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2005, Computers & Security
In this paper we propose SEAS, the Secure E-voting Applet System, a portable, mobile, flexible, light system for polling over computer networks. The protocol is based on Sensus, . Though maintaining its lightness (basically there are two only servers involved in the whole voting process), SEAS avoids the well-known weakness that allows one of the entities involved in the election process to cast its own votes replacing other votes. We propose an implementation of SEAS based on Java applets and XML technology.
Proceedings of the Thirtieth Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences
We present the design and implementation of Sensus, a practical, secure and private system for conducting surveys and elections over computer networks. Expanding on the work of Fujioka, Okamoto, and Ohta, Sensus uses blind signatures to ensure that only registered voters can vote and that each registered voter only votes once, while at the same time maintaining voters' privacy. Sensus allows voters to verify independently that their votes were counted correctly, and anonymously challenge the results should their votes be miscounted. We outline seven desirable properties of voting systems and show that Sensus satisfies these properties well, in some cases better than traditional voting systems.
International Journal of Electronic Government Research, 2000
Electronic voting has found wider acceptance both in developed and developing countries in the recent past. The current research focuses mainly in the area of privacy and security aspects of e-voting. In spite of the good security and privacy features, the existing e-voting protocols remain useful only to small elections or just to support the conventional voting, mainly because of their high computational overhead. Naturally, e-voting is not in wide use, even in the developed countries. Thus, there is a need for e-voting protocols which are secure and practical, but with less complexity. This paper proposes an efficient protocol and framework for the practical implementation of the electronic election process. An analysis on the largest election process in the world shows that the proposed protocol has the potential to serve as an efficient polling system with increased voter turnout. This protocol can be adopted easily in the developed world too.
CSI Transactions on ICT, 2013
Electronic voting is an essential component of the e-governance of a country for establishing the people's choice in selecting the political leadership. Poll station voting is generally considered to be the most successful form of the election process. Both traditional and electronic versions of the poll station voting had many implementations in general elections, worldwide. The remote poll station voting scheme allows voters to participate in the election process if they have an access to any one of the poll station, no matter where they are at the time of voting. However, this scheme suffers from declining participation due to the inconvenience to the voters in reaching the poll stations. Also, this scheme needs a secure, private network for connecting the poll stations, making it very expensive. The remote Internet voting is very user convenient, which allows voting from any Internet connected computer, from anywhere. However, security, reliability and complexity issues have restricted the wider adoption of this scheme in large-scale elections. This paper proposes a secure and efficient frontend voting protocol using a trusted platform module for remote Internet voting with trusted third party authentication protocol.
This paper describes an on-line e-voting system security implementation to reduce attacks. E-voting is gaining popularity in applications that require high security. Evoting is the electronically voting process via Internet. The system represents security analysis against largescale attacks performed by rationally thinking attackers. Electronic Voting promises a lot of advantages: It is not only fast and very convenient to use, but it also features additional security properties that cannot be achieved with traditional voting, such as individual or universal verifiability. However, due to the sensitive and critical nature of voting protocols, it is crucial to formally guarantee their correctness with respect to certain intended security properties. We develop a model for describing the real life environment where voting takes place and analyze the behavior of rational adversaries. This paper tries to reduce these large-scale attacks that will help student as well as researchers to realize the evoting and its security system.
The wide availability of mobile devices, such as smartphones, enabled mobility in our lifestyles. However, traditional voting systems require physical presence of the voter at a specific place and time, which is incompatible with the concept of mobility. The goal of this paper is to propose an Internet voting system, called TrustedVote, that allows voters to cast their vote anywhere. Moreover, Internet voting significantly raises the turnout rate, reduces administrative costs and tallying time. In order to tackle malware and other insecurities in the client mobile platform, the solution is based on smartphones with a Trusted Execution Environment (TEE). TrustedVote leverages the isolation properties of TEEs available in Android and iOS smartphones to perform the cryptographic steps of an Internet voting system, such as vote encryption and voter authentication.
Electronic voting (EV) refers to the use of computers or computerized voting equipments to castballots in an election EV has been in development for more than 20 years, during which it has produced outstanding results both in theory and in practice. This paper presents a new secure preferential e-voting scheme. In this paper we will present an e-voting scheme that covers most of the e-voting requirements were implemented to guarantee voter’s privacy and authentication. A prototype implementation of EV protocol over the Internet which fulfils some electronic voting system requirements such as efficiency, transparency and mobility has been presented.
Secure E-Voting System is a python-based project. It is an efficient and financially savvy way of leading a democratic method, which has the characteristics of being large-scale data and real- time, as well as requiring a high level of security. Nonetheless, they are concerns about the security of systems administration and protection of correspondence for e-casting a ballot have been developed. Here, the client establishes a connection with the server, this implies that the TCP protocol is being used. For each new arriving Client, the Server should create a new thread to accomplish this feature we took care of concurrent thread, that is, when the number of connections is made with the server, that time each thread doesn’t interfere with one another. Therefore, we synchronized the threads. Securing e-casting a ballot is very urgent and has turned into a famous theme in correspondences and systems administration. This system puts a lot of trust in the central authority. It manages th...
