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The purpose of this research is a verification of yoga practising influence upon certain personality characteristics, as well as a possibility of their change in direction of a more successful functioning. The participants of the research have been attending voluntarily for three months beginners course of integral yoga based on teacher/master Pavlos K. Hassanagas's methodology. The programme includes vyayama (preparatory psycho-physical techniques), asanas, panayama, relaxation techniques and theoretical segments on basic yoga concepts and from applied yoga philosophy. In 33participants, at the beginning and at the end of the three months long course, an assessment of a personal profile has been conducted, using Plutchik questionnaire Profile Index of Emotions, as well as an evaluation of the ego defence mechanisms' profiles using Kellerman Life Style Index questionnaire. Analyses show that in this short period statistically important differences appear regarding personality profiles of examinees: both traits in the pair anticipation-surprise become more pronounced, but still within the limits of optimal manifestation. More specifically, an interest for surrounding increases and yoga practitioners grow more free and opened toward new experiences; this tendency is even more stabilised as levels of organisation, self-control and conscientiousness increase at the same time. Manifestation levels of emotions of sadness and anger drop which, in relation with other indicators, signifies decreased level of hostility and pugnacity due to enhanced satisfaction with oneself and the quality of one's life, which results in better inter-personal relations. Results of this research show that yoga, along with other benefits its practising bestows, is also a method that helps a person to improve their attitude to their self and their surroundings, that way improving the quality of their own life in general.
Indian Journal of Community Health, 2014
Background: Personality is not only the physical and mental aspect but also the behaviour or adjustment to the surroundings of an individual. It develops gradually from the childhood –adulthood & may affect or gets influenced by various factors like genetic, social and environmental. Adolescent period is the best time to shape & determine ones destiny. We can channelize their energy in a right direction to make them a responsible human being. Yoga is one intervention mentioned by Pallant (2000), as being directed at increasing control over one’s physical reactions. Method: A longitudinal interventional study was done in school children of classes VIII- X. Introversion – Extroversion Inventory was used to assess the type of personality before & after yoga therapy and appropriate suggestions were given accordingly. Results: A total of 271 secondary school students were included in the study. Before intervention majorities (77.1%) were of ambivert trait, Girls were found to be more int...
In this paper an attempt is made to shed the light on the personality development from the modern perspective Vedanta and yogic sciences highlights significant issues relating to personality refinement and development of modern human life. In addition to this, eight-fold path of Patanjali have been described systematically for the use and practice of all concerned for attaining the real goal of human existence. The term personality refers to the overall impression of a person makes on other persons. Personality is the sum total of all characteristics such as physical, constitutional, social, motivational, intellectual etc including habits, likes, dislikes and attitudes. Maddi (1980) defines personality is a stable set of characteristics and tendencies that determines those commonalities and differences in the psychological behavior (thoughts, feelings and actions) of the people that have continuity in time and that may not be easily understood as the sole result of the social and biological pressures of the moment. “The personality is the sum total of ways in which an individual reacts and interacts with others.” Thus human personality includes: 1. External appearance and behavior or social stimulus value. 2. Inner awareness of self as permanent organizing force. 3. The particular pattern or organization of measurable traits, both ‘inner’ & ‘outer’ A pleasing personality is a combination of a person’s attitude, behavior and expression. It is apparent in the way a person walks and talks, his tone of voice, the warmth in his behavior and his definitive level of confidence. Some people never lose their attractiveness regardless of age, because of flows both from the face and heart.
Think India (Quarterly Journal)
Personality is a combination of characteristics or qualities that form some distinctive characters in an individual. Personality is an important theme to achieve carrier goals in modern scenario. In modern psychology, various approaches have been enacted to understand the theme of personality. Yogic point of view, a holistic personality is a multidimensional entity comprises morphological, physiological, emotional, intellectual, social, behavioural and spiritual dimensions. This article tries to discuss the role of Yoga in personality development with special reference to achieve carrier goals. Yoga offers a measured conscious process to solve the ominous problems of unhappiness, restlessness, emotional upset, hyperactivity, hypo-1 3 6 | P a g e activity and the other issues that arise in our daily lives which cause unbalance in our bodies. Yoga is helping to evoke the hidden potentialities and energy of individual in a systematic and scientific way through which individual can become a fit and complete individual.
