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2000, Cognition & Emotion
... Adding to this separation is the concern that one's work may not be seen by colleagues in one's ®eld if published in a journal geared toward the ``other ... Emotion in social judgments: Review and a new affect infusion model (AIM). ... A focusing illusion in judgments of life-satisfaction ...
Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 2007
Being happy or sad influences the content and style of thought. One explanation is that affect serves as information about the value of whatever comes to mind. Thus, when a person makes evaluative judgments or engages in a task, positive affect can enhance evaluations and empower potential responses. Rather than affect itself, the information conveyed by affect is crucial. Tests of the hypothesis find that affective influences can be made to disappear by changing the source to which the affect is attributed. In tasks, positive affect validates and negative affect invalidates accessible cognitions, leading to relational processing and item-specific processing, respectively. Positive affect is found to promote, and negative affect to inhibit, many textbook phenomena from cognitive psychology.
Leigh Bush 2 relationships once established or reaffirmed by commensality, highlighting an often overlooked commensal institution for the new individualist: the community table. By exploring our emotional, social and culinary desires I hope to illuminate new avenues that might provide helpful options for the hungry post-modern individual. You're So Emo: Putting Food Where Your Emotions Are Although we may like to think of ourselves as rational beings, emotions play a prominent part in our life experiences and decisions. According to Damasio (1998), emotion designates "a collection of responses triggered from parts of the brain, using both neural and humoral routes" with an end result being our emotional state "defined by changes within the body proper, e.g. viscera [and] internal milieu" (84). Sociologists, however, argue that, rather than being a prewired neurological condition, emotions are affected by our culture, our institutions and the people around us (Parkinson 1996). Studies have shown that people display emotions in institutionally appropriate ways, that they respond emotionally to other individuals' and that our perceptions about how others feel about us shape our emotional states. Regardless, emotions represent psychological and physiological conditions that are difficult if not impossible to invoke by concentrating the rational mind; they cue us into our environment, apprising us of what we find desirable (or not), and in so doing, emotions give us an index of value which we express in our daily lives (Donald 1997). We use emotions to communicate, oftentimes binding ourselves with or separating ourselves from other individuals through our reactions (Massey 2002). Although we usually think
Emotion plays a major role in influencing our everyday cognitive and behavioral functions, including decision making. We introduce different ways in which emotions are characterized in terms of the way they influence or elicited by decision making. This chapter discusses different theories that have been proposed to explain the role of emotions in judgment and decision making. We also discuss incidental emotional influences, both long-duration influences like mood and short-duration influences by emotional context present prior to or during decision making. We present and discuss results from a study with emotional pictures presented prior to decision making and how that influences both decision processes and postdecision experience as a function of uncertainty. We conclude with a summary of the work on emotions and decision making in the context of decision-making theories and our work on incidental emotions.
The American Journal of Psychology, 2010
Recent years have seen a notable increase in interest in examining the processes that underlie human decision making, with one of the more energetic new directions being that of how emotions can impact our deci- sions and choices (Sanfey, 2007). Though a relatively recent development, this research area has already uncovered some compelling findings with regard to the emotional and social factors involved in how we make deci- sions. Indeed, it is now commonly argued that the principal way in which actual decision-making behavior deviates from the choices prescribed by economic models of decision making may be in large part due to emotional factors that weigh heavily on our actual decision but are seldom taken into account by the standard models. Hence, greater knowledge of the exact role that emotions play in decision making is invalu- able in building complete, accurate, models of choice.
A four-fold classification of emotions with respect to their functions in decision making is proposed. It is argued that emotions are not homogenous concerning their role in decision making, but that four distinct functions can be distinguished concerning emotional phenomena. One function is to provide information about pleasure and pain for preference construction, a second function is to enable rapid choices under time pressure, a third function is to focus attention on relevant aspects of a decision problem, and a fourth function is to generate commitment concerning morally and socially significant decisions. The pertinent literature on the relationship between emotion and decision making is reviewed, and it is concluded that most approaches fit into the proposed framework. We argue that a precise conceptualization of emotional phenomena is required to advance our understanding of the complex role of emotions in decision making.
Cognition and Emotion, 2001
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 1999
In this article the authors develop a descriptive theory of choice using anticipated emotions. People are assumed to anticipate how they will feel about the outcomes of decisions and use their predictions to guide choice. The authors measure the pleasure associated with monetary outcomes of gambles and offer an account of judged pleasure called decision affect theory. Then they propose a theory of choices between gambles based on anticipated pleasure. People are assumed to choose the option with greater subjective expected pleasure. Similarities and differences between subjective expected pleasure theory and subjective expected utility theory are discussed. Emotions have powerful effects on choice. Our actual feelings of happiness, sadness, and anger both color and shape our decisions. In addition, our imagined feelings of guilt, elation, or regret influence our decisions. In this article we refer to these two influences as experienced emotions and anticipated emotions. Experienced emotions affect many levels of cognitive processing.
