Towards case-based reasoning for diabetes management


This paper presents preliminary work in using case-based reasoning (CBR) for diabetes management. The long range goal of the project is to provide intelligent decision support to people with Type 1 diabetes on insulin pump therapy. Case-based reasoning (CBR) was se-lected for this application because: (a) existing guidelines for managing diabetes are general and must be tailored to individual patient needs; (b) physical and lifestyle factors combine to influence blood glucose levels; and (c) CBR has been successfully applied to the management of other long-term medical conditions. Progress to date includes: (a) construction of software tools for data collection and visualization; (b) compilation of a case library; and (c) implementation of code for automated problem detection to identify new problem cases in raw patient data. Work contin-ues on a CBR therapy advisor that will propose individualized solutions for detected problems in blood glucose control.