
The purpose of this research is a verification of yoga practising influence upon certain personality characteristics, as well as a possibility of their change in direction of a more successful functioning. The participants of the research have been attending voluntarily for three months beginners course of integral yoga based on teacher/master Pavlos K. Hassanagas's methodology. The programme includes vyayama (preparatory psycho-physical techniques), asanas, panayama, relaxation techniques and theoretical segments on basic yoga concepts and from applied yoga philosophy. In 33participants, at the beginning and at the end of the three months long course, an assessment of a personal profile has been conducted, using Plutchik questionnaire Profile Index of Emotions, as well as an evaluation of the ego defence mechanisms' profiles using Kellerman Life Style Index questionnaire. Analyses show that in this short period statistically important differences appear regarding personality profiles of examinees: both traits in the pair anticipation-surprise become more pronounced, but still within the limits of optimal manifestation. More specifically, an interest for surrounding increases and yoga practitioners grow more free and opened toward new experiences; this tendency is even more stabilised as levels of organisation, self-control and conscientiousness increase at the same time. Manifestation levels of emotions of sadness and anger drop which, in relation with other indicators, signifies decreased level of hostility and pugnacity due to enhanced satisfaction with oneself and the quality of one's life, which results in better inter-personal relations. Results of this research show that yoga, along with other benefits its practising bestows, is also a method that helps a person to improve their attitude to their self and their surroundings, that way improving the quality of their own life in general.