A Module-Based Framework for Multi-language Constraint Modeling

2009, Lecture Notes in Computer Science


We develop a module-based framework for constraint modeling where it is possible to combine different constraint modeling languages and exploit their strengths in a flexible way. In the framework a constraint model consists of modules with clear input/output interfaces. When combining modules, apart from the interface, a module is a black box whose internals are invisible to the outside world. Inside a module a chosen constraint language (approaches such as CP, ASP, SAT, and MIP) can be used. This leads to a clear modular semantics where the overall semantics of the whole constraint model is obtained from the semantics of individual modules. The framework supports multi-language modeling without the need to develop a complicated joint semantics and enables the use of alternative semantical underpinnings such as default negation and classical negation in the same model. Furthermore, computational aspects of the framework are considered and, in particular, possibilities of benefiting from the known module structure in solving constraint models are studied.