forbidden flows, either from untrusted input sources to sensitive sinks (in integrity policies) or from sensitive sources to untrusted sinks (in confidentiality policies). The appeal of this approach is that the taint-tracking mechanism has to be implemented only once, and can then be parameterized with different taint specifications (that is, sets of sources and sinks, as well as any sanitizers that render otherwise problematic flows innocuous) to detect many different kinds of vulnerabilities. But while techniques for implementing scalable inter-procedural static taint tracking are fairly well established, crafting taint specifications is still more of an art than a science, and in practice tends to involve a lot of manual effort. Past work has focussed on automated techniques for inferring taint specifications for libraries either from their implementation or from the way they tend to be used in client code. Among the latter, machine learning-based approaches have shown great promise. In this work we present our experience combining an existing machine-learning approach to mining sink specifications for JavaScript libraries with manual taint modelling in the context of GitHub's CodeQL analysis framework. We show that the machinelearning component can successfully infer many new taint sinks that either are not part of the manual modelling or are not detected due to analysis incompleteness. Moreover, we present techniques for organizing sink predictions using automated ranking and codesimilarity metrics that allow an analysis engineer to efficiently sift through large numbers of predictions to identify true positives. CCS CONCEPTS • Software and its engineering → Automated static analysis.
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