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Terza spedizione di rilevamento archeologico sul relitto del sommergibile della Regia Marina Scirè, affondato il 10 agosto 1942 di fronte al porto di Haifa nell'allora Palestina Mandataria Britannica, oggi Israele. Con il patrocinio del Ministero degli Affari esteri della Repubblica Italiana e dell'Associazione Nazionale Arditi Incursori Marina della Marina Militare Italiana. Explorers Club Flag 211.
SOMMARIO Saggi Ilaria Caloi, Breaking with tradition? The adoption of the wheel-throwing technique at Protopalatial Phaistos: combining macroscopic analysis, experimental archaeology and contextual information Elisabetta Borgna, Gaspare De Angeli, Ordinary people in the flow of history. Tomb 6 from the Trapeza cemetery, Aigion, and the Mycenaeans in Eastern Achaea Manolis I. Stefanakis, Evidence and some speculations on Bronze Age presence at wider area of Kymissala, Rhodes Germano Sarcone, Statue arcaiche in terracotta da Efestia (Lemno) Paolo Persano, L'amazzone tardo-arcaica dagli Horti Sallustiani: riesame di una scultura greca a Roma Federico Figura, Il destino di un vaso. La lekanis del Pittore di Berlino, dalla bottega al Persephoneion locrese Tommaso Serafini, Telesterion: contributo alla definizione di una tipologia architettonica e funzionale Barbara Carè, Bones of bronze: new observations on the astragalus bone metal replicas Paolo Storchi, Ricerche sull'urbanistica dell'antica Calcide Paolo Carafa, Paesaggi di Magna Grecia Anna Anguissola, Sara Lenzi, La policromia degli elementi non figurati nella scultura greca e romana. Proposte per uno studio del colore di puntelli, sfondi, basi Filippo Coarelli, Tessalonica, Segni e il culto isiaco Jessica Piccinini, The Roman Agora of Apollonia in Illyria: a space for the imperial cult Antonella Merletto, The forica of Kos in the peristyle typology of Roman public toilets Niccolò Cecconi, L'edificio di od. Misaraliotou ad Atene e il suo contesto urbano Simona Antolini, Silvia Maria Marengo, Yuri A. Marano, Roberto Perna, Luan Përzhita, La prima attestazione del culto dei santi Cosma e Damiano nell'Epirus Vetus dagli scavi della fortificazione di Palokastra (Valle del Drino, Albania) Maria Cecilia D'Ercole, Measures, prices and values of salt in ancient societies Massimiliano Santi, La Scuola e il Possedimento Giacomo Fadelli, L'esplorazione dell'isola di Gavdos di Antonio Maria Colini e Doro Levi (agosto 1925) In ricordo di Dina Peppa Delmouzou Giovanni Marginesu, Segreti di bottega e trasparenza amministrativa. Il caso della fusione del bronzo nell'Attica classica Daniela Marchiandi, Ancora sul peribolo di Menyllos ovvero la microstoria di una famiglia di Halai Aixonides Enrica Culasso Gastaldi, Kabirion di Lemnos: le iscrizioni rinvenute nell'Esedra e nel quartiere tardo-romano Manuela Mari, Un regno e le sue "capitali". Frammenti della storia di Anfipoli in età ellenistica Adalberto Magnelli, Per una ipotesi di rilettura dell'accordo fra Gortina e Festo, ICr iV 165 (240-222 a.C.) Francesco Camia, Sacrificare agli imperatori: una dedica su altare a Settimio Severo da Filippi (CIPh II.1, N.24) Scavi e ricerche Creta Eleonora Pappalardo, Urne figurate da Priniàs (Creta). Il "Protogeometrico B" tra Dark Age e alto arcaismo Lemno Riccardo Di Cesare, Il santuario arcaico dell'acropoli di Efestia (Lemno): l'Edificio con stipe. Seconda relazione preliminare (scavi 2019) Carlo De Domenico, Dario Anelli, Rossana Valente, La basilica del porto orientale di Efestia (Lemno). Relazione preliminare delle ricerche del 2019 Rossella Pansini, Luca Passalacqua, Le cave orientali di Efestia (Lemno). Relazione delle attività del 2019 Ilaria Trafficante, Il teatro di Efestia (Lemno): scavi 1937 e 1939 Argolide Barbara Davidde Petriaggi, Panagiota Galiatsatou, Salvatore Medaglia, The submerged "Villa of the dolia" near ancient Epidaurus. The preliminary results of the first excavation and conservation campaign Panagiota Galiatsatou, Barbara Davidde Petriaggi, Angelos Tsompanidis, The 2018 underwater survey in Hormos Agiou Vlassi (ancient Epidaurus): preliminary results Megaride Emeri Farinetti, Panagiota Avgerinou, Ricerche nella Megaride occidentale Atti della Scuola: 2019 (E. Papi)
