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1999, Mathematical Programming
A mathematical programming model may contain qualitative as well as quantitative elements. One may, for example, wish to combine a rule base with numerical constraints. This raises the issue of how to represent logical constraints in inequality form so that they have a useful linear relaxation. We provide a simple recursive procedure that generates a convex hull description of any logical condition that can be written as a "cardinality rule", which seems to be a form that occurs often in practice. A cardinality rule asserts that if at least k of the propositions A 1 , . . . , A m are true, then at least of the propositions B 1 , . . . , B n are true. The main result of the paper is that the procedure in fact provides a convex hull description.
In Proceedings of the International Workshop on …, 2001
We investigate cardinality constraints of the form M,! K, where M is a set and is one of the comparison operators\=,", or\": a model of such a constraint is required to contain\ exactly, at most", or\ at least", respectively, K elements of M. Applications dealing with ...
arXiv (Cornell University), 2018
In the encoding of many real-world problems to propositional satisfiability, the cardinality constraint is a recurrent constraint that needs to be managed effectively. Several efficient encodings have been proposed while missing that such a constraint can be involved in a more general propositional formulation. To avoid combinatorial explosion, Tseitin principle usually used to translate such general propositional formula to Conjunctive Normal Form (CNF), introduces fresh propositional variables to represent sub-formulas and/or complex contraints. Thanks to Plaisted and Greenbaum improvement, the polarity of the sub-formula Φ is taken into account leading to conditional constraints of the form y → Φ, or Φ → y, where y is a fresh propositional variable. In the case where Φ represents a cardinality constraint, such translation leads to conditional cardinality constraints subject of the present paper. We first show that when all the clauses encoding the cardinality constraint are augmented with an additional new variable, most of the well-known encodings cease to maintain the generalized arc consistency property. Then, we consider some of these encodings and show how they can be extended to recover such important property. An experimental validation is conducted on a SAT-based pattern mining application, where such conditional cardinality constraints is a cornerstone, showing the relevance of our proposed approach.
Journal of Experimental & Theoretical Artificial Intelligence, 2006
In this article, we present a general representation for constraint satisfaction problems with disjunctive relations called cluster constraint systems (CCS). For this representation, we develop a novel and simple approach for solving CCSs using convex envelopes. These envelopes can be used to decompose the feasible space of the CCS through convex approximations. We explore interval reasoning as a case study of CCS. Our experimental results demonstrate that such CCS can be effectively and efficiently solved through convex enveloping with very modest branching requirements in comparison to other generic as well as specialized algorithms for interval reasoning. In fact, convex enveloping solves significantly more cases and more efficiently than other methods used in our test bed.
This paper presents a structured approach to model logical constraints (expressions that contain propositions and logical operators) in a linear program using binary variables. The approach proceeds in three steps: (1) translating the English sentences into logical compound propositions; (2) transforming these compound propositions in a conjunctive normal form; and (3) creating a linear inequality for each clause of the conjunctive normal form. A detailed example describing the use of this approach is provided.
We study properties of programs with monotone and convex constraints. We extend to these formalisms concepts and results from normal logic programming. They include the notions of strong and uniform equivalence with their characterizations, tight programs and Fages Lemma, program completion and loop formulas. Our results provide an abstract account of properties of some recent extensions of logic programming with aggregates, especially the formalism of lparse programs. They imply a method to compute stable models of lparse programs by means of off-theshelf solvers of pseudo-boolean constraints, which is often much faster than the smodels system.
CoLogNet Publications, 2002
Many constraint satisfaction problems (csp's) are formulated with 0/1 variables. Sometimes this is a natural encoding, sometimes it is as a result of a reformulation of the problem, other times 0/1 variables make up only a part of the problem. Frequently we have constraints that restrict the sum of the values of variables. This can be encoded as a simple summation of the variables. However, since variables can only take 0/1 values we can also use an occurrence constraint, e.g. the number of occurrences of 1 must be k. Would this make a difference? Similarly, problems may use channelling constraints and encode these as a biconditional such as P ↔ Q (i.e. P if and only if Q). This can also be encoded in a number of ways. Might this make a difference as well? We attempt to answer these questions, using a variety of problems and two constraint programming toolkits. We show that even minor changes to the formulation of a constraint can have a profound effect on the run time of a constraint program and that these effects are not consistent across constraint programming toolkits. This leads us to a cautionary note for constraint programmers: take note of how you encode constraints, and don't assume computational behaviour is toolkit independent.