This thesis focuses on the development of an enhanced innovative secure mobile Internet voting system architecture that offers desirable security requirements to theoretically mitigate some of the intrinsic administrative and logistical challenges of voting, inter alia lack of mobility support for voters, voter inconvenience, election misconduct, and possible voter coercion often associated with the conventional poll-site voting system. Systems in existence have tended to revolve around the need to provide ubiquitous voting, but lack adequate control mechanism to address, in particular, the important security requirement of controlling possible coercion in ubiquitous voting. The research work reported in this thesis improves upon a well-developed Sensus reference architecture. It does so by leveraging the auto-coupling capability of near field communication, as well as the intrinsic merits of global positioning system, voice biometric authentication, and computational intelligence t...
Voting in elections is the basis of democracy, but voting at polling stations may not be possible for all citizens. Remote (Internet) e-voting uses the voter's own equipment to cast votes, but is potentially vulnerable to many common attacks, which affect the election's integrity. Security can be improved by distributing vote processing over many web servers installed in tamper-resistant, secure environments, using the Smart Card Web Server (SCWS) on a mobile phone Subscriber Identity Module (SIM). A generic voting model is proposed, using a SIM/SCWS voting application with standardised Mobile Network Operator (MNO) management procedures to process the votes cast. E-voting systems Prêt à Voter and Estonian I-voting are used to illustrate the generic model. As the SCWS voting application is used in a distributed processing architecture, e-voting security is enhanced: to compromise an election, an attacker must target many individual mobile devices, rather than a centralised web server.
Regular Issue, 2019
Although there are many e-voting systems present by analysis it is found that they all are vulnerable to privacy risk and weakness of unreliable protocols and denial of service attacks. Here is the need to implement the public key encryption e-voting system. The primary objective of this system is to make ensure reliability, privacy and security of the protocol and voting is convenience to users. As a result of the specification requirements, the system was summarized into three parts: access control process which limit access to a system or to any other resource. Secondly, voting process was done by encrypting voter's electronic ballot before submitting to the server. Finally, the final result was sorted through deciphering the received encrypted information. The System is more efficient than other E-Voting systems, since voters can vote from their devices without extra cost and effort, and encryption ensures the security. A pseudo random number is generated using the OTP principle, is used by the voter for authentication purpose while casting the vote. These techniques provide a secure platform, thus exceeding vulnerabilities of the traditional voting system.
Sixth Mexican International Conference on Computer Science (ENC'05), 2005
Recent advances in communication networks and cryptographic techniques have made possible to consider online voting systems as a feasible alternative to conventional elections. Until today several protocols for electronic voting have been proposed, unfortunately only a few of them have been implemented in an end-to-end fully functional system. In this paper we present a secure electronic voting system for medium scale on-line elections (SELES). Our system efficiently implements a security communication protocol offering protection against double voting and others frauds while avoiding any private voting channel. SELES accomplishes all the standard properties of conventional voting systems, namely, accuracy, democracy, privacy, verifiability, simplicity, flexibility and double voting detection. Our system has been tested in a distributed and heterogeneous Internet network comprised by workstations, laptops and PDA nodes interacting through wired and wireless connections. Additionally, SELES has been designed to deal with communication failures, thus achieving a certain degree of robustness.
Computer Standards & Interfaces, 2007
In this paper we present a fully functional RSA/DSA-based e-voting protocol for online elections that corrects and improves a scheme previously proposed by Lin-Hwang-Chang [I. Lin, M. Hwang, C. Chang, Security enhancement for anonymous secure e-voting over a network, Comput. Stand. Interfaces 25 (2) (2003) 131-139.]. We found that Lin-Hwang-Chang's scheme and a recent modification of it by Hwang-Wen-Hwang [S. Hwang, H. Wen, T. Hwang, On the security enhancement for anonymous secure e-voting over computer network, Comput. Stand. Interfaces 27 (2) (2005) 163-168.] have an important weakness. Moreover, the scheme proposed by Yang-Lin-Yang [C. Yang, C. Lin, H. Yang, Improved anonymous secure e-voting over a network, Information and Security 15 (2) (2004) 185-191.] also suffers from this same problem. We describe in detail our findings and propose a new scheme to overcome the weakness we found in these schemes effectively. Finally, we describe the implementation details of our protocol and present its preliminary performance evaluation.
Abstract:-Mobile voting is a kind of Electronic voting, or maybe is new generation that use of cell phone that is user interface for sending. As for construction of cell phone and its limitation, so we need to define a different and new security protocol that can observe max requirement of voting. We offer a new protocol with different structure from whatever said now. In this protocol, we use from blind signature in cell phone and Mix networks in Intelligence.
