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2003, Arxiv preprint quant-ph/0303083
Curvature-induced bound-state eigenvalues and eigenfunctions for a particle constrained to move on the surface of a torus are calculated. A limit on the number of bound states that a torus with minor radius a and major radius R can support is obtained. A condition for mapping constrained particle wave functions on the torus into free particle wave functions is established.
Physica Scripta, 2005
The curvature potential arising from confining a particle initially in threedimensional space onto a curved surface is normally derived in the hard constraint q → 0 limit, with q the degree of freedom normal to the surface. In this work the hard constraint is relaxed, and eigenvalues and wave functions are numerically determined for a particle confined to a thin layer in the neighborhood of a toroidal surface. The hard constraint and finite layer (or soft constraint) quantities are comparable, but both differ markedly from those of the corresponding two dimensional system, indicating that the curvature potential continues to influence the dynamics when the particle is confined to a finite layer. This effect is potentially of consequence to the modelling of curved nanostructures.
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 2012
We study the quantum dynamics of a particle bound on a torus in the presence of an external magnetic field. We derive and discuss the effective Schrödinger equation for the surface eigenmodes and the corresponding quantum effective potential which is periodic and exhibits quantum anti-centrifugal force for nonvanishing angular momentum quantum numbers. An energy band structure of pure geometrical origin emerges naturally which can be tested experimentally in semiconducting as well as carbon nanotori.
Physica Scripta, 2022
We give analytical expressions for the eigenvalues and generalized eigenfunctions ofT3, the z-axis projection of the toroidal dipole operator, in a system consisting of a particle confined in a thin film bent into a torus shape. We find the quantization rules for the eigenvalues, which are the essential for describing measurements ofT3. The eigenfunctions are not square integrable, so they do not belong to the Hilbert space of wave functions, but they can be interpreted in the formalism of rigged Hilbert spaces as kernels of distributions. While these kernels appear to be problematic at first glance due to singularities, they can actually be used in practical computations. In order to illustrate this, we prescribe their action explicitly and we also provide a normalization procedure.
Bohmian trajectories on the toroidal surface T^2 are determined from eigenfunctions of the Schrodinger equation. An expression for the monodromy matrix M(t) on a curved surface is developed and eigenvalues of M(t) on T^2 calculated. Lyapunov exponents for trajectories on T^2 are found for some trajectories to be of order unity.
An effective one-dimensional Schr\"odinger equation for a spinless particle constrained to motion near a toroidal helix immersed in an arbitrarily oriented constant magnetic field is developed. The dependence of the induced toroidal moments on the magnetic flux through the helix is presented. The magnitude of the moments depend strongly on the component of the field normal to the toroidal plane. A strong dependence on coil eccentricity is also indicated. It is also shown that field-curvature coupling potential terms are necessary to preserve the Hermiticity of the minimal prescription Hamiltonian.
The eigenvalues and a series representation of the eigenfunctions of the Schrodinger equation for a particle on the surface of a torus are derived.
Annals of Physics, 2017
The experimental techniques have evolved to a stage where various examples of nanostructures with nontrivial shapes have been synthesized, turning the dynamics of a constrained particle and the link with geometry into a realistic and important topic of research. Some decades ago, a formalism to deduce a meaningful Hamiltonian for the confinement was devised, showing that a geometry-induced potential (GIP) acts upon the dynamics. In this work we study the problem of prescribed GIP for curves and surfaces in Euclidean space R 3 , i.e., how to find a curved region with a potential given a priori. The problem for curves is easily solved by integrating Frenet equations, while the problem for surfaces involves a non-linear 2nd order partial differential equation (PDE). Here, we explore the GIP for surfaces invariant by a 1-parameter group of isometries of R 3 , which turns the PDE into an ordinary differential equation (ODE) and leads to cylindrical, revolution, and helicoidal surfaces. Helicoidal surfaces are particularly important, since they are natural candidates to establish a link between chirality and the GIP. Finally, for the family of helicoidal minimal surfaces, we prove the existence of geometry-induced bound and localized states and the possibility of controlling the change in the distribution of the probability density when the surface is subjected to an extra charge.
Nuclear Physics B, 1997
We interpret instantons on a torus with twisted boundary conditions, in terms of bound states of branes. The interplay between the SU (N ) and U (1) parts of the U (N ) theory of N 4-branes allows the construction of a variety of bound states. The SU (N ) and U (1) parts can contribute fractional amounts to the total instanton number which is integral.
Physical Review B, 2008
We study Heisenberg model of classical spins lying on the toroidal support, whose internal and external radii are r and R, respectively. The isotropic regime is characterized by a fractional soliton solution. Whenever the torus size is very large, R → ∞, its charge equals unity and the soliton effectively lies on an infinite cylinder. However, for R = 0 the spherical geometry is recovered and we obtain that configuration and energy of a soliton lying on a sphere. Vortex-like configurations are also supported: in a ring torus (R > r) such excitations present no core where energy could blow up. At the limit R → ∞ we are effectively describing it on an infinite cylinder, where the spins appear to be practically parallel to each other, yielding no net energy. On the other hand, in a horn torus (R = r) a singular core takes place, while for R < r (spindle torus) two such singularities appear. If R is further diminished until vanish we recover vortex configuration on a sphere. *
Europhysics Letters, 2020
In this paper, we study the subtle effect of constraints on the quantum dynamics of a point particle moving on a non-trivial torus knot. The particle is kept on the knot by the constraints, generated by curvature and torsion. In the Geometry-Induced Potential (GIP) approach, the Schrödinger equation for the system yields new results in particle energy eigenvalues and eigenfunctions, in contrast with existing results that ignored curvature and torsion effects. Our results depend on Γ, parameter that characterizes the global features of both the embedding torus and, more interestingly, the knottedness of the path.
