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The Concept of Nature in the Poetry of William Wordsworth and Robert Frost: A Comparative Study Muthanna Z. Almiqdady Department of English Language and Literature, Ajloun National University Jordan Abdel-Rahman H. Abu-Melhim Department of English Language and Literature, Al-Balqa’ Applied University, Jordan Mahmoud A. Al-Sobh Department of English Language and Literature, Ajloun National University, Jordan Abstract This research aims to investigate the different meanings for the term “nature”. Moreover, it seeks to identify the major similarities and differences in the use of nature in the poetry of William Wordsworth and Robert Frost. Since this research is theoretical in nature, it depends primarily on reviewing already published works on the topic. The researchers consulted a significant number of published references on the topic as well as specialized literary dictionaries, encyclopaedias, and the internet. The research concludes that the term “nature” has not always had the same meaning or carries the same level of significance. Also, the concept of nature in British literature should be studied, not only as it was employed by English romantic poets, but also as it was used by authors before and after the English Romantic Movement in order to see if nature was used in the same way. Moreover, scholars and literary critics should also research the concept of nature as used in the United States of America before and after Robert frost. Finally, the use of nature in poetry that reflects meditation under the influence of the bible should be explored especially that composed by early colonial poets. Keywords: Frost, nature, romanticism, transcendentalism, Wordsworth.
Frost, 2019
This research aims to investigate the different meanings for the term-nature‖. Moreover, it seeks to identify the major similarities and differences in the use of nature in the poetry of William Wordsworth and Robert Frost. Since this research is theoretical in nature, it depends primarily on reviewing already published works on the topic. The researchers consulted a significant number of published references on the topic as well as specialized literary dictionaries, encyclopaedias, and the internet. The research concludes that the term-nature‖ has not always had the same meaning or carries the same level of significance.
Nature has often been one of the prominent themes in literature. It has been the topic of celebration by the Romantics to have a way out from the hectic business of city life. On the other hand, the adaptation of the same subject has also been observed by the Modern poets to put emphasis on the realities and responsibilities of human existence. This paper aims at making a comparative study in the presentation of “Nature” by William Wordsworth, an English Romantic and Robert Frost, a Modern American.
Oeconomia Copernicana , 2022
William Wordsworth, English Romanticist and Robert Frost, American National Poet celebrate nature as their subject matter. The paper tries to compare the ideas of nature and its philosophy in both poets writing. Though there are obvious similarities between the two poets' takes on the subject, their perspectives on Nature couldn't be more different. Wordsworth is without a peer when it comes to nature poets. He holds a high reverence for the natural world and considers himself a priest or devotee. He has developed an entire philosophical system, a fresh perspective on the natural world. However, Frost is not into nature for its own sake. Unlike Wordsworth, he does not perceive nature as a source of strength, happiness, or moral well-being. Nature provides the same inspiration for both writers but in very different forms. Frost keeps his distance as an artist while Wordsworth is invested in the themes of his poems. Frost appears uncomplicated but is quite complicated compared to Wordsworth. Frost is a realist, an observer of the world, and an opponent of romance. On the other hand, Wordsworth is a transcendentalist, romantic, and mystic. Compared to Wordsworth, whose poetry is equally delightful at its beginning and end, Frost's poetry is more joyful at the beginning and more wisdom at the end.
International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Translation
This paper attempts to investigate the depiction of nature in the poetry of Robert Frost and how this treatment simultaneously resembles and differs from that of romantic poetry. Though he belongs to the era of modernism, his poetry carries numerous characteristics of romantic poetry. The researcher tries to compare the poetry of Robert Frost and that of the Romantics how they are identical or dissimilar in the representation of nature. Robert Frost might be called the interpreter of nature and humanity. He shows that he is a close observer of both nature and people. On the other hand, Romantic writers see nature as a source of inspiration, solace in agony, healer in mental illness, rescuer in struggling period, etc. They treat nature as Mother Nature where their poetry tells us the beauty of green forestland, woods, hills and mountains, riverbanks, pastoral scenarios, breezes and winds, fresh air, sunrises, and sunsets, etc. Whereas Robert Frost always tries to make a bridge betwee...
