Specifying Interactive Work Flows for the Web


In these lecture notes we present the iTask system: a set of combinators to specify workflows in a pure functional language at a very high level of abstraction. Workflow systems are automated systems in which tasks are coordinated that have to be executed by either hu-mans or computers. The combinators that we propose support workflow patterns commonly found in commercial workflow systems. In addition, we introduce novel workflow patterns that capture real world require-ments, but that can not be dealt with by current systems. Compared with most of these commercial systems, the iTask system offers several further advantages: tasks are statically typed, tasks can be higher order, the combinators are fully compositional, dynamic and recursive work-flows can be specified, and last but not least, the specification is used to generate an executable web-based multi-user workflow application. With the iTask system, useful workflows can be defined which cannot be ex-pressed in other systems...