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1998, IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems
We present a new matrix formulation of the face hypercube embedding problem that motivates the design of an efficient search strategy to find an encoding that satisfies all faces of minimum length. Increasing dimensions of the Boolean space are explored; for a given dimension constraints are satisfied one at a time. The following features help to reduce the nodes of the solution space that must be explored: candidate cubes instead of candidate codes are generated, cubes yielding symmetric solutions are not generated, a smaller sufficient set of solutions (producing basic sections) is explored, necessary conditions help discard unsuitable candidate cubes, early detection that a partial solution cannot be extended to be a global solution prunes infeasible portions of the search tree. We have implemented a prototype package minimum input satisfaction kernel (MINSK) based on the previous ideas and run experiments to evaluate it. The experiments show that MINSK is faster and solves more problems than any available algorithm. Moreover, MINSK is a robust algorithm, while most of the proposed alternatives are not.
Different logic synthesis tasks have been formulated as input encoding problems but restricted to use a minimum number of binary variables. This paper presents an original column based algorithm to solve this optimization problem. The new algorithm targets economical implementation of face constraints unlike conventional algorithms which do not care about infeasible ones. Experimental results that demonstrate the superiority of the new method versus conventional tools and a previous algorithm specifically developed for the minimum length encoding problem are shown. An state assignment tool which core is the new algorithm is evaluated by implementing an standard benchmark of sequential circuits. It compares very favorably to well known tools like NOVA.
Abstract We present a new matrix formulation of the face hypercube embedding problem that motivates the design of an efficient search strategy to find an encoding that satisfies all faces of minimum length. Increasing dimensions of the Boolean space are explored; for a given dimension constraints are satisfied one at a time.
Circuit codes in hypercubes are generalized snake-inthe- box codes and are used in analog-to-digital conversion devices. The construction of the longest known circuit codes is based on either an exhaustive search or an algorithm that restricts the search to the codes with periodic coordinate sequences. In this paper, we describe an efficient SAT encoding of circuit codes, which enabled us to obtain new circuit codes.
Information Processing Letters, 1987
The problem of embedding a graph into a fixed-size hypercube is shown to be NP-complete. This work complements recent work of the present authors showing that deciding whether a graph is embeddable into any size hypercube is NP-complete as well. The reduction is from 3-partition.
One important aspect of efficient use of a hypercube computer to solve a given problem is the assignment of subtasks to processors in such a way that the communication overhead is low. The subtasks and their inter-communication requirements can be modeled by a graph, and the assignment of subtasks to processors viewed as an embedding of the task graph into the graph of the hypercube network. We survey the known results concerning such embeddings, including expansion/dilation tradeoffs for general graphs, embeddings of meshes and trees, packings of multiple copies of a graph, the complexity of finding good embeddings, and critical graphs which are minimal with respect to some property. In addition, we describe several open problems. . the hypercube is used to simulate a network with graph G the nodes of G must be mapped to the nodes of Q n , and, in order to keep communication overhead down, adjacent nodes of G should map to adjacent nodes of Q n insofar as possible. In designing (or adapting) an algorithm that performs a task T on the hypercube network, T is modeled with a "task graph", G T , in which the nodes represent subtasks and the edges represent communication requirements between the corresponding subtasks. Once again, the efficiency of the implementation depends strongly on the nature of the mapping into Q n . To keep communication overhead low, the nodes of G T must be mapped to the nodes of Q n so that pairs of adjacent nodes of G T map to pairs of adjacent nodes of Q n .
SIAM Journal on Computing, 1992
The boolean hypercube is a particularly versatile network for parallel computing.
Acta Mathematica Vietnamica, 2021
In this paper, we propose a method for determining all minimal representations of a face of a polyhedron defined by a system of linear inequalities. Main difficulties for determining prime and minimal representations of a face are that the deletion of one redundant constraint can change the redundancy of other constraints and the number of descriptor index pairs for the face can be huge. To reduce computational efforts in finding all minimal representations of a face, we prove and use properties that deleting strongly redundant constraints does not change the redundancy of other constraints and all minimal representations of a face can be found only in the set of all prime representations of the face corresponding to the maximal descriptor index set for it. The proposed method is based on a top-down search strategy, is easy to implement, and has many computational advantages. Based on minimal representations of a face, a reduction of degeneracy degrees of the face and ideas to impro...