Scholars International Journal of Linguistics and Literature, 2021
This article attempts to deal with nature as a recurrent theme in William Wordsworth‟s poetry. He is one of the greatest romantic English poets. He views nature as a living entity that is a source of pleasure and education for him. He has given us sufficient heart-touching and beautiful poems that are the enduring treasures of romanticism, but only a few popular poems that reveal the growth and development of his love for nature, his concept of nature mysticism, joy in nature, universal love in nature, spiritual unity of nature, bond between nature and man, soothing influence and healing power of nature and nature‟s teaching potentiality have been taken from the corpus of his vast works under consideration for the study. Most of his poems can be well understood and analyzed through a vigilant consideration regarding his treatment of nature.
The Representation of Nature in Romantic Writing : William Blake , William Wordsworth , Lord Byron, 2020
This paper explores how the concept of 'Nature' appears in 19 th Century English literature by analysing the portrayal of nature in some of William Blake's, William Wordsworth's and Lord Byron's literary works. Nature is a recurrent thematic element in several literary movements, therefore , this paper will focus on the notion that the 19 th Century English authors utilize , as they depict this vision of nature in their literary works in an unprecedented way. In addition , this paper provides brief analyses of Blake's, Wordsworth's and Byron's literary excerpts to compare and contrast them in order to appreciate the similarities and differences in the ways in which nature was conceived by different poets in the English period of Romanticism .
isara solutions, 2020
William Wordsworth is universally recognized as a great poet of Nature. But he was not content to be thought as poet of Nature only, singing the sensuous bliss of a life lived in natural surroundings, like Cowper in The task: “God made the country, and Man Made the town”. Wordsworth is an outstanding philosophical poet, whose ultimate theme was not Nature only, but the heart of Man also. And the poetry of man took in his hands a rapid development as the poetry of Nature. Whereas Robert Frost is also a great poet of Nature but he is even greater as a poet of man. His landscapes are all landscape with human figures. Frost himself once remarked that he had hardly written two poems without a human being in them. He has written on almost every subject. He has illuminated things as common as a woodpile and as common as a Prehistoric pebble, as natural as a bird singing in its sleep and as ‘mechanistic’ as a revolt of a factory worker. On the other hand, Wordsworth’s poetry shows how human beings fit into the midst the interplaying forces of Nature. He believes that there is a pre-existing harmony between the mind of Man and Nature. Both the poets Wordsworth as a Romantic and Frost as a Modern, have different attitudes towards Nature and its relation to human beings.
This study shedding light on the nature of romanticism in English literature. This study shows the great impact of nature on English romantic poets. The movement of English romanticism has a great influence on English literature. So the study would like to show the role of the famous English romantic poets like SHELLY & KEATS, in adoring nature through poetry. It concluded that the English romantic poets who were influenced widely by nature have affected their literary product English poetry as well as adore nature and produce fantastic verses of poetry. It serves as a mirror which reflects all the humanistic activities in people social life. Their outlook on life, their ideas, emotions, and traditions. Poetry is one of the branches of English literature. It has been defined Wordsworth as the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings or the expression of imagination. Elfar (2010) mentioned according to Robert Frost, poetry is a rhythmical composition of words expressing an attitude, designed to surprise and delight and to arouse an emotional response (Kennedy, 1978:5), poetry is a rhythmical composition of words expressing an attitude designed to surprise and delight, and to arouse an emotional response.
In this article I have analyzed Wordsworth as a Romantic poet, influenced by beauty of nature, and painting life through the colorful brushes of nature, using the hues of imagination. Many critics have judged him as a poet, dealing with inner feelings and healing nature. Actually Wordsworth is much more than this. He has been an ardent lover of nature, sensitive towards humanity, and the life around him. Here I will discuss different approaches of Wordsworth towards nature, He saw nature, felt nature, and wrote nature but we can see that nature in Wordsworth’s hands is like a mirror, through which we can see life, is like a spring, through which all types of emotions flow and these emotions are so diverse that we never get bored. Nature – according to Wordsworth can be discussed under following headings.
