The Novel "O Guarani": a cultural multimedia product

José de Alencar has published between January and April 1857 the serial novel "O Guarani" in the pages of Diário do Rio de Janeiro. This text introduces the reader to a project of national literature. Afterwards, this work will be published in the book, will be the subject of an opera and during the twentieth will be object of seven film version, and finally more than one comic version. Starting from the original medium, the pages of the Diario do Rio de Janeiro, we intend to seek what are the aspects of the related serial novel that were assimilated by the author and how these elements have beend adpted or deleted in the trasposition for other media. To achieve these objectives, we will use as theoretical support the studies of Marie-ÈveThérenty about the relationship between literature and journalism in the nineteenth century, and the most recents studies in the field of transmidiality. Our hypothesis is that the transposition of the novel born in the footer of the newspaper in several media over two centuries can characterize "O Guarani "as the first media product of the Brazilian cultural history.