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Electronic workflow is automation of a business process during which documents, informations or tasks are passed from one participant to another for action, according to a set of rules . Successful workflow solution is also able to handle exceptions to those roles. In this paper we introduce new web based application designed to achieve maximum efficiency in management of these business processes. We have combined information communication capabilities of the Internet and local Intranet to achieve better process automation and to improve the capabilities of the workflow, with which we easily reached every desktop in the organization.
Knowledge Based Systems, 2000
Explicit modeling of business processes and their enactment in work¯ow systems have proved to be valuable in increasing the ef®ciency of work in organizations. We argue that enacted business processes Ð i.e. work¯ow management systems Ð form a solid basis for adequate information support in complex and knowledge-intensive business processes. To support this claim we demonstrate results from two different projects.
Explicit modeling of business processes and their enactment in workflow systems have proved to be valuable in increasing the efficiency of work in organizations. We argue that enacted business processes - that is: workflow management systems (WfMS) - form a solid basis for adequate information support in complex and knowledge-intensive business processes. To support this claim we demonstrate results from two different projects: The VirtualOffice approach employs workflow context information to support the high-precision document analysis and understanding in standard office settings; the combination of workflow context and document analysis techniques allow for the automatic handling of incoming paper mail with respect to the appropriate workflows. The KnowMore approach focuses on the support of people who work on knowledge-intensive tasks by automatic delivery of relevant and goal-specific information; the context of the workflow, an extended process model, and a detailed modeling ...
Explicit modeling of business processes and their enactment in workflow systems have proved to be valuable in increasing the efficiency of work in organizations. We argue that enacted business processes -that is: workflow management systems -form a solid basis for adequate information support in complex and knowledge-intensive business processes. To support this claim we demonstrate results from two different projects: The VirtualOffice approach employs workflow context information to support the high-precision document analysis and understanding in standard office settings; the combination of workflow context and document analysis techniques allow for the automatic handling of incoming paper mail with respect to the appropriate workflows. The KnowMore approach focuses on the support of people who work on knowledge-intensive tasks by automatic delivery of relevant and goal-specific information; the context of the workflow, an extended process model, and a detailed modeling of information sources are combined to this end. Both approaches show ways to proceed from workflow systems towards active knowledge management.
Document management and workflow management systems have been widely used in large business enterprises to improve productivity. However, they still do not gain large acceptance in small and medium-sized businesses due to their cost and complexity. In addition, document management and workflow management concepts are often separated from each other. We combine the two concepts together and simplify the management of both document and workflow to fit small and medium business users. Our application, DocFlow, is designed with simplicity in mind while still maintaining necessary workflow and document management standard concepts including security. Approval mechanism is also considered. A group of actors can be assigned to a task, while only one of the team members is sufficient to make the group’s decision. A case study of news publishing process is shown to demonstrate how DocFlow can be used to create a workflow that fits the news publishing process.
International Conference on Grid Computing and Applications, 2010
Preservation of information is not a new issue but preservation of digital information has a relatively short history. Since the 60's when computers began to be used within administration, digital information that has had to be preserved over time. The problem addressed in this research is how to preserve understandable information over time. Information is context dependent, which means that without context it is not possible to use the information. Process is one part of the context. And an important issue when preserving information is then to be able to trace an information object to the process where in it has been created and managed. Associating information to a particular process creates the possibility of relating information objects to each other and also to the context in which the information has been created and used. The aim of this thesis is to identify and structure factors that can improve the traceability between information and processes over time. A set of factors based on case studies and a set of analytical methods are presented that can improve the traceability over time. These factors have been identified and structured by the use of the Synergy-4 model. They have been identified within four different spheres namely: competence, management, organization/procedure and technology. The factors have further been structured in three different time states namely: creation time, short and middle term and long-term. The research concludes that there are a lot of factors influencing ability to preserve information. Preservation issues include selection of metadata standards, organizational culture, lack of understanding from management and formalization of documents. The conclusion is that if an organization wants to succeed in preserving traceable information they have to build strategies that cover the issues from a range of different angles. This thesis suggests that crucial angles are competence, management, organization/procedure and technology. Furthermore, the strategies must be in place at the stage of creation of the information objects.
Social, managerial, …, 2010
Decision Support Systems, 2002
Internet-based electronic commerce is becoming the next frontier of new business opportunities. However, commerce on the Internet is seriously hindered by the lack of a common language for collaborative commercial activities. Although Extensible Markup Language (XML) allows trading partners to exchange semantic information electronically, it does not provide support for document routing. In this paper, we describe various inter-organizational electronic commerce applications and discuss their needs for workflow support. Then, we propose a blueprint for XRL, an Extensible Routing Language that enables routing of commercial documents over the Internet and helps in creating truly intelligent documents. This routing language is simple, yet powerful enough to support flexible routing of documents in the Internet environment. D
Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, 2019
For an organization to achieve benefits from records management, it needs to include several practices such as the implementation of a records management system in alignment with the organization's reality and business processes. The focus of this work is on framing records management in business process management by identifying the role that records management plays in business. This research is applied in the replacement of a records management system workflow module. This research proposes the replacement of the workflow module by a flexible and open source solution, composed by an enterprise service bus and two workflow engines, accessed through a single API. The solution proves to be a flexible and scalable solution to the workflow module and that can even be used by more systems than records management systems. The implementation of records management in organizations is analysed, including the alignment between business processes, records management and workflows. This research shows that records management acts as an essential component to business that supports business processes and all the phases of their management, allowing for improvement regarding the storage, management and monitoring of records while also optimizing the execution of business activities.