The purpose of this thematic paper is to explain how Yoga and Yoga practice has their role in the development of mental readiness in relation to personality development. Yoga is important for an individual to develop their personality along with mentally preparedness. By performing daily Yogasana one individual can attain mental health which will further led to mental readiness, but it also creates a positive environment which will help an individual to develop their personality too. Concept of Yoga is a traditional term that prevails in different Yogic Scripts in India. They practiced yoga as an effective method of controlling their mind and bodily activities. In our Day to Day life yoga helps us in developing the areas of physical, mental, social and spiritual health which will combinely develop the personality factors. Personality is an important theme. As we all know that personality is a psychological factor which depends on several others psychological factors. In modern psych...
In Ayurveda, the term for health is " swasth " , i.e. one who is established and comfortable in his own being, a state of being whole and feeling whole. Acharya Sushrut (~ 600 BC) has given poetically beautiful and philosophically holistic definition of health thus: " Health is a state of balance of elements, optimum digestion and elimination and happy senses, mind and soul " (Samadoshahsamagnishcha. SushrutSamhita, Sutrasthanam, 15:41). Healthy balance between worldly enjoyment (bhog) and detachment (tyag) is good for mental health. This point is beautifully taught in a Vedic verse, " This whole universe is pervaded by Ishwar. Enjoy this world with a sense of detachment and do not covet the wealth of others " (Ishavasyamidamsarvam. Yajurved, 40: 1). Mental health and better personality can be achieved by following a yogic lifestyle. Personality came from the Latin word " Persona "-" the Mask " ; which means the covering. Personality Development quintessentially means enhancing and grooming one's outer and inner self to bring about a positive change to your life. Each individual has a distinct persona that can be developed, polished and refined. This process includes boosting one's confidence, improving communication and language speaking abilities, widening ones scope of knowledge, developing certain hobbies or skills, learning fine etiquettes and manners, adding style and grace to the way one looks, talks and walks and overall imbibing oneself with positivity, liveliness and peace. This is well brought out in the HathaYogaPradipika when Yogi Svatmarama says, " Slimness of body, lustre on face, clarity of voice, brightness of eyes, freedom from disease, control over seminal ejaculation, stimulation of gastric heat and purification of subtle energy channels are marks of success in HathaYoga " (vapuhkrsatvamvadaneprasannataanaadasputatvamnayanesunirmalearogataabinduj ayognidiipanamnaadiivishuddhir hatha siddhi lakshanam-HathaYogaPradipika II-78). The various Hatha Yoga practices help in reconditioning of neuro-muscular and neuro-glandular system – in fact, the whole body – enabling it to withstand stress and strain better. Personality Development is not only an external mask and not only specific built of the body. It has a specific identity. It is adynamic organization of psychophysical properties.Dynamic organization within the person of those psychophysical systems. It was determined by his characteristic behaviour and thought.Psycho-physical techniques of Yoga such as asana, pranayama, mudra, dharana and dhyana enable attainment of physical, mental and emotional fitness. It is a multi-dimensional process that consists of evolution of personality.
International Journal of Yoga, 2008
Objective: To study the effi cacy of yoga on Guna (yogic personality measure) and general health in normal adults. Methods: Of the 1228 persons who attended introductory lectures, 226 subjects aged 18-71 years, of both sexes, who satisfi ed the inclusion and exclusion criteria and who consented to participate in the study were randomly allocated into two groups. The Yoga(Y) group practised an integrated yoga module that included asanas, pranayama, meditation, notional correction and devotional sessions. The control group practised mild to moderate physical exercises (PE). Both groups had supervised practice sessions (by trained experts) for one hour daily, six days a week for eight weeks. Guna (yogic personality) was assessed before and after eight weeks using the self-administered Vedic Personality Inventory (VPI) which assesses Sattva (gentle and controlled), Rajas (violent and uncontrolled) and Tamas (dull and uncontrolled). The general health status (total health), which includes four domains namely somatic symptoms (SS), anxiety and insomnia (AI), social dysfunction (SF) and severe depression (SP), was assessed using a General Health Questionnaire (GHQ). Results: Baseline scores for all the domains for both the groups did not differ signifi cantly (P > 0.05, independent samples t test). Sattva showed a signifi cant difference within the groups and the effect size was more in the Y than in the PE group. Rajas showed a signifi cant decrease within and between the groups with a higher effect size in the PE group. Tamas showed signifi cant reduction within the PE group only. The GHQ revealed that there was signifi cant decrease in SS, AI, SF and SP in both Y and PE groups (Wilcoxcon Singed Rank t test). SS showed a signifi cant difference between the groups (Mann Whitney U Test). Conclusions: There was an improvement in Sattva in both the Yoga and control groups with a trend of higher effect size in Yoga; Rajas reduced in both but signifi cantly better in PE than in Yoga and Tamas reduced in PE. The general health status improved in both the Yoga and control groups.