Integration of AI and OR Techniques in …, 2006
We present a theoretical study on the idea of using mathematical programming relaxations for filtering binary constraint satisfaction problems. We introduce the consistent value polytope and give a linear programming description that is provably tighter than a recently studied formulation. We then provide an experimental study that shows that, despite the theoretical progress, in practice filtering based on mathematical programming relaxations continues to perform worse than standard arc-consistency algorithms for binary constraint satisfaction problems.
Theory of Computing Systems, 2009
The way the graph structure of the constraints influences the complexity of constraint satisfaction problems (CSP) is well understood for bounded-arity constraints. The situation is less clear if there is no bound on the arities. In this case the answer depends also on how the constraints are represented in the input. We study this question for the truth table representation of constraints. We introduce a new hypergraph measure adaptive width and show that CSP with truth tables is polynomial-time solvable if restricted to a class of hypergraphs with bounded adaptive width. Conversely, assuming a conjecture on the complexity of binary CSP, there is no other polynomial-time solvable case.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1995
In this note we will investigate a form of logic programming with constraints. The constraints that we consider will not be restricted to statements on real numbers as in CLP(R), see . Instead our constraints will be arbitrary global constraints. The basic idea is that the applicability of a given rule is not predicated on the fact that individual variables satisfy certain constraints, but rather on the fact that the least model of the set rules that are ultimately applicable satisfy the constraint of the rule. Thus the role of clauses will be slightly different than in the usual Logic Programming with constraints. In fact, the paradigm we present is closely related to stable model semantics of general logic programming . We will define the notion of a constraint model of our constraint logic program and show that stable models of logic programs as well as the supported models of logic programs are just special cases of constraint models of constraint logic programs.
European Journal of Operational Research, 1994
In this note we will investigate a form of logic programming with constraints. The constraints that we consider will not be restricted to statements on real numbers as in CLP(R), see . Instead our constraints will be arbitrary global constraints. The basic idea is that the applicability of a given rule is not predicated on the fact that individual variables satisfy certain constraints, but rather on the fact that the least model of the set rules that are ultimately applicable satisfy the constraint of the rule. Thus the role of clauses will be slightly different than in the usual Logic Programming with constraints. In fact, the paradigm we present is closely related to stable model semantics of general logic programming . We will define the notion of a constraint model of our constraint logic program and show that stable models of logic programs as well as the supported models of logic programs are just special cases of constraint models of constraint logic programs.
In this paper, we propose a new encoding of the cardinality constraint n i=1 xi b. It makes an original use of the general formulation of the PigeonHole principle to derive a formula in conjunctive normal form (CNF). Our PigeonHole based CNF encoding can be seen as a simple way to express the semantic of the cardinality constraint, that can be defined as how to put b pigeons into n holes. To derive an efficient CNF encoding that ensures constraint propagation, we exploit the set of symmetries of the PigeonHole based formulation to derive an efficient CNF encoding of the cardinality constraint. More interestingly, the final CNF formula contains is b×(n−b) variables and clauses and belongs to the well-known Reverse-Horn tractable CNF formula, which can be decided by unit propagation. Our proposed PigeonHole based encoding is theoretically compared with the currently well-known CNF encoding of the cardinality constraint.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2015
Integer programming (IP) is one of the most successful approaches for combinatorial optimization problems. Many IP solvers make use of the linear relaxation, which removes the integrality requirement on the variables. The relaxed problem can then be solved using linear programming (LP), a very e cient optimization paradigm. Constraint programming (CP) can solve a much wider variety of problems, since it does not require the problem to be expressed in terms of linear equations. The cost of this versatility is that in CP there is no easy way to automatically derive a good bound on the objective. This paper presents an approach based on ideas from Lagrangian decomposition (LD) that establishes a general bounding scheme for any CP. We provide an implementation for optimization problems that can be formulated with knapsack and regular constraints, and we give comparisons with pure CP approaches. Our results clearly demonstrate the benefits of our approach on these problems.