IEEE Transactions on Computers, 2000
AbstractÐThe hypercube is an interesting and useful topology for parallel computation. While hypercubes have been analyzed in graph theory, this analysis has done little to determine the minimum area required for realizations of the hypercube topology on two-dimensional chips. In a common VLSI layout of the hypercube, the hypercube nodes are placed in a single-row in numeric order. This paper derives an easily computed formula for the minimum number of tracks used by this configuration. For an n-node hypercube, the number of tracks required is roughly two-thirds of n. This result is also a useful upper bound on the number of tracks required under optimal ordering. In general, the number of tracks required is a function of the ordering, but finding the optimal order (optimal in the sense of requiring the minimum number of tracks over all orderings) is NP-hard. Finally, the formula is applied to more area-efficient and practical two-dimensional hypercube layouts. In general, it allows estimation of and control over implementation parameters such as area and chip aspect ratios.
Journal of Symbolic Computation, 2010
We examine designs and binary codes associated with the line graph of the n-cube Qn, i.e. the Hamming graph H(n, 2). We find the automorphism groups and the parameters of the codes. We find a regular subgroup of the automorphism group that can be used for permutation decoding, or partial permutation decoding, for any information set.
International Journal of Parallel Programming, 1989
The hypercube embedding problem, a restricted version of the general mapping problem, is the problem of mapping a set of communicating processes to a hypercube multiprocessor. The goal is to find a mapping that minimizes the length of the paths between communicating processes. Unfortunately the hypercube embedding problem has been shown to be NP-hard. Thus many heuristics have been proposed
Information Sciences, 2001
We present an optimal greedy algorithm which returns a Gray-code labeling of the nodes of an n-dimensional hypercube; that is, a labeling of the nodes with binary strings of length n for which the Hamming distance between two nodes is 1 if and only if these are adjacent in the hypercube. The proposed algorithm is very simple; it uses breadth-®rst search to guide the greedy choice of nodes and computes the Gray-code label of a node u by performing the logical disjunction of the Gray-code labels of two nodes adjacent to node u. It takes as input a hypercube Q n with N 2 n nodes and runs in ON log N time. Based on the labeling algorithm we propose a recognition algorithm for hypercubes which runs in ON log N time. Thus, in view of the fact that Q n has n2 nÀ1 edges, this behaviour is optimal. Both labeling and recognition algorithms incorporate such algorithmic features that they can be optimally implemented in a PRAM model of computation.
Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications, 1999
Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 1988
One important aspect of efficient use of a hypercube computer to solve a given problem is the assignment of subtasks to processors in such a way that the communication overhead is low. The subtasks and their inter-communication requirements can be modeled by a ...
VLSI Design, 2002
Frequently, the logic designer deals with functions with symbolic input variables. The binary encoding of such symbols should be chosen to optimize the final implementation. Conventionally, this input encoding (IE) problem has been solved in a two-step process. First step generates constraints on the relationship between codes for different symbols, called group constraints. In a following step, symbols are encoded such that constraints are satisfied. This paper addresses the partial input encoding problem (PIE), a variation of the IE problem which generates codes of minimum length. The role of group constraints within the framework of the PIE problem has been questioned. This paper describes an algorithm that unlike conventional approaches, which try to maximize the number of satisfied constraints, targets the economical implementation of each input constraint. The proposed approach is based on a powerful heuristic that produces high quality results in shorter time compared to prev...
[1991] Proceedings. The Fifth International Parallel Processing Symposium
The hypercube has emerged as one of the most e ective and popular architecture for parallel machines and several hypercube based machines (e.g; Intel IPSc and NCUBE) are commercially available. Hypercube popularity may be attributed to its regular structure and its rich interconnection topology 17]. Despite its versatility, hypercube topology requires that the number of nodes must be a power of 2. In order to alleviate this shortcoming, several`incomplete' hypercube-like architectures have been proposed. Katse proposed in 13] an n-node Incomplete Hypercube by taking nodes 0 through n ? 1 of a complete hypercube. He showed that broadcasting and nodeto-node communication algorithms for incomplete hypercubes are similar to ones of a complete hypercube. Tzeng et. al. 18] investigated a restricted version of the Katse 's de nition by considering only those nnode incomplete hypercubes, where n = 2 l + 2 m ; l > m. They investigated the capability of this architecture to simulate binary trees and two dimensional meshes. In 4, 7], we de ned a generalization of incomplete hypercubes, called Composite Hypercubes. Composite hypercubes are not restricted to the rst n nodes of a com
IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, 1994