Table of contents Chapter 1 Interaction of emotional processes with decision-making in economic psychology 4 1.1. Theories of the effects of emotions and emotion regulation on decisional processes 5 1.1.1. The theory of the dual processes of thinking 8 1.1.2. The model of anticipated and incidental emotions in decision-making Theories of anticipated emotions in risky decisions Theories of anticipated emotions in intertemporal decisions Theories of incidental emotions 1.1.3. The affect heuristic 1.1.4. The model of risk as feeling 1.1.5. The somatic marker hypothesis 1.2. Controlling emotions through emotion regulation 1.3. Cognitive and behavioural effects of emotion regulation 1.4. Emotion regulations and the emotion-decision interaction 40 1.5. The neurobiology of decision-making and emotion regulation 41 1.6. Concluding theoretical comments on the emotion-emotion regulation and economic decision making interaction 48 Chapter 2 Psychometric properties of the instruments used on Romanian samples 51 Study 1.1. Psychometric properties of ERQ Study 1.2. Psychometric properties of CERQ Study 1.3. Psychometric properties of DOSPERT Chapter 3 Emotion regulation and risk taking Study 2 Impact of emotion regulation strategies on negative emotions Study 3 Impact of emotion regulation strategies on natural positive and negative emotions Study 4 The role of emotion regulation strategies and declarative knowledge Chapter 4 Emotion regulation and the framing effect 111 Study 5 Emotion regulation strategies and susceptibility to framing Chapter 5 Emotion regulation and fairness Study 6 Emotion regulations and fairness in sharing financial resources Chapter 6 Emotion regulation and decisional processes: Final conclusions References
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 2009
Abstract The seven papers in this special issue represent the breadth and complexity of approaches to the study of affect in judgment and decision processes. Four papers examine the role of arousal or specific emotions in decision making. The three other papers investigate the impacts of uncertainty, time course, and thinking about mood.
Anyone whose interests he in real-life decision processes is bound to note the oft times disturbing role that emotions play in such processes, particularly in the areas of assessment of information and long-range planning. Instead of simply dismissing emotions as noisome, irrational agents in the decision making process, one needs to obtain an understanding of their nature and how they influence the decision making process in order to acquire better control of them. This paper proposes a model of emotions based primarily on the following assumptions: (1) The whole set of emotions forms a system that is evolutionally developed and generically programmed -a system that serves the purpose of making decisions that are appropriate to the kinds of environments that can be characterized as primitive and wild. The non-emotional, more analytical decision system is a product of a much later period in evolution which, along with other higher cognitive-analytical functions, developed primarily to supplement, but not to replace, the emotion system by covering its shortcomings. Thus, even though these two systems are often in conflict, the cognitive decision system does not operate without the help of the emotion system; without desires, loves, and hates there hardly would be utilities. (3) The first assumption gives rise to the possibility of studying the emotion system as a purposeful, rational decision system in its own right.
A good decision making process is expected, and often required, to be free from emotions. It is done in order to ensure that decision-making is objective. There is a strong belief among decision theorists that objective decision making is unbiased and is more likely to produce good results. This paper discusses some possible effects of emotions on decision making. It also discusses an experiment and its outcome, that was conducted to validate or otherwise, the claimed objectively of decision making being free from emotions. The main outcome of the experiment was the finding that decision-makers achieve better performance in decision making if they are able to control the possible biases produced by their feelings.
Integrated Models of Cognitive Systems, 2007
During the heyday of neo-behaviorism, motivational processes held sway over general system theories of behavior . Basic drives and learned incentive motives were postulated to guide behavior. Theorizing about unobservable mental processes was shunned , was an exception). Such a stilted understanding of mental processing eventually led to the downfall of these grand and systematic theories.
The Psychology of Intuitive Judgment, 2002
European Review of Social Psychology, 1997
This chapter focuses on the role of affect in attitudes and decision-making. First we will briefly discuss the role of affect in attitude-formation and -change processes. Two issues have played an important role in this research area: first, the distinction between affect-based and cognition-based attitudes; second, the effects of mood on persuasion. Generally these traditions rely on a crude dichotomy between positive and negative affect and rather general, holistic measures of affect. Moreover, these traditions tend to emphasize automatic information processing. We focus on controlled information processing and continue with a discussion of the role of affect in expectancy-value models of behaviour such as Ajzen's theory of planned behaviour. Affect received only limited attention in these models. It will be argued that people anticipate post-behuviourul affective consequences of their actions, and take these into account when deciding about their behavioural preferences. We will argue that the inclusion of anticipated postbehavioural affective outcomes could improve the predictive validity of expectancy-value models. Next, we will contrast research on affect and attitudes with research on behavioural decision-making. The latter area tends to focus on more specific affective determinants of behaviour. One of these is anticipated regret. Antecedents of anticipated regret will be discussed and the predictive validity of anticipated regret will be tested in the context of Ajzen's theory of planned behaviour. Finally we will show that it is relatively easy to increase the salience of postbehavioural affective reactions such as regret and worry and European Review of Social Psychology, Volume 8. Edited by Wolfgang Stroebe and Miles Hewstone. 0 1998 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Downloaded by [UVA Universiteitsbibliotheek SZ] at 04:36 04 April 2014 34 JOOP VAN DER PLlGT ET AL.
Current Directions in Psychological Science, 2006
Decision making often occurs in the face of uncertainty about whether one's choices will lead to benefit or harm. The somatic-marker hypothesis is a neurobiological theory of how decisions are made in the face of uncertain outcome. This theory holds that such decisions are aided by emotions, in the form of bodily states, that are elicited during the deliberation of future consequences and that mark different options for behavior as being advantageous or disadvantageous. This process involves an interplay between neural systems that elicit emotional/bodily states and neural systems that map these emotional/bodily states.
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