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SVMMARIVM Praefatio Curriculum vitae Marii Segre » Marii Segre scripta Siglorum conspectus De Calymniorum historia testimonia De investigationibus epigraphicis in Calymna insula Calymniorum decreta Exterarum urbium decreta: Coorum Cnidiorum arbitrium Dubiae significationis decretorum fragmenta Statuarum humanarum dedicationes Manumissiones Tituli sepulcrales Pothaea Panormus Orcatus Tituli christiani Varia et incerta Insulae Calymniae Addenda Indices: I. Index nominum 1. Calymnii cives 2. Metocci 3. Nomina servorum 4. Reges, imperatores eorumque propinqui 5 Romanorum magistratus 6. Exterarum urbium cives II. Geographica III. Res publica: Calymniorum 1.Senatus, populus etc. 2. Civitas, pagi, tribus 3. Honores, privilegia 4. Magistratus 5. Varia Coorum Ceterarum Graecarum gentium Romanorum Res iudiciale IV. Res sacrae: 1. Dii, deae, heroes 2. Feriae, agonistica 3. Sacerdotes 4. Menses 5. Varia V. Notabiliora Comparatio numerorum
The author outlines a short history of the interrelationships between Italian and foreign prehistory scholars in the period going from the unification of Italy to 1945. There was a remarkable season of excavations and research during the second half of the nineteenth century that also helped to create a bond between the Italians and the scholars of other European countries. The beginning of the twentieth century was characterized by a progressive isolation of Italians studying their country's prehistory. A new phase begins in 1940 with the excavations of Luigi Bernabò Brea in the Arene Candide cave and joint projects of archaeological research and excavations became a reality starting at the end of the Second World War. t he relationship between nationalism and Italian archaeology has been dealt with at length; 1 what is still missing is a study of the complex inter-relationships between Italian pre-and protohistoric archaeologists and their european colleagues, in the period from the unification of Italy to 1945. 2 the "science of the illiterates" was the famous aphorism of theodor mommsen (although nowhere to be found in his books or articles!) quoted by giovanni Patroni in his preface to La Preistoria (1937) that labelled prehistoric archaeology. It was mommsen himself who wrote in another famous passage in his introduction to his Römische Geschichte (The History of Rome 1854-1855), how it was to be excluded that in Italy "the human race is more ancient than field cultivation and the fusion of metal". 3 In fact, four years before, giuseppe Scarabelli, "the alpha and omega of Italian prehistory" as he was called by gabriel De mortillet, 4 published the first report on palaeolithic tools found in Italy. this publication not only sparked the beginning of a remarkable season of excavations and research, which took place during the second half of the nineteenth century, but also helped to create a bond between the Italians and the scholars of other european countries.
I volumi dei Supplementi sono sottoposti a valutazione del comitato scientifico-editoriale e approvati da referees anonimi.
and Reggio Emilia, organized the meeting in Modena (26-28 February 2018), in the historical and recently restored San Geminiano building. The scientific contributions were presented in 8 talk sessions and one poster session. Multidisciplinary ABG Archaeo-Bio-Geo studies on environmental reconstructions and palaeoecological research involving analyses of archaeological survey, human and animal bones, sometimes integrated to isotopic or molecular data, remote sensing and GIS, are reported in this e-book. Botany is the prevalent biological field contributing to environmental reconstructions, with analyses on plant macroremains, non-pollen palynomorphs and pollen, and with studies on flora and vegetation changes. Study areas are mainly centered on European countries, Mediterranean and Northern Africa, including five abstracts on Sahara, while two contributions concern South America. The 1 st Conference, called "The Archaeobotanical work group", was organized in 2005, and was a working group round-table meeting between experts on environmental studies and archaeologists of the Czech Republic. Then, the meeting became an annual conference with more and more attendants from other countries. In 2017, the 13 th CEA took place in Nitra, Slovakia, and was for the first time outside the Czech Republic. In Italy, the CEA2018 has been especially rich of presentations and interdisciplinary approaches, with many countries represented as study areas and participants coming to Modena. Titles and list of co-authors show an unexpectedly rich number of contributions to the Environmental Archaeology by Italian specialists joining colleagues from the Czech Republic,
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BABESCH - Bulletin Antieke Beschaving, 2003
FOLD&R Fasti On Line Documents & Research, 494, 2021
Organon 54 pp.125-151, 2022
RACTA 2018 Ricerche di Archeologia Cristiana, Tardantichità e Altomedioevo, 2019
In Vicino Oriente XVII, 2013, 2013
Fragmenta, 2008