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2006, Kidney International
2 pages
1 file
This paper examines the evolution of medical understanding from ancient times to the present, using the Edwin Smith papyrus from around 1600 B.C. as a focal point. The text indicates that early clinicians had a sophisticated grasp of surgical practices, emphasizing the differences in diagnosing trauma versus medical illnesses. The paper critiques the modern medical approach, suggesting that while ancient physicians attributed unknown etiologies to supernatural causes, contemporary practitioners often resort to statistical correlations that obscure essential knowledge. It argues for a more appreciative view of ancient methodologies in surgical analysis, illustrating how medical history can inform present practices.
American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A, 2006
The clinical case report is a popular genre in medical writ-ing. While authors and editors have debated the justifica-tion for the clinical case report, few have attempted to examine the long history of this genre in medical literature. By reviewing selected literature and presenting and discuss-ing excerpts of clinical case reports from Egyptian antiquity to the 20th century, we illustrate the presence of the genre in medical science and how its form developed. Central features of the clinical case report in different time periods are discussed, including its main components, structure, style and author presence.
Big Bell Hospital, 1941-1955, 2022
Abstract The ruins of the Big Bell Hospital slumber today under the intense sun of the remote West Australian outback. Between 1942 and 1955 it served a remarkably busy goldmine, but like the hotels and shops it lived and died with the mine. Details of the medical practitioners who staffed the hospital and their patients are presented. Clinical details are derived mainly from local newspapers, n
HOMO PATIENS: Approaches to the Patient in the Ancient World, ed. G. Petridou and C. Thumiger, 2015
The Dublin Quarterly Journal of Medical Science, 1849
European Journal of Emergency Medicine, 2016
The collected works οf Hippocrates include a wealth of references to emergencies and acute conditions; if the physician could treat these, he would be considered superior to his colleagues. Works most relevant to current Emergency Medicine are presented. They indicate Hippocrates' remarkable insight and attention to the value of close observation, meticulous clinical examination, and prognosis. Hippocrates and his followers disdained mystery and were not satisfied until they had discovered a rational cause to diseases. They assigned great significance to distressing signs and symptomsthe famous Hippocratic face, the breathing pattern, pain, seizures, opisthotonuspointing to a fatal outcome, which they reported to their patient. The principles of treatment of emergencies, such as angina, haemorrhage, empyema, ileus, shoulder dislocations and head injuries, are astonishingly similar to the ones used nowadays.
Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, 2006
A cute kidney injury (AKI) complicates approximately 5 to 15% of hospitalizations, depending on its definition (1-3), and is independently associated with a five-fold or more increase in in-hospital mortality rates (3-5). AKI also extends length of stay, obligates excess hospital expenditures, and may exert long-term adverse effects, including an increased risk for ESRD.
Barnes & Noble Books, 2020
