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In this paper we present an operational semantics for concurrent interactive process es in the purely functional programming language Clean. An interactive process is in essence a state transition system which apart from its logical state can also access the state of the file system, do highlevel Graphical User I/O, and do inter-process communication via synchronous and asynchronous message passing and data sharing. Inter-process communication is type-safe and polymorphic. The semantics of the system is based on earlier work on the Interleaved Event I/O system. In this paper we identify limitations of the interleaved model in the context of concurrent processes and propose a new process semantics that does allow a concurrent implementation. The method basically intro duces a Remote Procedure Call communication scheme and demonstrates how to apply this scheme to obtain a concurrent process semantics. The resulting system is the Concur rent Event I/O system . The operational semantics is given in Clean itself. As a result the concurrency system is completely func tional because the construction is done within the pure functional framework.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1989
FACILE is a language which symmetrically integrates concurrent and functional programming. It is a typed and statically scoped language. The language supports both function and process abstractions.
Selected Papers from the 16th …, 2004
Daimi Report Series, 1984
The purpose of this article is to describe a high-level conceptual framework-a taxonomy-for programming languages with language constructs for specification of cosequential and concurrent processes. We identify the major differences and similarities between cosequential and concurrent processes, and we discuss the essential aspects of cosequential processes, concerning different patterns in which control can be transferred between the processes. Moreover, we discuss the important common properties of cosequential and concurrent processes: synchronization and communication. Figure 1. A taxonomy for cosequential processes.
SOFSEM'96: Theory and Practice of Informatics, 1996
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
This paper presents a programming model for concurrent object-oriented applications by which concurrency issues are abstracted and separated from the code. The main goal of the model is to minimize dependency between application speci c functionality and concurrency control. Doing so, software reuse can be e ective and concurrent programs are more exible, meaning that changes in the implementation of the operations don't necessarily imply changes in the synchronization scheme (and vice-versa). We make an analysis of concurrent computation, review existing systems and their inherent limitations, and discuss the fundamental problems in abstracting concurrency. Then we propose a solution based on lessons learned with adaptive software, introducing the concept of synchronization patterns. The result is a programming model by which data, operations and concurrency control are minimally interdependent.
Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science, 2012
We propose a novel, operational framework to formally describe the semantics of concurrent programs running within the context of a relaxed memory model. Our framework features a "temporary store" where the memory operations issued by the threads are recorded, in program order. A memory model then specifies the conditions under which a pending operation from this sequence is allowed to be globally performed, possibly out of order. The memory model also involves a "write grain," accounting for architectures where a thread may read a write that is not yet globally visible. Our formal model is supported by a software simulator, allowing us to run litmus tests in our semantics.
Proceedings Sixth IEEE International Conference on Engineering of Complex Computer Systems. ICECCS 2000, 2000
The task of programming concurrent systems is substantially more dificult than the task of programming sequential systems with respect to both correctness and eflciency. In this paper we describe a constraint-based methodology for writing concurrent applications. A system is modeled as: (a) a set of processes containing a sequence of "markers" denoting the processes points of interest; and (b) a constraint store. Process synchronization is specijied by incrementally adding constraints on the markers' execution order into the constraint store. The constraint store contains a declarative specijication based on a temporal constraint logic program. The store, thus, acts as a coordination entity which on the one hand encapsulates the system synchronization requirements, and on the other hand, provides a declarative specijication of the system concurrency issues, This provide great advantages in writing concurrent programs and manipulating them while preserving correctness.
Introduction This PhD Thesis is the result of a four-year research project conducted at the Department of Functional Programming, the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, at the University of Nijmegen as 'Assistent-in-Opleiding' under supervision of Professor M.J. Plasmeijer. In this chapter we give a survey of the research project and its theses. 1.1 Functional programming and the Clean project 3 we will encounter some of these cases which show up because of the complexity of the I/O system. The functional programming language we consider in this PhD.Thesis is pure and lazy. Due to strong normalisation lazy functional languages are preferable over their eager relatives. However, lazyness complicates their implementation. In general lazy languages are less time and space efficient than eager languages, or imperative languages. A lot of research has been conducted in this area in the last decades, and is still continuing. One specific approach to investigate and provide solutions to the problems of efficient implementations of functional languages is the (Concurrent) Clean project. Clean is a sequential lazy, purely functional programming language (
Information flow for concurrent imperative languages is defined and studied. As a working formalism we use UNITY, where programs consist of sets of assignments executed randomly, i.e. without control flow. We study noninterference for programs which reach and do not reach fixed point a state which is not changed by a subsequent execution. We present logic formulation of noninterference as well as type system for it.
Proceedings of the 20th ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT symposium on Principles of programming languages - POPL '93, 1993
We present a new programming paradigm called Communicating Reactive Processes or CRP that unifies the capabilities of asynchronous and synchronous concurrent programming languages. Asynchronous languages such aa G3P, OCCAM, or ADA are well-suited for dis-Permission to copy without fee all or part of this material is granted provided that the copies are not made or distributed for direot commercial advantage, the ACM copyright notice and the title of the publication and its date appear, and notice is given that copying is by permission of the Association for Computing Machinery. To copy otherwise, or to republish, requires a fee and/or specific permission.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1996
Abstract In this paper we present a model of interactive programs in a purely functional style. We exploit lazy evaluation in the modelling of streams as lazy lists. We show how programs may be constructed in an ad hoc way, and then present a small set of interactions and combinators which form the basis for a disciplined approach to writing such programs. One of the di culties of the ad hoc approach is that the way in which input and output are interleaved by the functions can be unpredictable.
ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems, 1998
We propose a novel static type system for a process calculus, which ensures both partial deadlockfreedom and partial confluence. The key novel ideas are (1) introduction of the order of channel use as type information, and (2) classification of communication channels into reliable and unreliable channels based on their usage and a guarantee of the usage by the type system. We can ensure that communication on reliable channels never causes deadlock and also that certain reliable channels never introduce nondeterminism. After presenting the type system and formal proofs of its correctness, we show encodings of the λ-calculus and typical concurrent objects in the deadlockfree fragment of the calculus and demonstrate how type information can be used for reasoning about program behavior.
Journal of Systems Architecture, 1998
Many real-time systems make use of concurrent programming systems and are often designed using object oriented design methods. Concurrent Object Oriented Languages (COOLS) are a class of programming language that integrates the facilities of concurrent and object oriented programming in an integrated rather than orthogonal manner. With the increasing interest in the use of object oriented languages such as C++ for the programming of embedded and real-time systems COOLs seem to be a natural candidate for such tasks. Several COOLs have been described in the literature which address the requirements of concurrent programming, inter-process communication (IPC) and synchronisation in various dierent ways. This paper discusses one such language, ClassiC, and examines the approach to this problem taken in its design. In particular, it is shown that the features of ClassiC allow derivation of active classes from other active classes. It is shown how this property can be used to overcome some of the problems associated with synchronous IPC schemes while maintaining the advantages of them and how the use of the asynchronous IPC model allows ver-i®cation of synchronisation and deadlock properties based on the use of CSP methods.
Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Scala - SCALA '13, 2013
The dataflow programming paradigm addresses how data flows inside programs. Program components, that are often concurrently active, send data to one another; this eases software composition. Mainstream programming languages do not support the paradigm well because of their deterministic and sequential nature. A language that focuses on concurrency is better suited to incorporate concepts from the dataflow paradigm. SubScript is an extension to the Scala programming language with constructs from the Algebra of Communicating Processes, targeted at event-driven and concurrent programming. Like ACP, SubScript focuses on program behavior; support for data was through local variables and parameters. However, the ACP background enabled SubScript to deal with the challenges of the dataflow paradigm. This is achieved through several new features. 1. A process may have a result value, like a method 2. A process result value may be passed on to another process that starts subsequently. This helps getting rid of variables, e.g., in GUI controller specifications. 3. Output actions from a process may be piped to a parallel process, yielding a similar expressiveness as pipes in Unix command shell language. 4. Actors written in Scala often need to keep track of a state, and their program text poorly expresses the conceptual control flow. When such actors are written in SubScript, incoming data may be treated as events that may appear anywhere in the specification, just like in SubScript GUI specifications.
This paper presents an imperative and concurrent extension of the functional object-oriented calculus described in . It belongs to the family of so-called prototype-based object-oriented languages, in which objects are created from existing ones via the inheritance primitives of object extension and method override. Concurrency is introduced through the identification of objects and processes. To our knowledge, the resulting calculus is the first concurrent object calculus to be studied. We define an operational semantics for the calculus via a transition relation between configurations, which represent snapshots of the run-time system. Our static analysis includes a type inference system, which statically detects message.not.understood errors, and an effect system, which guarantees that synchronization code, specified via guards, is side-effect free. We present a subject reduction theorem, modified to account for imperative and concurrent features, and type and effect soundness theorems.
Proceedings of the 14th symposium on Principles and practice of declarative programming - PPDP '12, 2012
Task-Oriented Programming (TOP) is a novel programming paradigm for the construction of distributed systems where users work together on the internet. When multiple users collaborate, they need to interact with each other frequently. TOP supports the definition of tasks that react to the progress made by others. With TOP, complex multiuser interactions can be programmed in a declarative style just by defining the tasks that have to be accomplished, thus eliminating the need to worry about the implementation detail that commonly frustrates the development of applications for this domain. TOP builds on four core concepts: tasks that represent computations or work to do which have an observable value that may change over time, data sharing enabling tasks to observe each other while the work is in progress, generic type driven generation of user interaction, and special combinators for sequential and parallel task composition. The semantics of these core concepts is defined in this paper. As an example we present the iTask3 framework, which embeds TOP in the functional programming language Clean.
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), 2016
Choreographic Programming is an emerging paradigm for correct-by-construction concurrent programming. However, its applicability is limited by the current lack of support for reusable procedures. We propose Procedural Choreographies (PC), a choreographic language model with full procedural abstraction. PC includes unbounded process creation and name mobility, yielding a powerful framework for writing correct concurrent algorithms that can be compiled into a process calculus. This increased expressivity requires a typing discipline to ensure that processes are properly connected when enacting procedures.
Information and Computation, 2009
Deterministic behavior for parallel and distributed computation is rather difficult to ensure. To reach that goal, many formal calculi, languages, and techniques with well-defined semantics have been proposed in the past. But none of them focused on an imperative object calculus with asynchronous communications and futures. In this article, an object calculus, Asynchronous Sequential Processes (ASP), is defined, with its semantics. We prove also confluence properties for the ASP calculus. ASPs main characteristics are asynchronous communications with futures, and sequential execution within each process. This paper provides a very general and dynamic property ensuring confluence. Further, more specific and static properties are derived. Additionally, we present a formalization of distributed components based on ASP, and show how such components are used to statically ensure determinacy. This paper can also be seen as a formalization of the concept of futures in a distributed object setting.
Abstract In a concurrent functional language processes are functions that are executed concurrently. Using special annotations based on lazy copying arbitrary dependencies between these functions can be used to specify arbitrary networks of processes. The communication and synchronization between the processes is realized using the lazy evaluation principle without any additional communication primitves. Communication takes place when a process demands a value that is being calculated by another process.
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