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Bryoria americana, B. glabra, and B. tortuosa are reported as new to Finland and B. tenuis has been found for the second time. All four species favour humid microclimate in forests with long continuity
The Lichenologist, 2011
The phylogenetic relationships of the genus Bryoria were examined using ITS, partial glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) and mitochondrial SSU rDNA sequence data in addition to 20 chemical and morphological characters. This first comprehensive molecular study to assess Bryoria phylogeny includes representatives from all the traditionally recognized four sections. Combined cladistic analyses of 88 Bryoria specimens representing at least 25 species resulted in highly resolved phylogenies. Based on the results, a new infrageneric classification for the genus is proposed. Five sections are recognized, largely corresponding to the existing classification, with the addition of section Americanae. The study shows that while most species with an erect growth-form are clearly monophyletic, current species status of many pendent taxa can be questioned.
Changes in the bryophyte flora in the Moricsala Island Nature Reserve over a 80-year period were determined using historical records and recent data. Detailed studies of the bryoflora on Moricsala were published in 1931 and 1979. A recent study was carried out starting in 2006, in which bryophytes were recorded separately on different substrates. In total, 182 taxa have been found in the study area, including 25 rare and WKH indicator species. The highest species richness occurs on the forest floor. Since 1931, much of the previous meadow habitat has overgrown to forest. Forests have become more shaded and substrate diversity has likely increased, leading to an increased number of epiphytic and epixylic species. Nine meadow species have become extinct in the study area.
A new species, Hygrophorus betulae, associated with Betula pubescens is described from the subalpine zone of northern Finland. The molecular phylogenetic analysis shows that it is closely related to H. mesotephrus, a species described from England and associated with Fagus. In morphology H. betulae is characterized by the small glutinous basidiomata and the pale pileus with an olive-grey disc zone. The colour of the disc zone is similar to that of H. olivaceoalbus. The species seems to be rare or may be overlooked because of the small and pale appearance.
Folia Cryptogamica Estonica, 2015
The updated list of Estonian bryophytes includes 594 species from all three phyla. Only one species is reported for Estonia according to the literature data, all others have voucher speciemens in herbaria, two of them outside of Estonia. Altogether 242 species are frequent in Estonia, 173 species are rare, and 161 are sporadically distributed. We do not have any recent data for 20 species, and their presence in Estonia is doubtful. In 2008 a new Estonian Red list was compiled and 369 bryophyte species were evaluated against IUCN criteria. Approximately one fifth of the Estonian bryoflora (129 species) is designated to the three threat categories.
Bryocentria hypothallina (Bionectriaceae, Hypocreales) is described as a new species. It grows necrotrophically on the liverwort Metzgeria furcata (Metzgeriales), causing bleached, insular infections. Ascomata are formed on the ventral side of the thalli and perforate them from below. The novel ascomycete species is recorded from France, Norway, and Spain. Thus, the obligately bryophilous genus Bryocentria now includes eight species. Our new species is characterized ecologically by its specialized microhabitat, and morphologically by having ascospores bearing tiny cyanophilous warts
Folia Cryptogamica Estonica
All Estonian bryophyte species (597) that had written records up to 2018 were evaluated against IUCN criteria. More than half of the species belong to the least concern category, but almost one fourth (158) is evaluated as threatened, and one tenth (65) as near threatened. Eleven species are data deficient and 15 species are considered to be regionally extinct from Estonia. To achieve adequate assessment results for a small country, some criteria were adjusted. Changes compared to the previous red list and threats to the species are discussed. This version replaces the version of the same paper from 2018-08-14.
The Lichenologist, 2014
Bryoria pseudocapillaris and B. spiralifera are currently treated as members of Bryoria section Implexae although conspicuous, long and depressed pseudocyphellae characterizing both species resemble those found in the genus Sulcaria. Both genera belong in Parmeliaceae and form an alectorioid group together with Alectoria, Gowardia and Pseudephebe. Parsimony and Bayesian analyses of ITS, partial GAPDH and partial Mcm7 sequence data were used to examine the phylogenetic position of B. pseudocapillaris and B. spiralifera, and in light of these results evaluate the generic delimitation of Bryoria and Sulcaria. A total of 110 specimens of 53 species containing representatives from alectorioid and closely related genera were included in the analyses. The results clearly show first, that both B. pseudocapillaris and B. spiralifera belong in Sulcaria rather than in Bryoria, and second, that they should be considered conspecific. Bryoria pseudocapillaris is proposed as a synonym under B. spiralifera and the name Sulcaria spiralifera comb. nov. is introduced.
Acta Musei Silesiae, Scientiae Naturales, 2014
Bryological research in Jizerskohorské bučiny National Nature Reserve was carried out in 2013. A total of 119 bryophytes were recorded on the studied area. A list of all recorded taxa, their threat status and short comments are given.
Folia Cryptogamica Estonica
Six species and one subspecies new for Estonia have been found during recent fieldworks. In addition, three varieties from our bryoflora are now accepted as species and so the number of species in Estonian bryoflora is currently 611. Voucher specimens are selected for all new species reported here. Most of the species are included preliminarily into category Data Deficient (DD) according to IUCN structure. Besides this, updated proposals for threat categories are given for four noteworthy bryophytes, which localities were inspected in 2019-2020. Estonian names are given to all new species.
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Acta Zoologica Lituanica, 2010
Chornomorski Botanical Journal, 2014
Journal of Bryology, 2014
Journal of Bryology, 2013