Introduction to the special issue on quantum cognition

2009, Journal of Mathematical Psychology


The subject of this special issue is quantum models of cognition. At first sight it may seem bizarre, even ridiculous, to draw a connection between quantum mechanics, a highly successful theory usually understood as modeling sub-atomic phenomena, and cognitive science. However, a growing number of researchers are looking to quantum theory to circumvent stubborn problems within their own fields. This is also true within cognitive science and related areas, hence this special issue.

Key takeaways

  • In contrast, because quantum logic does not have to obey the distributive law, quantum probabilities do not have to obey the law of total probability.
  • Initially, actual quantum physics was used to model the brain and explain consciousness (Hameroff, 1994(Hameroff, , 1998Hameroff & Penrose, 1996;Jibu et al., 1994;Pribram, 1991;Penrose, 1993).