In contemporary times Yoga, like laptops, notebooks, and mobile phones, is ubiquitous. It is unbelievable that it has made inroads in nooks and corners of the world and even in those countries where Communist ideology ruled the roost. The virtues of practicing yoga postures, and other allied techniques are extolled so much that sometimes it has gone from sublime to the ridiculous. On the research front, investigators have approached yoga primarily as a technique of inducing altered states of mind, as stress reduction strategy, as therapeutic adjunct and at times as a technique for promoting positive growth. While these efforts have yielded useful and beneficial results, these efforts have been criticized for their failure to do full justice to the original intention and context in which yoga as a system was developed and established. Hence, there is a necessity to distinguish between psychologists' approach to yoga and Yoga as a psychological system as it was originally conceived in Indian traditions. In this paper this distinction will be elaborated and discussed.
International Journal of Indian Psychology
Background: De-stressing for achieving a sense of well being has become an absolute necessity for people to reduce psycho-somatic disorders. The degree to which one experiences control over one’s response to life events will have a buffering effect for adverse life events and will enhance wellbeing. Subjective wellbeing indicates how people evaluate their lives in terms of feelings of wellbeing or the lack of it. Yoga helps in significant reduction of stress, contributing to a feeling of better wellbeing. Aim: This study analyses the effect of yoga on subjective well being of people. Research Design: Survey method was adopted for the study. Sample: Consisted of 100 randomly selected yoga practitioners. Tools used: They were interviewed using a questionnaire consisting of 13 subjective well being parameters (OECD, 2013), with three responses, scored as 3, 2 and 1. Subjective Well Being Index (SWBI) was worked out as the sum of the scores of the parameters. The data was analyzed throu...
Journal of Preventive Medicine and Holistic Health, 2023
Background: The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali describes a wise process of living that promotes balance and harmony. The study evaluates the personality development or positive changes from the physical to the spiritual through the Patanjali Yoga Sutra. Material and Methods: A randomized controlled trial included 200 participants (age – 21-25 yrs.), both gender physically fit for the yoga module. Participants were undergraduate students from Ambala, Haryana. Participants were equally randomized to each group (100). The researcher used structured and planned intervention methods for the experiments—the practice of techniques given in Tools for data collection werestructured questionnaires (Demographic data), Vedic Personality Inventory (VPI), andageneral health questionnaire (GHQ-28). Results: Results were analyzed as per intention to treat analysis. and GHQ's Total scores differed statistically significantly (p-value < 0> Conclusion: The results have shown that practice has improved the personality of young, healthy volunteers by increasing their Sattva Guna and reducing their and Keywords: Patanjali Yogsutra, Personality Development, Sattva, Rajas, Tamas, General Health
The main purpose of this study was to find out the mean difference between psychological well-being and mental health among with yoga and without yoga student. The total sample consisted 80 as a variation belonging to 40 with with yoga students and 40 without yoga students. The research tool for psychological well-being was measured by Bhogle and Prakash (1995) and translated in to Gujarati by Suvera (2001) and mental health was measured by D. J. Bhatt and Geeta R. Geeda (1992). To check the significant difference between group t-test was applied and to check correlation between variables Karl person correlation method was used. Here t-test used result revealed psychological well-being is a not significance difference and mental health is a not significance difference. While the correlation between psychological well-being and mental health reveals 0.16 positive correlations.
International Journal of Health, Physical Education and Computer Science in Sports, ISSN No: 2231-3265, 2020
International Journal of Indian Psychology
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Education, Science, and Technology (ICEST 2019), 2020
Indian Journal Of Psychological Science
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
IRA-International Journal of Management & Social Sciences (ISSN 2455-2267), 2017
Madhyabindu Journal
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET), 2022
West Indian Med J 2014; 63 (1): 78, 2014
Frontiers in Psychology, 2023
International journal of yoga therapy, 2015
Journal of Harmonized Research in Applied Science
Purakala, peer - reviewed, UGC-CARE listed,Vol. -31, Issue - 30, ISSN: 0971-2143, May -, 2020
International journal of yoga therapy, 2018
Journal of Evolution of medical and Dental Sciences, 2013