Arc-Consistency algorithms are the most commonly used filtering techniques to prune the search space in Constraint Satisfaction Problems (CSPs). 2-consistency is a similar technique that guarantees that any instantiation of a value to a variable can be consistently extended to any second variable. Thus, 2-consistency can be stronger than arc-consistency in binary CSPs. In this work we present a new algorithm to achieve 2consistency called 2-C4. This algorithm is a reformulation of AC4 algorithm that is able to reduce unnecessary checking and prune more search space than AC4. The experimental results show that 2-C4 was able to prune more search space than arc-consistency algorithms in non-normalized instances. Furthermore, 2-C4 was more efficient than other 2-consistency algorithms presented in the literature.
IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 2003
In information systems, one often has to deal with constraints in order to compel the semantics and integrity of the stored information or to express some querying criteria. Hereby, different constraints can be of different importance. A method to aggregate the information about the satisfaction of a finite number of constraints for a given data instance is presented. Central to the proposed method is the use of extended possibilistic truth values (to express the degree of satisfaction of a constraint) and the use of residual implicators and residual coimplicators (to model the impact and relevance of a constraint). The proposed method can be applied to any constraint-based system. A database application is discussed and illustrated.
We propose a general framework for computing minimal set covers under class of certain logical constraints. The underlying idea is to transform the problem into a mathematical programm under linear constraints. In this sense it can be seen as a natural extension of the vector quantization algorithm proposed by . We show which class of logical constraints can be cast and relaxed into linear constraints and give an algorithm for the transformation.
Artificial Intelligence, 2010
Theoretical Computer Science, 1992
Monfroglio, A., Integer programs for logic constraint satisfaction, Theoretical Computer Science 97 (1992) 105-130. Logic constraint satisfaction problems are in general NP-hard and a general deterministic polynomial time algorithm is not known. Since several logic constraint problems can be reduced in polynomial time to the satisfaction of a conjunctive normal form (CNF-SAT), this case is very important. We present here a technique to transform a CNF-SAT problem in an integer optimization problem that can be solved by linear programming. The size of the obtained integer program has a polynomial growth in comparison with the original problem size.
In this note we will investigate a form of logic programming with constraints. The constraints that we consider will not be restricted to statements on real numbers as in CLP(R), see [15]. Instead our constraints will be arbitrary global constraints. The basic idea is that the applicability of a given rule is not predicated on the fact that individual variables satisfy certain constraints, but rather on the fact that the least model of the set rules that are ultimately applicable satisfy the constraint of the rule. Thus the role of clauses will be slightly different than in the usual Logic Programming with constraints. In fact, the paradigm we present is closely related to stable model semantics of general logic programming [13]. We will define the notion of a constraint model of our constraint logic program and show that stable models of logic programs as well as the supported models of logic programs are just special cases of constraint models of constraint logic programs. Our def...
Mathematical Programming, 2011
Many combinatorial constraints over continuous variables such as SOS1 and SOS2 constraints can be interpreted as disjunctive constraints that restrict the variables to lie in the union of a finite number of specially structured polyhedra. Known mixed integer binary formulations for these constraints have a number of binary variables and extra constraints linear in the number of polyhedra. We give sufficient conditions for constructing formulations for these constraints with a number of binary variables and extra constraints logarithmic in the number of polyhedra. Using these conditions we introduce mixed integer binary formulations for SOS1 and SOS2 constraints that have a number of binary variables and extra constraints logarithmic in the number of continuous variables. We also introduce the first mixed integer binary formulations for piecewise linear functions of one and two variables that use a number of binary variables and extra constraints logarithmic in the number of linear pieces of the functions. We prove that the new formulations for piecewise linear functions have favorable tightness properties and present computational results showing that they can significantly outperform other mixed integer binary formulations.
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