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2002, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals
A fairly realistic three-species food chain model based on the Leslie±Gower scheme is investigated by using tools borrowed from the nonlinear dynamical systems theory. It is observed that two co-existing attractors may be generated by this ecological model. A type-I intermittency is characterized and a homoclinic orbit is found. Ó : S 0 9 6 0 -0 7 7 9 ( 0 0 ) 0 0 2 3 9 -3
Chaos Solitons & Fractals, 2007
In this paper, a mathematical model consisting of two preys one predator with Beddington–DeAngelis functional response is proposed and analyzed. The local stability analysis of the system is carried out. The necessary and sufficient conditions for the persistence of three species food web model are obtained. For the biologically reasonable range of parameter values, the global dynamics of the system has been investigated numerically. Number of bifurcation diagrams has been obtained; Lyapunov exponents have been computed for different attractor sets. It is observed that the model has different types of attractors including chaos.
Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 2009
In this paper, a three species food chain model, consisting of a hybrid type of prey-dependent and predator-dependent functional responses, is investigated analytically as well as numerically. The local and global stability analysis is carried out. The persistence conditions are established. Bifurcation diagrams are obtained for biologically feasible parameters. The results show that the system exhibits rich complexity features such as stable, periodic and chaotic dynamics.
We characterize the dynamics of a three-species food chain model with a Beddington-DeAngelis functional response in two-parameter space by using Lyapunov exponents. We identify periodic and chaotic behaviors. In this model, the periodic windows are associated with shrimp-shaped structures.
International Journal of Modern Physics: Conference Series, 2012
In this paper, we study mathematical model of ecology with a tritrophic food chain composed of a classical Lotka-Volterra functional response for prey and predator, and a Holling type-III functional response for predator and super predator. There are two equilibrium points of the system. In the parameter space, there are passages from instability to stability, which are called Hopf bifurcation points. For the first equilibrium point, it is possible to find bifurcation points analytically and to prove that the system has periodic solutions around these points. Furthermore the dynamical behaviors of this model are investigated. Models for biologically reasonable parameter values, exhibits stable, unstable periodic and limit cycles. The dynamical behavior is found to be very sensitive to parameter values as well as the parameters of the practical life. Computer simulations are carried out to explain the analytical findings.
Mathematical Biosciences, 2013
The current paper accounts for the influence of intra-specific competition among predators in a prey dependent tri-trophic food chain model of interacting populations. We offer a detailed mathematical analysis of the proposed food chain model to illustrate some of the significant results that has arisen from the interplay of deterministic ecological phenomena and processes. Biologically feasible equilibria of the system are observed and the behaviours of the system around each of them are described. In particular, persistence, stability (local and global) and bifurcation (saddle-node, transcritical, Hopf-Andronov) analysis of this model are obtained. Relevant results from previous well known food chain models are compared with the current findings. Global stability analysis is also carried out by constructing appropriate Lyapunov functions. Numerical simulations show that the present system is capable enough to produce chaotic dynamics when the rate of self-interaction is very low. On the other hand such chaotic behaviour disappears for a certain value of the rate of self interaction. In addition, numerical simulations with experimented parameters values confirm the analytical results and shows that intra-specific competitions bears a potential role in controlling the chaotic dynamics of the system; and thus the role of self interactions in food chain model is illustrated first time. Finally, a discussion of the ecological applications of the analytical and numerical findings concludes the paper.
International Journal of Pure and Apllied Mathematics, 2014
In this paper, we study ecological model with a tritrophic food chain composed of a classical Lotka-Volterra functional response for prey and predator, and a Holling type-III functional response for predator and superpredator. There are two equilibrium points of the system. In the parameter space, there are passages from instability to stability, which are called Hopf bifurcation points. For the first equilibrium point, it is possible to find bifurcation points analytically and to prove that the system has periodic solutions around these points. Furthermore the dynamical behavior of this models are investigated. The dynamical behavior is found to be very sensitive to parameter values as well as the parameters of the practical life. Computer simulations are carried out to explain the analytical findings.
This paper deals with the dynamics of a tritrophic food chain model composed of a prey, predator and a super predator. A discrete time delay is introduced to the functional response term involved with the growth equation of predator and super predator to allow for a reaction time. The main content of this paper is divided into two parts. In the first part we consider the model with density dependent mortality terms for the predator and the super predator and in the second part we consider the model without density dependent mortality terms. In the first part we analyzed the global stability of the interior equilibrium and the boundary equilibrium points by using a suitable Lyapunov function and the Hopf bifurcations of the model with respect to the delay parameter. In the second part of the paper, equilibrium points are obtained and bifurcation is done with respect to two model parameters. Computer simulations are given to verify most of the analytical results.
