Comparability of results from two leakage models

2008, Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology, Oral Radiology, and Endodontology

Objective. The goal of this study was to check whether leakage results of the same specimens measured by 2 different leakage models are similar. Study design. Canine root canals were prepared and filled with cold gutta-percha cones and 1 of 4 sealers (20 canals for each sealer). The 80 specimens were first connected to a fluid transport model where air-bubble movement was measured. The same specimens were later connected to a glucose penetration model where the concentration of glucose was measured. In both models, a headspace pressure of 30 kPa was used to accelerate leakage. Results. In both models, 4 sealers ranked the same regarding the leakage they allowed, and a significant correlation between the results of the 2 models was confined (Spearman test coefficient ϭ 0.65; P ϭ .000001).