Proceedings of the international ACM SIGGROUP conference on Supporting group work : the integration challenge the integration challenge - GROUP '97, 1997
This paper presents a hybrid approach for the support of workflows in a ministerial environment that integrates a Web-based interface into a groupware platform. A scenario of the application area is examined to identify the basic requirements for an adequate user support. The basic PoLffeam approach for the support of workflows by electronic circulation folders is introduced. Focal point of the paper is the design of the Web-based interface for the interaction with electronic circulation folders and its seamless integration into the groupware platform.
With the rise of the Web as the major platform for making data and services available for both, humans and applications, a new challenge has become prevalent requiring the support of workflows management. This is a mature technology for automating and controlling business processes. A general task of the development of the workflow system in the current business activities is the implementation of principles of the automatic control for business systems. These systems do not consist of pure technical components, but they integrate both human and human-computer activities and non-automatic interactions. Thus, the implementation of the principles of the automation will benefit the exploitation behaviour of the business systems. This paper presents an implementation of a workflow system applied for the academic practice of a research organization. Illustrations with application of workflow design tools for modeling and execution are given.
When research in the area of office automation began more than 25 years ago [4] the typical enterprise infrastructure consisted of heterogeneous computing platforms and operating systems, different networking standards, a variety of email products and limited user interface technologies. These technical inconsistencies and the lack of processorientation within enterprises led to a slower-than-expected adoption of office and process automation technology [3].
Operating Information Systems in a Dynamic Global Business Environment
A medium manufacturing firm had since beginning organized itself around quality-driven transactions in information documents. This learning in documents transaction helped it in scoring large gains in productivity, in cost-cutting, and in evolving a sound performance measurement system. This set the norms of work. However globalization opened up opportunities and threats. The old system had sufficient information technology (IT) backing but it failed in motivating employees adopting a global information challenge. In order to compete internationally through differentiated products with high quality, this firm then reengineered its manufacturing. Market information substituted quality as driver of information transactions. The goal of the project was to Web-enable the firm. The IT project had to define business transactions as the unit, which would define transactions in information in object language first and subsequently as transactions in documents. Changes were then brought at t...
Many organisations struggle with the coordination of work. For example, procedures that are available on paper are not, or only partly, used in practice; work is stuck on desks of people for too long, task responsibilities are unclear and much effort is spent in corrective actions on procedural errors. To improve such situations, an understanding of the business process is necessary. The business challenge is to exploit the possibilities that improve and affect work coordination. Workflow management is considered as one of the essential techniques for providing efficiency and effectiveness for the Construction office. It allows the analysis of current workflow in order to detect potential bottlenecks and the design of new workflow patterns so those shortcomings can be eliminated. It is a new research area rooted in office automation, business administration, data communication; information system and computer supported cooperative work.
Proceedings of IEEE Region 10 International Conference on Electrical and Electronic Technology. TENCON 2001 (Cat. No.01CH37239), 2001
This paper discusses the proposed design for a workflow engine. Workflow is the automation of procedures where documents, information or work is passed between several processing entities. Work contains activities, which are done to achieve certain aims. Usually any work can be divided into smaller subworks. When the subworks have been executed, the original work is done. Each processing entity executes its own part before the work is passed onto the next processing entity. The paper focuses on the work database and two main engine modules. The modules are the work administrator and the user interface. Work administrator enables the engine to process the workflows. User interface provides two-way communication between the engine and the processing entities. Engine does the execution and the scheduIing of work by ensuring that the work is conveyed to the appropriate entity during a suitable interval. Work database stores the-work processing information. The initial results show that the prototype based on the design is capable of processing production-based workflow.
Handbook on Business Process Management 1, 2010
Workflow management has its origin in the office automation systems of the seventies, but it is not until fairly recently that conceptual and technological breakthroughs have led to its widespread adoption. In fact, nowadays, process-awareness has become an accepted and integral part of various types of systems. Through the use of process-aware information systems, workflows can be specified and enacted,
Workflow management systems, a relatively recent technology , are designed to make work more efficient, integrate heterogeneous application systems, and support interorganizational processes in electronic commerce applications. In this paper, we introduce the field of workflow automation, the subject of this special issue of Information Systems Frontiers. In the first part of the paper, we provide basic definitions and frameworks to aid understanding of workflow management technologies. In the remainder of the paper, we discuss technical and management research opportunities in this field and discuss the other contributions to the special issue.