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This paper discusses live hauling methods for transporting aquatic species such as shrimp, crabs, lobsters, and fish. Key insights include the importance of using appropriate transport tanks, the advantages of different oxygenation methods, and the logistics of maintaining species viability during transit. With a focus on optimizing conditions for high-density transport, the text provides recommendations for utilizing aeration and various forms of oxygen to ensure the health and survival of transported aquatic organisms.
Aquacultural Engineering, 2010
The oxygen flow rate was studied for carbon stone and ceramic plate diffusers, two types of diffusers that are commonly used in hauling applications. New diffusers were used in all experiments. It was found that oxygen flow was largest for dry diffusers operated in air and reduced for diffusers started in air and then placed in water and further reduced for diffusers soaked in water prior to use. The coefficient of variation for the two types of diffusers ranged from 7 to 18% for new units. If individual flow adjustment is not provided for each diffuser in a manifold distribution system (one oxygen source, several diffusers), small differences in pressure losses between diffusers can result in significant differences in oxygen flows. The initial oxygen flow during the loading of fish may be depressed until accumulated water in the hose and diffuser is expelled. Under some conditions, the oxygen flow rate can increase by 2-4 times over a 6-8 h period. Decreases in oxygen flow due to prior history may make it difficult to achieve the needed operating flows in a timely manner without exceeding the diffuser's pressure rating. This problem is likely to become more important due to aging and clogging of the diffusers.
Journal of Survey in Fisheries Sciences, 2020
Fish transportation methods for fish culture operations, public aquariums, biologists, and researchers often employ methods and use equipment which the average aquarium hobbyist does not have access to. Aquarium hobbyists typically transport fish via sealed plastic bags that are inflated with oxygen and shipped by next day mail service or as cargo on commercial airlines, however, the build-up of ammonia and carbon dioxide limit the duration that fish can be kept within these sealed bags to approximately 24 to 36 hours. This study outlines a novel technique for fish transportation suitable for the aquarium hobbyist. This protocol allowed for the successful transport of three fish and one marine invertebrate for 7 days, with minimal effects on water chemistry and stress. The use of a standardized transport procedure such as the method outlined in this study may help to reduce fish stressors; thereby, reducing short-and long-term morbidity and mortality associated with the transport of fish.
Indian Journal of …, 2011
A study was undertaken to determine the oxygen consumption rate of live Asiatic carps during transportation in fibre reinforced plastic (FRP) tank of 1280 l capacity fitted inside a jeep trailer. Six experiments were conducted using table size fishes (425-1060 g) of Indian ...
APART (CoF, AAU), 2018
The overall income and reputation of a fish farm depends upon the marketing of disposal of the product (fish) produced and make it appealing to the customer in the best possible way. Fry, fingerlings and table size fish are the main products of an aquaculture farm and require different ways and means of disposal. The table size fishes after harvesting need immediate transportation so that it may reach the destination in fresh condition whereas fry and fingerlings are to be transported in live condition.
EDIS, 2006
FA-119, a 6-page illustrated fact sheet by Tina C. Crosby, Jeffrey E. Hill, Carlos V. Martinez, Craig A. Watson, and Roy P.E. Yanong, describes how to reduce factors that contribute to stress in ornamental fish during transport from the grow-out pond to the holding facility. Includes recommended reading and references. Published by the UF Department of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, November 2006. FA-119/FA119: On-Farm Transport of Ornamental Fish (
Cold Storage is a cooling machine with the aid of a compressor, condenser, expansion pipe, and Generator. This machine is superimposed two sections of material and one layer of space, which is the outer layer of aluminum, contains a layer of air space (vacuum), and the inner layer of polyurethane. Dimensions of aluminum, ie length = 0.533248 m, width = 0.40828 m, Height = 0.40828 m with a breadth of aluminum = 0.217714 m2 and dimensions of polyurethane, ie length = 13.12 ft = 33.3248 cm = 0.333248 m, width = 8.2 ft = 20.828 cm = 0.20828 m, Height = 8.2 ft = 20.828 cm = 0.20828 m in breadth Akaret = 0.069409 m2. Kompressor working with values, namely Wcompressor = 1.670395 KW with swivel rotation equivalent to n = 590 rpm. The thermal conductivity (K material = 0:02 W / m K) is a constant heat of an object. With the heat transfer formula, Q = ΔT / (R total), the value of heat transfer Q = 5 / (150.0475) = 0.033323 W. The q value is reduced slightly minimized heat transfer should not change because the purpose of this machine to machine preservation so, room temperature should be constant and there is no influence from outside. This machine is designed as minimal as possible not be influenced from the state of the environment. This machine is made for fishermen basically installed in a fishing boat. The next process is the packing and shipping of a box catch fish in the boat and then channeled to the mainland that have been made in modern packing without the power of the fishermen. The packing process is required to not damage the quality of the fish and therefore packing tool has been designed properly.
The supplying of live fish broodstock is routinely delivered by water. However, the traditional transportation of live fish with water results in small volume of transportation. Therefore, waterless transportation with different filler medium of waterless live fish transport is considered an alternative strategy. This research aimed to evaluate the effect of different filler medium of waterless live fish transportation on survival rate of African catfish (Clarias sp.) broodstocks. Brooders with mean weight 116 ±10,25 g were packed at 5 fish/bag for simulated 15h transportation. The bags, each 40x25x15 cm 3 , were filled with different treatment of medium; Sponge, newspaper, cloth, and sawdust at 3 cm thickness of sponge medium and ½ kg for newspaper, cloth and sawdust medium per bag. One bag without medium was designed as a control. Mortality, temperature, Humidity and weight gain loss were monitored throughout the experiment. After simulation, mortality, pH, DO and temperature were...
There are two basic transport systems for live fish - the closed system and the open system. The closed system is a sealed container in which all the requirements for survival are selfcontained. The simplest of these is a sealed plastic bag partly filled with water and oxygen. The open system consists of waterfilled containers in which the requirements for survival are supplied continuously from outside sources. The simplest of these is a small tank with an aerator stone.
Aquacultural Engineering, 2006
Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bangladesh, Science, 2014
Indian Journal of Fisheries, 2017
Journal of the World Aquaculture Society, 2004
Journal of the World Aquaculture Society, 2017
Scientia et Technica
Proceedings of the International Conference on Maritime and Archipelago (ICoMA 2018), 2019
Universidad Autonoma de Chapingo, 2011
Aquacultural Engineering, 2007
Wilderness & Environmental Medicine, 2002
Innovations, 2019
Aquaculture, 2017
Aquacultural Engineering, 1988
Freshwater Crayfish, 2013
Dhaka University Journal of Biological Sciences, 2018
Reviews in Aquaculture, 2018
Technical Report supported by Project No. 030421, FP6 – SME CrustaSea, 2006