Providing an account of the evolution of medicine, this book shows how the high-tech investigations and treatments of today grew out of the first fumblings for knowledge of the witch doctors and shamans of pre-history. Throughout, there are boxed stories on the great characters and incidents of the past, and feature spreads on turning points in medical approaches to disease. Finally, a collection of essays on medicine's future direction and development, divided into specialties written by leading experts, provides food for thought. Dr Sutcliffe is also the author of "Relaxation Techniques". "About this title" may belong to another edition of this title. CONTENTS Foreword: 6 Chapter One: The Earliest Medicine 8 P r e h is t o r ic H e a l t h : A Struggle f o r Survival 1 0 ; E g y p t ia n MEDICINE: Magic Spells as Psychotherapy 1 2 ; T h e FERTILE CRESCENT: Medicine Regulated by Law 1 4 ; MEDICINE OF THE EAST: An Alternative Tradition 16; ANCIENT GRE ECE: The Start o f the Hippocratic Tradition 1 8 ; ANCIENT ROME : Continuing the Greek Tradition 2 0 ; GALEN 2 2 ; T h e MIDDLE AGES: From Monasteries to Medical Schools 2 4 ; ANCIENT M e d i c in e R e v iv e d : From Persia to Spain 2 8 ; T h f. B i a c k D e a t h 3 0 . Chapter Two: The Renaissance and the Enlightenment 32 T h f . RENAISSANCE: Discovering the Fabric o f the Body 3 4 ; P a r a c e l s u s 3 6 ; T h e E n l i g h t e n m e n t : The Overthrow o f Galen 3 8 ; T h e G o l d e n A g e o f Q u a c k s : A Century o f Naivety 4 2 . Chapter Three: The Nineteenth Century 44 RELIEVING PAIN: From Laughing Gas to Cocaine 46; OPIUM SO; MEDICAL T e c h n o l o g y : Microscopes, Sphygmomanometers and Syringes 52; SAVING MOTHERS: Semmehveis and Childbed Fever 54; DISEASE TRANSMISSION: From Miasma to Microbes 56; RABIES 60; J o s e p h L i s t e r : The First Antiseptic Operation 62; COMMUNITIES OF CELLS: The Work o f Bernard and Virchow 64; BACK t o B a s i c s : The Beginnings o f Genetics 66; WOMEN UNDER THE K n i f e : Examination and Surgery 68; TH E D a w n in g OF PSYCHIATRY: From Cruel Spectacle to Legal Protection 72; T h e GREATEST HAPPINESS: Action on Public Health 74; T h e R e su r r ec t io n M e n 76; T h e R e t u r n o f t h e W OM EN: Nursing and Female Doctors 78; A n ALTERNATIVE PATH: Patent Cures and Complementary Medicine 82; H y d r o t h e r a p y : Taking the Waters 84. Chapter Four: Medicine Before World War II 86 P r a c t i c e a n d E d u c a t i o n : At the Turn o f the Century 88; WILLIAM S t e w a r t H a lS T E D : The Father o f American Surgery 9 0 ; LANDSTEINER AND B LO OD: The A-B-0 and Rhesus Systems 9 2 ; TROPICAL M e d i c in e : Malaria and Sleeping Sickness 9 4 ; Y e l l o w F e v e r 9 6 ; A r c s a n d Im p u ls e s : Discoveries in Neurology 9 8 ; SYPHILIS 1 0 0 ; THF. ENDOCRINE SYSTEM: The Discovery o f Hormones 1 0 2 ; T h e DISCOVERY OF INSULIN 1 0 4 ; FIGHTING INFECTION: The Search f o r Magic Bullets 1 0 6 ; VIRUSES: The Search fo r Safe Vaccines 1 0 8 ; T h e STRUGGLE A g a i n s t TB: The Great White Plague 1 1 0 ; ALLERGY: Histamine and Anaphylaxis 1 1 2 ; OBSTETRIC ADVANCES: Towards S a f e Childbirth 114; HALDANE <Sl SON 116; P s y c h i a t r y & P s y c h o l o g y : From Sigmund Freud to BF Skinner 118; NUTRITION: The Discovery o f Vitamins 122; MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY: Microscopes and Electrical Monitoring 124; R o n t g e n AND X -RA Y S : Revealing the Body Beneath 126; Radia tion 128; P u b l i c H e a l t h : Improving the Well-being o f All Citizens 130. Chapter Five: The World at War 132 NEW WOUNDS AND DISEASES: War Brings Different Challenges 1 3 4 ; PENICILLIN: The Discovery o f the First Antibiotic 1 3 6 ; M c In d O E ’ s ‘GUINEA P ig s ’ : Advances in Plastic Surgery 1 3 8 ; HEALTH C a r e FOR A l l : Britain’s National Health Service 1 4 0 ; T h e O t h e r S i d e o e W a r 1 4 2 . Chapter Six: Medicine Since World War II — Perinatal Advances 144 BIRTH C o n t r o l : From Crocodile Dung to Planned Parenthood 1 4 6 ; T h e P il l : Developing an Oral Contraceptive 1 4 8 ; HAVING BABIES: The Rise o f the Interventionists 1 5 0 ; NATURAL C h i l d b i r t h 1 5 2 ; P r o t e c t in