Auditory processing in the vegetative state



H 2 15 O-PET was used to investigate changes in regional cerebral blood flow in response to auditory stimulation in patients in the vegetative state. Five patients in a vegetative state of hypoxic origin were compared with 18 age-matched controls. In addition, the cerebral metabolism of these patients and 53 age-matched controls was studied using [ 18 F]fluorodeoxyglucose. In control subjects, auditory click stimuli activated bilateral auditory cortices [Brodmann areas (BA) 41 and 42] and the contralateral auditory association cortices (BA 22). In the patients, although resting metabolism was decreased to 61% of normal values, bilateral auditory areas 41 and 42 showed activation as seen in the controls, but the temporoparietal junction cortex (BA 22) failed to be activated. Moreover, the auditory Keywords: vegetative state; consciousness; functional neuroimaging; statistical parametric mapping; positron emission tomography Abbreviations: BA ϭ Brodmann area; rCBF ϭ regional cerebral blood flow; rCMRGlu ϭ regional cerebral metabolic rate for glucose; SPM ϭ statistical parametric mapping; STG ϭ superior temporal gyrus; STS ϭ superior temporal sulcus; TTG ϭ transverse temporal gyrus