Geometry, Integrability and Quantization, 2016
We show that the torus in R 3 is a critical point of a sequence of functionals F n (n = 1, 2, 3,. . .) defined over compact surfaces (closed membranes) in R 3. When the Lagrange function E is a polynomial of degree n of the mean curvature H of the torus, the radii (a, r) of the torus are constrained to satisfy a 2 r 2 = n 2 −n n 2 −n−1 , n ≥ 2. A simple generalization of torus in R 3 is a tube of radius r along a curve α which we call it toroidal surface (TS). We show that toroidal surfaces with non-circular curve α do not provide minimal energy surfaces of the functionals F n (n = 2, 3) on closed surfaces. We discuss possible applications of the functionals discussed in this work on cell membranes.
The Hamiltonian for a particle constrained to motion near a toroidal helix with loops of arbitrary eccentricity is developed. The resulting three dimensional Schr\"odinger equation is reduced to a one dimensional effective equation inclusive of curvature effects. A basis set is employed to find low-lying eigenfunctions of the helix. Toroidal moments corresponding to the individual eigenfunctions are calculated. The dependence
Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, 2022
The parity violation in nuclear reactions led to the discovery of the new class of toroidal multipoles. Since then, it was observed that toroidal multipoles are present in the electromagnetic structure of systems at all scales, from elementary particles, to solid state systems and metamaterials. The toroidal dipole T (the lowest order multipole) is the most common. In quantum systems, this corresponds to the toroidal dipole operatorT, with the projectionsTi (i = 1, 2, 3) on the coordinate axes. Here we analyze a quantum particle in a system with cylindrical symmetry, which is a typical system in which toroidal moments appear. We find the expressions for the Hamiltonian, momenta, and toroidal dipole operators in adequate curvilinear coordinates, which allow us to find analytical expressions for the eigenfunctions of the momentum operators. While the toroidal dipole is hermitian, it is not self-adjoint, but in the new set of coordinates the operatorT3 splits into two components, one of which is (only) hermitian, whereas the other one is self-adjoint. The self-adjoint component is the one which is physically significant and represents an observable. Furthermore, we numerically diagonalize the Hamiltonian and the toroidal dipole operator and find their eigenfunctions and eigenvalues. We write the partition function and calculate the thermodynamic quantities for a system of ideal particles on a torus. Beside proving that the toroidal dipole is self-adjoint and therefore an observable (a finding of fundamental relevance) such systems open up the possibility of making metamaterials which exploit the quantization and the quantum properties of the toroidal dipoles.
The time dependent Schrodinger equation inclusive of curvature effects is developed for a spinless electron constrained to motion on a toroidal surface and subjected to circularly polarized and linearly polarized waves in the microwave regime. A basis set expansion is used to determine the character of the surface currents as the system is driven at a particular resonance frequency. Surface current densities and magnetic moments corresponding to those currents are calculated. It is shown that the currents can yield magnetic moments large not only along the toroidal symmetry axis, but along directions tangential and normal to the toroidal surface as well.
We investigate the quantum mechanics of the doubled torus system, introduced by Hull [1] to describe T-folds in a more geometric way. Classically, this system consists of a world-sheet Lagrangian together with some constraints, which reduce the number of degrees of freedom to the correct physical number. We consider this system from the point of view of constrained Hamiltonian dynamics. In this case the constraints are second class, and we can quantize on the constrained surface using Dirac brackets. We perform the quantization for a simple T-fold background and compare to results for the conventional non-doubled torus system. Finally, we formulate a consistent supersymmetric version of the doubled torus system, including supersymmetric constraints.
Physics of Plasmas, 1994
Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and …, 2005
The Hamiltonian for a particle constrained to move on the surface of a curved nanotube is derived using the methods of differential forms. A two-dimensional Gram-Schmidt orthonormalization procedure is employed to calculate basis functions for determining the eigenvalues and eigenstates of a tubular arc (a nanotube in the shape of a hyperbolic cosine) with several hundred scattering centers. The curvature of the tube is shown to induce bound states that are dependent on the curvature parameter and bend location of the tube. r 2004 Published by Elsevier B.V.
A numerical method is presented which allows to compute the spectrum of the Schroedinger operator for a particle constrained on a two dimensional flat torus under the combined action of a transverse magnetic field and any conservative force. The method employs a fast Fourier transform to accurately represent the momentum variables and takes into account the twisted boundary conditions required by the presence of the magnetic field. An accuracy of twelve digits is attained even with coarse grids. Landau levels are reproduced in the case of a uniform field satisfying Dirac's condition. A new fine structure of levels within the single Landau level is formed when the field has a sinusoidal component with period commensurable to the integer magnetic charge.
Physical Review A, 2018
Investigating the geometric effects resulting from the detailed behaviors of the confining potential, we consider square and circular confinements to constrain a particle to a space curve. We find a torsion-induced geometric potential and a curvature-induced geometric momentum just in the square case, while a geometric gauge potential solely in the circular case. In the presence of electromagnetic field, a geometrically induced magnetic moment couples with magnetic field as an induced Zeeman coupling only for the circular confinement, also. As spin-orbit interaction is considered, we find some additional terms for the spin-orbit coupling, which are induced not only by torsion, but also curvature. Moreover, in the circular case, the spin also couples with an intrinsic angular momentum, which describes the azimuthal motions mapped on the space curve. As an important conclusion for the thin-layer quantization approach, some substantial geometric effects result from the confinement boundaries. Finally, these results are proved on a helical wire.
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