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1997, Journal of Computational Chemistry
In this article we present a new LINear Constraint Solver (LINCS) for molecular simulations with bond constraints. The algorithm is inherently stable, as the constraints themselves are reset instead of derivatives of the constraints, thereby eliminating drift. Although the derivation of the algorithm is presented in terms of matrices, no matrix matrix multiplications are needed and only the nonzero matrix elements have to be stored, making the method useful for very large molecules. At the same accuracy, the LINCS algorithm is 3 to 4 times faster than the SHAKE algorithm. Parallelization of the algorithm is straightforward.
Journal of Computational Biology, 2006
Simulations of molecular systems typically handle interactions within non-bonded pairs. Generating and updating a list of these pairs can be the most time-consuming part of energy calculations for large systems. Thus, efficient non-bonded list processing can speed up the energy calculations significantly. While the asymptotic complexity of current algorithms (namely O(N), where N is the number of particles) is probably the lowest possible, a wide space for optimization is still left. This article offers a heuristic extension to the previously suggested grid based algorithms. We show that, when the average particle movements are slow, simulation time can be reduced considerably. The proposed algorithm has been implemented in the DistanceMatrix class of the molecular modeling package MESHI. MESHI is freely available at <∼meshi>.
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation, 2008
Molecular simulation is an extremely useful, but computationally very expensive tool for studies of chemical and biomolecular systems. Here, we present a new implementation of our molecular simulation toolkit GROMACS which now both achieves extremely high performance on single processors from algorithmic optimizations and hand-coded routines and simultaneously scales very well on parallel machines. The code encompasses a minimal-communication domain decomposition algorithm, full dynamic load balancing, a state-of-the-art parallel constraint solver, and efficient virtual site algorithms that allow removal of hydrogen atom degrees of freedom to enable integration time steps up to 5 fs for atomistic simulations also in parallel. To improve the scaling properties of the common particle mesh Ewald electrostatics algorithms, we have in addition used a Multiple-Program, Multiple-Data approach, with separate node domains responsible for direct and reciprocal space interactions. Not only does this combination of algorithms enable extremely long simulations of large systems but also it provides that simulation performance on quite modest numbers of standard cluster nodes.
Computer Physics Communications, 2006
Equations of motion based on an atomic group scaling scheme are described for a molecular system with bond constraints. The NPT ensemble extended system method is employed along with a numerical integration scheme using an operator technique. For parallelization of the integration scheme, a domain decomposition scheme is employed based on a group of atoms which share common constraints. This decomposition scheme fits well into the integration scheme and involves no extra inter-processor communication during the SHAKE/RATTLE procedures. An example is given for a solvated protein system containing a total of 23 558 atoms on 64 processors.
Aiche Journal, 2021
Journal of …, 1995
In molecular dynamics simulations, the fastest components of the potential eld impose severe restrictions on the stability and hence the speed of computational methods. One possibility for treating this problem is to replace the fastest components with algebraic length constraints. In this paper, the resulting systems of mixed di erential and algebraic equations are studied. Commonly used discretization schemes for constrained Hamiltonian systems are discussed. The form of the nonlinear equations is examined in detail and used to give convergence results for the traditional nonlinear solution technique SHAKE iteration and for a modi cation based on Successive OverRelaxation (SOR). A simple adaptive algorithm for nding the optimal relaxation parameter is presented. Alternative direct methods using sparse matrix techniques are discussed. Numerical results are given for the new techniques, implemented in the molecular modeling software package CHARMM, showing as much as twofold improvement over SHAKE iteration. matrix methods 1. Introduction. In molecular dynamics, the length of timestep for numerically integrating the equations of motion is dictated by the contributions to the force vector which maintain pairs of atoms near some equilibrium distance. The imposition of algebraic constraints that x these lengths removes the associated rapid vibrational modes, enabling the use of longer timesteps without substantially altering important physical characteristics of the motion 1]. Although we treat only length constraints in the present work, constrained techniques are also of interest for conformational search and conformational free energy simulations 2]. In 3] the SHAKE iteration was described for solving the nonlinear equations at each timestep of a constrained version of the Verlet discretization, and a similar scheme was proposed in 4] for use with the RATTLE discretization.