Recent advances in communication networks and cryptographic techniques have made possible to consider online voting systems as a feasible alternative to conventional elections. Until today several protocols for electronic voting have been proposed, unfortunately only a few of them have been implemented in an end-to-end fully functional system. In this paper we present a secure electronic voting system for medium scale on-line elections (SELES). Our system efficiently implements a security communication protocol offering protection against double voting and others frauds while avoiding any private voting channel. SELES accomplishes all the standard properties of conventional voting systems, namely, accuracy, democracy, privacy, verifiability, simplicity, flexibility and double voting detection. Our system has been tested in a distributed and heterogeneous Internet network comprised by workstations, laptops and PDA nodes interacting through wired and wireless connections. Additionally, SELES has been designed to deal with communication failures, thus achieving a certain degree of robustness.
Bern University of Applied Sciences …, 2008
There is an emerging demand on using the Internet for performing elections, votes, or polls. This paper provides an overview on recent e-voting technologies needed to carry out remote voting via the Internet. The survey starts with listing the most stringent security requirements for such systems. To satisfy these requirements, e-voting protocols involve several strong cryptographic primitives. This paper gives an overview of approaches based on blind signatures, anonymous channels, and homomorphic encryption. It also gives some references to formal verification techniques, which can be used to prove the correctness of a given e-voting protocol, and to risk analysis techniques, which can be applied to a given e-voting system to evaluate the risk of a successful attack. The survey concludes by mentioning the Swiss perspective on e-voting.
Future Generation Computer Systems, 2003
We present a secure and available electronic voting service suitable for a large-scale distributed system such as the Internet. The proposed service is based on replication and tolerates both benign and fully arbitrary failures. If enough servers are correct, service availability and security are ensured despite the presence of faulty servers and malicious voters. A voter that is affected by a crash failure can vote after recovery. The proposed service satisfies common voting requirements including voter eligibility and privacy, and tally accuracy. In addition, the service satisfies a further important requirement, namely tally verifiability without any intervention of voters. Anyone, including an external observer, can easily be convinced that the voting outcome is fairly computed from the ballots that were correctly cast. It follows that the proposed voting scheme strengthens the security properties of the electronic voting procedure, and simplifies the interaction of voters with the electronic voting system.
Voting is the pillar of modern democracies. However, examination of current voting systems (including E-voting techniques) shows a gap between casting secret ballots and tallying and verifying individual votes. This gap is caused by either disconnection between the vote-casting process and the vote-tallying process, or opaque transition (e.g. due to encryption) from vote-casting to vote-tallying and thus, damages voter assurance, i.e. failing to answer the question: "Will your vote count?" We proposed a groundbreaking E-voting protocol that fills this gap and provides a fully transparent election. In this new voting system, this transition is seamless, viewable, and verifiable. As a result, the above question can be answered assuredly: "Yes, my vote counts!"
Mu and Varadharajan proposed an electronic voting scheme and claimed that their scheme authenticates the Voters, protects the anonymity of them, and detects the identity of double voters. Due to some weaknesses in Mu-Varadharajan scheme, several modified schemes have been proposed by Lin et al., Hwang et al., Rodríguez-Henríquez et al. and Asaar et al.; however this paper shows that these schemes suffer from some weaknesses in fulfilling the pointed properties. For this purpose, we get Hwang et al. scheme as a case study and apply our new attacks on it. Also we consider the applicability of the attacks on other pointed schemes. In addition, we present a new scheme and show that the scheme resists against the proposed attacks without loosing efficiency.
Journal of Information Security and Applications
A cryptographic electronic voting system is proposed, to replace the conventional voting methods, which are widely used in most developing countries in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region. The proposed e-voting system is based on the concept of Prêt à Voter, which is a paper ballot e-voting scheme. Mixnet based e-voting schemes such as Prêt à Voter use mix servers to create anonymous channels. These schemes have some shortcomings; Mixnets need complex protocols for generating and maintaining shared mix keys, as well as for mixing and proving correctness of the shuffles. Moreover, Mixnets are complex to implement on a large scale. Mixnets are also vulnerable to corrupt or faulty mix servers as well. The proposed e-voting scheme eliminates the need for anonymous channels to anonymize the votes in Mixnet based e-voting schemes, yet provides comparable level of security and vote anonymity with less system complexity. The proposed e-voting scheme uses paper ballots, due to its familiarity among the public, but with strong cryptographic algorithms with proven security features, to provide enhanced level of ballot secrecy, verifiability and security. The proposed scheme is simple, secure, practical, and auditable. Security evaluation is conducted based on the critical and desirable properties of e-voting to support the claimed aspects. Threat analysis of the proposed e-voting system had been conducted to prove its resistance to well-known attacks on e-voting schemes and systems. A proof of concept implementation and simulation of the proposed e-voting scheme was developed to elucidate its efficiency, practicality, and scalability. The research proposal has the potential to be deployed as a trustworthy evoting system, to replace the conventional voting methods in developing countries.
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