Nonlinear Analysis: Modelling and Control
We study how predator behavior influences community dynamics of predator-prey systems. It turns out that predator behavior plays a dominant role in community dynamics. The hybrid model studied in this paper reveals that period-doubling and period-doubling reversals can generate short-term recurrent chaos (STRC), which mimics chaotic dynamics observed in natural populations. STRC manifests itself when deterministic changes in a system parameter interrupt chaotic behavior at unpredictable intervals. Numerical results reinforce an earlier suggestion that period-doubling reversals could control chaotic dynamics in ecological models. In ecological terms, the prey and intermediate predator populations may go to extinction in the event of a catastrophe. The top predator is always a survivor. In contrast to this, this is not the case when the constituent populations are interacting through Holling type II functional response. Even this top predator can go to extinction in the event of such ...
Iraqi journal of science, 2022
A food chain model in which the top predator growing logistically has been proposed and studied. Two types of Holling's functional responses type IV and type II have been used in the first trophic level and second trophic level respectively, in addition to Leslie-Gower in the third level. The properties of the solution are discussed. Since the boundary dynamics are affecting the dynamical behavior of the whole dynamical system, the linearization technique is used to study the stability of the subsystem of the proposed model. The persistence conditions of the obtained subsystem of the food chain are established. Finally, the model is simulated numerically to understand the global dynamics of the food chain under study.
Journal of Mathematical Biology, 1999
The asymptotic behavior of a tri-trophic food chain model is studied. The analysis is carried out numerically, by "nding both local and global bifurcations of equilibria and limit cycles. The existence of transversal homoclinic orbits to a limit cycle is shown. The appearance of homoclinic orbits, by moving through a homoclinic bifurcation point, is associated with the sudden disappearance of a chaotic attractor. A homoclinic bifurcation curve, which bounds a region of extinction, is continued through a two-dimensional parameter space. Heteroclinic orbits from an equilibrium to a limit cycle are computed. The existence of these heteroclinic orbits has important consequences on the domains of attraction. Continuation of non-transversal heteroclinic orbits through parameter space shows the existence of two codimension-two bifurcations points, where the saddle cycle is non-hyperbolic. The results are summarized by dividing the parameter space in subregions with di!erent asymptotic behavior.
Nonlinear Analysis: Modelling and Control
In this paper, dynamical complexities of a three species food chain model with Holling type IV predator response is investigated analytically as well as numerically. The local and global stability analysis is carried out. The persistence criterion of the food chain model is obtained. Numerical bifurcation analysis reveals the chaotic behavior in a narrow region of the bifurcation parameter space for biologically realistic parameter values of the model system. Transition to chaotic behavior is established via period-doubling bifurcation and some sequences of distinctive period-halving bifurcation leading to limit cycles are observed.
Acta Applicandae Mathematicae, 2019
We study a model of three interacting species in a food chain composed by a prey, an specific predator and a generalist predator. The capture of the prey by the specific predator is modelled as a modified Holling-type II non-differentiable functional response. The other predatory interactions are both modelled as Holling-type I. Moreover, our model follows a Leslie-Gower approach, in which the function that models the growth of each predator is of logistic type, and the corresponding carrying capacities depend on the sizes of their associated available preys. The resulting model has the form of a set of nonlinear ordinary differential equations which includes a non-differentiable term. By means of topological equivalences and suitable changes of parameters, we find that there exists an Allee threshold for the survival of the prey population in the food chain, given, effectively, as a critical level for the generalist predator. The dynamics of the model is studied with analytical and computational tools for bifurcation theory. We present two-parameter bifurcation diagrams that contain both local phenomena (Hopf, saddle-node transcritical, cusp, Bogdanov-Takens bifurcations) and global events (homoclinic and heteroclinic connections). In particular, we find that two types of heteroclinic cycles can be formed, both of them containing connections to the origin. One of these cycles is planar involving the absence of the specific predator. In turn, the other heteroclinic cycle is formed by connections in the full three-dimensional phase space.
Journal of Biological Dynamics, 2012
A four-dimensional food-web system consisting of a bottom prey, two middle predators and a generalist predator has been developed with modified functional response. The system is well posed and dissipative. Some results on uniform persistence have been developed. The dynamics of the system is found to be chaotic for certain choice of parameters. The coexistence of all four species is possible in the form of periodic orbits/strange attractors for suitably chosen set of parameters.
Journal of Basrah Researches (( …, 2011
In this paper, a three species ratio-dependent food web model consisting of a prey, specialist predator and generalist predator is proposed and analyzed. The dynamical behavior of all possible subsystems is carried out. The stability analysis of all nonnegative equilibrium points is investigated. The persistence conditions for the proposed food web model are established. Finally, the local as well as global stability of the positive equilibrium point of the food web model are discussed. It is proved that the proposed food web model is persistence and globally asymptotically stable under some appropriate conditions. c c c c c z
Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2011
We provide an analytical proof of the existence of a stable periodic orbit contained in the region of coexistence of the three species of a tritrophic chain. The method used consists in analyzing a triple Hopf bifurcation. For some values of the parameters three limit cycles bear via this bifurcation. One is contained in the plane where the top-predator is absent. Another one is not contained in the domain of interest where all variables are positive. The third one is contained where the three species coexist. The techniques for proving these results have been introduced in previous articles (see ) and are based on the averaging theory of second-order. Existence of this triple Hopf bifurcation has been previously discovered numerically in .