The world of nature is very important to study of Frost's poetry. By using nature as a background of his poems, Frost clearly demonstrates meaning and values of life and often depicts some treatment of nature and the social situation that have included a characteristic portrayal of humanity. This study enables us to understand Frost's poetical theme and values that would explain his hidden voice of nature and examines human inner mind, exposing its conflicts and harmony through it. Some critics have identified him as a terrifying poet and others labeled him a pessimistic poet or, a dark naturalist. However, he has a constant vision of nature throughout the poems. More than anything else, the speaker of his poems uses sign and symbol of nature that take an identity of others. Furthermore, this study discusses his series of concrete images which echo his poetry and intensify clarification of human life on the conceptions of the world of nature.
International Journal of Social and Educational Innovation (IJSEIro), 2020
In recent years, studying connections between the human being and environment along with nature has been looked at as a topic of significant value for literary researchers. Thus, the emergence of eco-critical approach in the countries, which use English as their first language, holds the first position in this respect. This harmony of the two has been discussed for a while in world literature. This research studies literature review and pinpoints the positive view been presented by looking at eco-criticism. The methods used are textual analysis approach and eco-critical approach. The major points of this study are to investigate the main theme and shed light on it and the way William Wordsworth used his writings to protect the environment from destructions and the writer used eco-criticism or ecology in his works in his time. The environment and ecology in William Wordsworth's poems are the two things which have been dealt with because poems can serve human beings and make them aware of protecting the environment from pollution. This research consists of several essential points about the literature and nature as well as ecology. Besides, the paper presents an introduction about Englandin the nineteenth century, romanticism, and characteristics of romanticism as these are interrelated with eco-criticism.
International Journal of Advanced Research, 2022
Love for nature is one of the perennial characteristics perceived in Romantic poetry. English Romantic poets employ nature as an influential theme in their poetry: however their treatment of nature does not sound to be similar. This article aims at differentiating English Romantic poets preferential treatment of nature succinctly by including ten poems of five noted English Romantic poets, namely Wordsworth, Coleridge, Byron, Shelley and Keats. This article concludes that nature for Wordsworth is a sort of God or Goddess for Coleridge it is an expression of the mystical power for Byron it is a reflection of mankind for Shelley it is a healing power and for Keats it is a source of sensuousness inflaming sensual pleasures.
Journal of English Language and Literature, 2022
Robert Frost is arguably the greatest American poet of 20 th Century and if there is any truth to Emerson's maxim "to be great is to be misunderstood," then definitely Robert Frost is great as he is one of the most misunderstood poets. Critics have hotly debated whether or not he is a Nature-poet. This paper intends to examine the claim of Frost being a Nature-poet with an ecocritical perspective. We will review The Tuft of Flowers to understand whether or not he can be called Nature-poet. Humans have been writing poems about Nature for centuries and Frost has also described hills, mountains, valleys, rivers, forests, woods, flowers, animals, seasons, and seasonal changes in his poems in a beautiful way, but does description of flora and fauna in the poem makes the poet a Nature-poet has been studied in this paper.
Most of the scholars are agreeing with the fact that William Wordsworth is rightly the greatest poet of the countryside and of the life of nature in its all manifestations and beauty of nature. He has rightly considered physical aspects as well as spiritual aspects of human life on this planet. However, poets earlier to William Wordsworth like Burns, Cowper, Crabbe and Goldsmith had exhibited a fine appreciation for the beauties of nature. Nevertheless, we can't ignore that they were adorers of nature's external charms without having any mystical and philosophical approach to its inner life and spiritual message. It was William Wordsworth who revealed the inner soul of nature in his poems and to make it a better teacher than moral philosopher of the present and past. Most of the poems written by William Wordsworth fall within the category of poets of nature and a lot of his poems express a sense of humanity and love with mankind and nature. In this paper the researcher has revealed the fact that William Wordsworth is a poet of nature above all.
