Gender Mainstreaming - Hidden Leadership?

2011, Gender, Work & Organization


This article intends to open a discussion of what it might mean to lead gender equality mainstreaming in the context of significant changes in equality legislation and in the governance of the public services. The research data are drawn from two sources: a research workshop with public service managers in the south-west of England and interviews with equality advisors in five English local government organizations. The analysis contributes to a growing stream of feminist and critical leadership research that is concerned with the gendered, relational and interpretive practices of leading. It also contributes to research into forms of leadership that are emerging in the context of changes in the public services in the UK and more widely in the European Union. Leadership of gender mainstreaming is conceptualized in its gendered, relational and interpretive qualities. Address for correspondence: *Margaret L. Page, Bristol Business School, University of the West of England, Frenchay Campus, Coldharbour Lane, Bristol BS16 1QY; e-mail: Margaret.Page@ Gender, Work and Organization. ...

Key takeaways

  • The research presented in this article arose from discussions with local authority equality advisors and independent women's organizations about the need for stronger leadership to make gender mainstreaming work in their organizations.
  • In this context the quest for leadership was real but had the effect of masking the part played by equality advisors in leading gender equality.
  • Asked who were the key actors implementing gender equality in their organizations, they identified specific individuals with commitment to gender equality in internal and external organizations.
  • Five interlinked processes emerged when equality advisors were asked to describe their work to promote gender equality in local authorities and to reflect on where leadership was located.
  • Analysis of their accounts of how they went about their work to promote gender equality brought to light leadership of a different kind.