Mathematical Biosciences, 1998
A class of bioenergetic ecological models is studied for the dynamics of food chains with a nutrient at the base. A constant in¯ux rate of the nutrient and a constant eux rate for all trophic levels is assumed. Starting point is a simple model where prey is converted into predator with a ®xed eciency. This model is extended by the introduction of maintenance and energy reserves at all trophic levels, with two state variables for each trophic level, biomass and reserve energy. Then the dynamics of each population are described by two ordinary dierential equations. For all models the bifurcation diagram for the bi-trophic food chain is simple. There are three important regions; a region where the predator goes to extinction, a region where there is a stable equilibrium and a region where a stable limit cycle exists. Bifurcation diagrams for tritrophic food chains are more complicated. Flip bifurcation curves mark regions where complex dynamic behaviour (higher periodic limit cycles as well as chaotic attractors) can occur. We show numerically that Shil'nikov homoclinic orbits to saddle-focus equilibria exists. The codimension 1 continuations of these orbits form a`skeleton' for a cascade of¯ip and tangent bifurcations. The bifurcation analysis facilitates the study of the consequences of the population model for the dynamic behaviour of a food chain. Although the predicted transient dynamics of a food chain may depend sensitively on the underlying model for the populations, the global picture of the bifurcation diagram for the dierent models is about the same. Ó 1998 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.
Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2007
Hastings, Chaos in three species food chains, Journal of Mathematical Biology 32 (1994) 427-451] detected cases of multiple attractors in continuous food-chains. In this paper we discuss similar phenomena in the discrete food-chains introduced by Lindströ m [T. Lindströ m, On the dynamics of discrete food-chains: low-and high-frequency behavior and chaos, Journal of Mathematical Biology 45 ]. The results imply that the dynamical properties including species persistence may change due to disturbances that do not involve changes in the environmental parameters. Thus, there are possibilities that species may be eradicated or start to oscillate at different frequencies without any changes in the environment. Since this is now shown to hold in both seasonal and non-seasonal environments, we expect that this is a rather general property of ecosystems.
Mathematical biosciences, 2001
The asymptotic behaviour of a model of a tri-trophic food chain in the chemostat is analysed in detail. The Monod growth model is used for all trophic levels, yielding a non-linear dynamical system of four ordinary differential equations. Mass conservation makes it possible to reduce the dimension by 1 for the study of the asymptotic dynamic behaviour. The intersections of the orbits with a Poincaré plane, after the transient has died out, yield a two-dimensional Poincaré next-return map. When chaotic behaviour occurs, all image points of this next-return map appear to lie close to a single curve in the intersection plane. This motivated the study of a one-dimensional bi-modal, non-invertible map of which the graph resembles this curve. We will show that the bifurcation structure of the food chain model can be understood in terms of the local and global bifurcations of this one-dimensional map. Homoclinic and heteroclinic connecting orbits and their global bifurcations are discussed...
Journal of Global Research in Mathematical …, 2013
The dynamical relationship between predator and prey can be represented by the prey functional response which refers to the change in the density of prey attached per unit time per predator as the prey density changes. In this paper, three-species food chain model with Beddington-DeAngelis type functional response is considered and found solution both analytically and numerically. We investigate the Hopf bifurcation and Chaos of the system at mortality rate ( 2 a ) of predator with the help of computer simulations. Butler-Mc Gehee lemma is used to identify the condition which influences the persistence of the system. We also study the effect of Harvesting on prey species. Harvesting has a strong impact on the dynamic evolution of a population. To a certain extent, it can control the long-term stationary density of population efficiently. However, it can also lead to the incorporation of a positive extinction probability and therefore to potential extinction in finite time. Our result suggests that the mortality rate of predator species have the ability to control the chaotic dynamics.
Malaysian Journal of Mathematical Sciences
In this paper, we study an ecological model with a tritrophic food chain composed of a classical Lotka-Volterra functional response for prey and predator, and a Holling type-II functional response for predator and superpredator. There are two equilibrium points of the system. In the parameter space, there are passages from instability to stability, which are called Hopf bifurcation points. For the first equilibrium point, it is possible to find bifurcation points analytically and to prove that the system has periodic solutions around these points. Furthermore the dynamical behaviors of this model are investigated. The dynamical behavior is found to be very sensitive to parameter values as well as the parameters of the practical life. Computer simulations are carried out to explain the analytical findings
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