Among the Romantic poets William Wordsworth has a unique appellation as the poet of nature. A large bulk of his poetry centres round the theme of nature, its preservation, its rehabilitation and its motherly affection for all human beings. According to Wordsworth nature is a great universal resort for peace and solitude. If Coleridge saw nature as an auditorium of supernatural things, if Shelley saw nature as a preserver and destroyer, if Keats found a storehouse of sensuous beauty in nature, Wordsworth found nature to be a temple where he worships his deity. As De Quincey observes, "Wordsworth had passion for Nature fixed in his blood". In Tintern Abbey his philosophy of nature is summarized: '…..Well pleased to recognize Impact Factor 0.793 (IIFS)
qa publisher , 2017
The present study depicts the vision of nature in the romantic poetical imagination. The objectives of the study to explore Wordsworth and Coleridge's vision of nature by using poetical imagination in romantic poetry. The concept of nature having the connectedness to imagination in romantic poetry, stressing the faculty of imagination to get access to a kind of knowledge that cannot be provided by other means, the senses or rationality. This concept was initiated and developed only during the romantic period. The conceptualization of imagination in poetry as a tool to understand reality that indicates a change in the concept of poetic imagination in the modern period that is also prevailing in the poetry of current romanticists. In contemporary poetry and literature, modes of imagination are being used namely as; prosaic imagination, pictorial imagination, fancy imagination, fancy-realistic imagination and poetic imagination. In the concluding remarks, the researchers can say that William Wordsworth as romantics urges that a union with nature is what frees the mind from the stir and thrust of its own dark emotions in this materialistic world. Poetical imagination in poetry remains as important as it ever was, although now it is comprehensive from the faculty by which we engage the world to the faculty by which we take our stand on why that engagement might matter in the materialistic world as well as the spiritual world of thought.
Nature Oriented Verse: An Ecopoetic Critical Review of Romantic Poetry Sabrina Abdulkadhom Abdulridha Jelal, Department of English, College of Education for Human Sciences, Al-Zahraa University for Women, Iraq The concept of nature in literary works is not altogether a new phenomenon. It has been spotted in the earliest works of literature and has been a concept that poets approach, revealing how they perceive nature and what kind of relationship they might share. With every scientific discovery, however, an impact on the human mind may reframe the manner of perception. The twentieth century has witnessed a drastic increase in scientific studies that reveal the impact of humans on the natural environment, which in turn effected the way people think about the relationship between human societies and nature. With new perceptions of viewing nature, the way people narrate stories and write poetry has been changing as well. That is why the manner and aims of how nature has been approached and analyzed in poetry has drastically changed in today’s world. One of the most common eras that witnessed a wide use of nature is Romantic Age. This presentation shall analyze and evaluate Romantic poetry according to the most recent types of literary criticism; “ecocriticism” showing thereby if it is possible to categorize the poetic productions during this era under the means of “ecopoetry.” Keywords: Ecopoetry, Nature, Ecocriticism, Romanticism, Global Warming The Sixth International Conference on Languages, Linguistics, Translation and Literature 9-10 October 2021 , Ahwaz For more information, please visit the conference website: WWW.LLLD.IR
GEMA Online Journal of Language Studies, 2019
This paper is a comparative ecocritical investigation considering the relationship between man and nature in cross-cultural contexts as reflected in the poetry of two great admirers of nature in England and Malaysia: William Wordsworth and Ghulam Sarwar Yousuf. Both poets have composed poetry that strengthens man's bonds with nature and inspires environmental consciousness. Their nature poetry has been previously studied from different individual perspectives, but none has approached it comparatively from an ecocritical stylistic viewpoint. This study aims at analyzing selected nature poetry to identify the unique philosophy of nature both poets adopted, highlighting the artistic and aesthetic values their poetry are teeming with. The study demonstrates the cognitive development of the poets' environmental consciousness through three phases of attitudes towards nature; the physical, the intellectual and the mystical. Using major ecocritical concepts like ecocentrism, symbiotic interrelationship and ecological consciousness, the study adopts a comparative stylistic approach to scrutinize linguistic and literary representation of nature in the selected poems. It identifies the similarities and differences between both poets concluding that despite differences in their times, places, cultures, language and style, there is an affinity between both poets in their treatment towards nature. The present study responds to the enormous need for literary-linguistic investigation of leitmotifs of nature across geographical, cultural, and linguistic contexts as a means of facilitating environmental sensitivity and sensibility.
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