Three encoding problems relevant to the synthesis of digital circuits are input, output, and state encoding. Several encoding strategies have been proposed in the past that decompose the encoding problem into a two step process of constraint generation and constraint satisfaction. The latter requires the assignment of binary codes to symbols subject to the satisfaction of constraints on the codes. This paper focuses on the constraint satisfaction problem. We prove that constraint satisfaction is NP-complete. We develop a framework for the satisfaction of both input and output encoding conspaints, and describe a polynomial time (in the number of &mbols to be encoded) algorithm to check for the existence of a solution for a set of input and output constraints. An exact algorithm to determine the minimum number of encoding bits required to satisfy all the given constraints is provided, and a heuristic algorithm is also described. The application of this framework to a variety of encoding problems with different cost functions is illustrated. Experimental results on standard benchmarks are given for the exact and heuristic algorithms. T area may be minimized. The first is the conversion of a register-transfer level description with symbolic input and output variables into a logic-level implementation by assigning binary codes to the symbolic variables leading to an area-efficient implementation. This problem is termed the encoding problem. The second is logic optimization that is performed on the implementation derived from the first stage; see [3] for a survey of the significant contributions in the last decade that have advanced the theory of logic optimization. A successful paradigm used in solving the encoding problem binds these two stages together by applying logic minimization on an un-encoded specification followed by a transformation of the minimized symbolic representation to an equivalent binary implementation [8]. Thus, encoding also becomes a two phase process; first, obtaining a multi-valued minimized representation together with a set of constraints on the codes of the symbolic variables, and second, finding an encoding that satisfies the constraints. The constraints, if satisfied, are Manuscript
arXiv (Cornell University), 2022
Binary codes are constructed from incidence matrices of hypergraphs. A combinatroial description is given for the minimum distances of such codes via a combinatorial tool called "eonv". This combinatorial approach provides a faster alternative method of finding the minimum distance, which is known to be a hard problem. This is demonstrated on several classes of codes from hypergraphs. Moreover, self-duality and self-orthogonality conditions are also studied through hypergraphs. * © Intel Corporation. Intel, the Intel logo, and other Intel marks are trademarks of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries. Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others.
Journal of Interconnection Networks, 2012
Graph embedding has been known as a powerful tool for implementation of parallel algorithms and simulation of interconnection networks. In this paper, we introduce a technique to obtain a lower bound for the dilation of an embedding. Moreover, we give algorithms for embedding variants of hypercubes with dilation 2 proving that the lower bound obtained is sharp. Further, we compute the exact wirelength of embedding folded hypercubes and augmented cubes into hypercubes. embedding is defined as the maximum distance between a pair of vertices of H that are images of adjacent vertices of G. It is a measure for the communication time needed when simulating one network on another. Another important cost criteria is the wirelength. The wirelength of a graph embedding arises from VLSI designs, data structures and data representations, networks for parallel computer systems, biological models that deal with cloning and visual stimuli, parallel architecture, structural engineering and so on. 3,4 Even though there are numerous results and discussions on the wirelength problem, most of them deal with only approximate results and the estimation of lower bounds. 5, Graph embeddings have been well studied for binary trees into paths, 4 binary trees into hypercubes, 2,7 complete binary trees into hypercubes, 8 incomplete hypercube in books, 9 tori and grids into twisted cubes, 10 meshes into locally twisted cubes, 11 meshes into faulty crossed cubes, 1 meshes into crossed cubes, 12 generalized ladders into hypercubes, 13 grids into grids, 14 binary trees into grids, 15 hypercubes into cycles, 6,16 star graph into path, 17 snarks into torus, 18 generalized wheels into arbitrary trees, 19 hypercubes into grids, 20 m-sequencial k -ary trees into hypercubes, 21 meshes into möbius cubes, 22 ternary trees into hypercubes, 23 enhanced and augmented hypercubes into complete binary trees, 24 circulant into arbitrary trees, cycles, certain multicyclic graphs and ladders, 25 hypercubes into cylinders, snakes and caterpillars, 26 hypercubes into necklace, windmill and snake graphs, 27 embedding of special classes of circulant networks hypercubes and generalized Petersen graphs. In recent years, among many interconnection networks, the hypercube has been the focus of many researchers due to its structural regularity, potential for parallel computation of various algorithms, and the high degree of fault tolerance. 29 Hypercubes are known to simulate other structures such as grids and binary trees. 7,20
VLSI Design Environments, 2000
In this paper we survey the recent literature on encoding problems arising from logic synthesis of combinational and synchronous sequential circuits. Encoding problems consist ofassigning Boolean codes to input and output symbolic variables, so thata cost function measuring the optimality of a two-level or multi-level implementation is minimized. A successful paradigm involves optimizing the symbolicrepresentation (symbolic minimization), and thentransforming the optimizedsymbolic description into a compatible two-valued representation, by satisfying encoding constraints (bit-wise logic relations) imposed on the binary codes that replace the symbols. The inputencoding problem is well understood. Efficient algorithms are available for two-level implementations and are under development for multi-level implementations. The output encoding problem has seen important contributions, butmoreworkneeds to be done and efficient algorithms developed.
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