g C h il d r e n : Immunization and Early Warning 1 5 4 ; HOPE FOR ‘ Bl.UF. BABIES’ : Surgical Treatment fo r Congenital Heart Disease 1 5 6 . Chapter Seven: Medicine Since World War II — Advances in Science and Technology 158 T h e S t r u c t u r e OF L i f e : The Discovery o f the DNA Double Helix 1 6 0 ; T h e RISE OE PHARMACOLOGY: A New Panoply o f Drugs 1 6 4 ; T hf . B o d y W ITH IN : From Ultrasound to Nuclear Magnetic Resonance 1 6 8 ; MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY: From Sausage Casings to Computers 1 7 2 ; H lP REPLACEMENT: The Search J o r a Low-Friction Solution 1 7 6 ; GRAFTS AND T r a n s p l a n t s : From Magic to Machinery 1 7 8 ; TREATING T he HEART: From Aspirin to Artijical Hearts 1 8 3 . Chapter Eight: Medicine Since World War II — Breakdowns and Breakthroughs 184 M e n t a l I l l n e s s : New Drugs, New Theories 1 8 6 ; P a r k i n s o n ’s D i s e a s e 1 8 8 ; T h e E n ig m a o f P a in : Pain Pathways to Pain Clinics 1 9 0 ; Tl-IE S e x RESEARCHERS: From Havelock Ellis to Masters S^Johnson 1 9 2 ; FIGHTING CANCER: From Cocktails to Cures 1 9 4 ; W om e n a n d C a n c e r 1 9 8 ; E m e r g in g V ir u s e s : Old Diseases in New Settings 2 0 0 ; POLIOMYELITIS: The Salk and Sabin Vaccines 2 0 2 ; T h e SCOURGE OF A ID S : The Natural History of a Serial Killer 2 0 4 . Chapter Nine: Ancient and Modern Approaches 208 INTERNATIONAL A c t io n : Vaccination, Rural Hospitals and War Work 2 1 0 ; S m a l l p o x 2 1 2 ; P r e v e n t iv e M e d ic in e : The l.ifestyle Approach to Prophylaxis 2 1 4 ; RETURN OF THE HOLISTIC: From Cynicism to Acceptance 2 1 8 ; T h e ACUPUNCTURE PUZZLE: Justifying an Ancient Tradition 2 2 2 . Chapter Ten: Into the Future 224 D is e a s e s o f t h e F u t u r e , by Dr Nicola McClure 2 2 6 ; PREVENTION, by Professor Michael Connor 2 2 8 ; DIAGNOSIS, by Dr Bill Lees 2 3 0 ; REPAIRING THE BO D Y , by Professor Dr Hero van Urk 2 3 4 ; HELPING THE BO D Y , by Professor James Mowbray 2 3 6 ; T h e S e a r c h FOR C u r e s , by Professor Karol Sikora 2 3 8 ; C o m p l e m e n t a r y M e d ic in e , by Dr Patrick Pietroni 2 4 0 ; M in d AND BO D Y , by Dr Cosmo Hallstrom 2 4 2 ; COPING WITH D e a t h , by Dr Robert Twycross 2 4 4 . Index 246 Acknowledgements 256 Published in the United States of America by: Barnes & Noble Inc. 1992 Barnes & Noble Books Copyright © 1992 Morgan Samuel Editions. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or in by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission in writing of the copyright holders. ISBN 0-88029-927-4 This book was conceived, edited, designed and produced by Morgan Samuel Editions, 11 Uxbridge Street, London W8 7TQ Typeset in Perpetua at lOpt on llp t by Blackjacks, London. Separated, printed and bound by Toppan Printing Co (HK) Ltd, Hong Kong. FOR MORGAN SAMUEL EDITIONS: Additional writers: Mike Groushko; Bonnie Estridge; Dr Richard Hawkins; Mai Sainsbury; Mary Ingoldby Managing Editor: Pip Morgan Editorial: Rob Saunders, Jenny Barling Editorial assistants: Nisha Jani; Louise Francis Editorial research: Beverley Cook; Marv Ingoldby; Paul Worth; Nicholas Haining: Zad Rogers; Tamsin Marshal Picture research: Beverley Cook; Colin Humphrey; Jan Croot Design: Jonathan Baker & Jack Buchan of Blackjacks Cover design: Tony Paine, Atkinson Duckett Consultants Indexer: Michele Clarke Publisher: Nigel Perryman This book is intended solely as a work of reference on the history and possible future of medicine. It should not be referred to for advice or guidance on the diagnosis, treatment or prognosis of any medical condition. In case of illness, consult your doctor. Jenny Sutcliffe Nancy Duin Foreword by Professor Dr. Hero Van Urk ISBN 10: 0671711326 / ISBN 13: 9780671711320 Published by Barnes & Noble Books, NY, 1992
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