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Puji syukur senantiasa kami haturkan kepada Allah SWT yang telah melimpahkan rahmat serta karunia-Nya kepada kami sehingga karya tulis yang berjudul "Konseling dalam Perspektif Islam", ini dapat terselesaikan dengan baik.
Frly, 2023
Konsep dasar teori konseling kelompok pengertian, tujuan, fungsi, asas, dan materi
Alibkin, 2014
The aims of this study was to know whether social interaction with peers could be increased by using group guidance service. The method used Quasi experimental one group pretest-posttest design, and stastiscally analyzed by non-parametric wilcoxon test. The subjects of this study were 8 student, which had low social interaction. The results in research showed that social interaction with peers increased significantly after following the group guidance services. It was shown from the pretest and posstest results which obtained z table 0,05= 0 and z output=-2,512. Because z output ≤ z table, then Ho was refused and Ha was received. It meant that there were significant increases between the social interaction with peers before and after group guidance services. The conclusions was that interaction with peers could be increased by using group guidance services towards students of eleventh grade of SMA Negeri 1 Tanjung Bintang in 2012/2013. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apakah interaksi sosial dengan teman sebaya dapat ditingkatkan melalui layanan bimbingan kelompok Metode yang digunakan adalah metode Quasi eksperimen one group pretest-posttest, dianalisis dengan statistik non parametrik menggunakan uji wilcoxon. Subyek penelitian ini delapan orang siswa yang memiliki interaksi sosial rendah dengan teman sebaya. Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa interaksi sosial dengan teman sebaya mengalami peningkatan signifikan setelah pemberian layanan bimbingan kelompok. Hal ini ditunjukkan dari hasil pretest dan posttest yang diperoleh Z hitung =-2,512 dan Z tabel = 0. Karena Z hitung ≤ Z tabel, maka Ho ditolak dan Ha diterima, artinya terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara interaksi sosial dengan teman sebaya sebelum dan setelah diberikan layanan bimbingan kelompok. Kesimpulan, interaksi sosial dengan teman sebaya dapat ditingkatkan melalui layanan bimbingan kelompok pada siswa kelas XI SMA N 1 Tanjung Bintang Tahun Pelajaran 2012/2013. Kata kunci : bimbingan kelompok, interaksi sosial, teman sebaya.
Nosipakabelo: Jurnal Bimbingan dan Konseling Islam
Self-efficacy is one of the important factors in healing the Covid-19 infection. In this case, group counseling was considered capable of increasing the self-efficacy of Covid-19 survivors. The aim of this study was to determine whether group counseling was able to increase the self-efficacy of Covid-19 survivors. This research was carried out using a quantitative approach with the type of experiment. The design used was the one group pretest-posttest design. The sample in this study was drawn randomly with a total of 10 people. Self-efficacy was measured using the GSE (General Self-efficacy) instrument. Data were analyzed using sign test. The results shown that group counseling was able to increase the self-efficacy of Covid-19 survivors. This increase further strengthens that counseling services can be used to help psychological barriers related to the Covid-19 pandemic.
FOKUS (Kajian Bimbingan & Konseling dalam Pendidikan)
The purpose of this study is to determine group guidance services in increasing student self-confidence. This research method uses literature review method from previous research. The subjects of this study are some of the results of previous research which are in accordance with the variables discussed in this research. From the results of research group guidance services can be used as an effort to increase student self-confidence, this is evidenced by a change in the subject after the implementation of group guidance (previous literature review). Based on the results of the study that had been done, it was found that through the group guidance technique the students' self-confidence began to build. This can be seen from the increased students' understanding of the rules in life and increased confidence in themselves regarding the ways that can be done in solving each problem. The conclusion of this study is that group guidance services can be used to increase students'...
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Edukasia : Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Islam, 2015
Jurnal Ilmiah Bening : Belajar Bimbingan dan Konseling, 2020
KONSELING EDUKASI "Journal of Guidance and Counseling", 2019