Twenty five years of Discursive Psychology

British Journal of Social Psychology, 51(3), 405-412


In celebration of 25 years of the Discourse and Rhetoric Group (DARG) in the Department of Social Sciences at Loughborough University, this special issue is an invitation to reflect critically on original and innovative ways of doing social psychology. It brings together the key voices, themes, arguments, contributions, and contributors that have shaped the emergence of, and the debate around, what is now called Discursive Psychology (DP). This special issue of the British Journal of Social Psychology focuses on the 'Loughborough school' of social psychology, where preoccupations with discourse and social psychology emerged as a dynamic, new enterprise in social psychology in the 1980s and early 1990s. This special issue seeks to address some of the challenges, fulfilled and unfulfilled promises, forgotten tropes, and historical aspects of (discourse analysis in) social psychology. The relationship between discourse and social psychology has been many things to many scholars. The DARG at Loughborough has given it an original and idiosyncratic focus.