Computer Physics Communications, 2010
The latest release of NWChem delivers an open-source computational chemistry package with extensive capabilities for large scale simulations of chemical and biological systems. Utilizing a common computational framework, diverse theoretical descriptions can be used to provide the best solution for a given scientific problem. Scalable parallel implementations and modular software design enable efficient utilization of current computational architectures. This paper provides an overview of NWChem focusing primarily on the core theoretical modules provided by the code and their parallel performance.
Computer Physics Communications, 2000
A general purpose, scalable parallel molecular dynamics package for simulations of arbitrary mixtures of flexible or rigid molecules is presented. It allows use of most types of conventional molecular-mechanical force fields and contains a variety of auxiliary terms for inter-and intramolecular interactions, including an harmonic bond-stretchings. It can handle both isotropic or ordered systems. Besides an NVE MD ensemble, the simulations can also be carried out in either NVT or NPT ensembles, by employing the Nosé-Hoover thermostats and barostats, respectively. If required, the NPT ensemble can be generated by maintaining anisotropic pressures. The simulation cell can be either cubic, rectangular, hexagonal or a truncated octahedron, with corresponding periodic boundary conditions and minimum images. In all cases, the optimized Ewald method can be used to treat the Coulombic interactions. Double time-step or constrained dynamics schemes are included. An external electric field can be applied across the simulation cell. The whole program is highly modular and is written in standard Fortran 77. It can be compiled to run efficiently both on parallel and sequential computers. The inherent complexity of the studied system does not affect the scalability of the program. The scaling is good with the size of the system and with the number of processors. The portability of the program is good, it runs regularly on several common single-and multiprocessor platforms, both scalar and vector architectures included.
Biochimica et biophysica acta, 2015
Free energy simulations are an important tool in the arsenal of computational biophysics, allowing the calculation of thermodynamic properties of binding or enzymatic reactions. This paper introduces methods to increase the accuracy and precision of free energy calculations by calculating the free energy costs of constraints during post-processing. The primary purpose of employing constraints for these free energy methods is to increase the phase space overlap between ensembles, which is required for accuracy and convergence. The free energy costs of applying or removing constraints are calculated as additional explicit steps in the free energy cycle. The new techniques focus on hard degrees of freedom and use both gradients and Hessian estimation. Enthalpy, vibrational entropy, and Jacobian free energy terms are considered. We demonstrate the utility of this method with simple classical systems involving harmonic and anharmonic oscillators, four-atomic benchmark systems, an alchemi...
Computer Physics Communications, 1995
We describe the development, current features, and some directions for future development of the AMBER package of computer programs. This package has evolved from a program that was constructed to do Assisted Model Building and Energy Refinement to a group of programs embodying a number of the powerful tools of modem computational chemistry-molecular dynamics and free energy calculations. consult the Web site:, amber, ucsf. edu/ amber/amber, html.
Journal of The Royal Society Interface, 2008
Molecular simulation is increasingly demonstrating its practical value in the investigation of biological systems. Computational modelling of biomolecular systems is an exciting and rapidly developing area, which is expanding significantly in scope. A range of simulation methods has been developed that can be applied to study a wide variety of problems in structural biology and at the interfaces between physics, chemistry and biology. Here, we give an overview of methods and some recent developments in atomistic biomolecular simulation. Some recent applications and theoretical developments are highlighted.
The European Physical Journal Special Topics, 2011
Computational Methods for …, 2002
This article describes a collection of model problems for aiding numerical analysts, code developers and others in the design of computational methods for molecular dynamics (MD) simulation. Common types of calculations and desirable features of algorithms are surveyed, and these are used to guide selection of representative models. By including essential features of certain classes of molecular systems, but otherwise limiting the physical and quantitative details, it is hoped that the test set can help to facilitate cross-disciplinary algorithm and code development e orts.
The most important factor for quantitative results in molecular dynamics simulation are well developed force fields and models. In the present work, the development of new models and the usage of force fields from the literature in large systems are presented. Both tasks lead to time consuming simulations that require massively parallel high performance computing. In the present work, new
Journal of Computational Chemistry, 1995
Current macromolecular energy minimization algorithms become inefficient and prone to failure when bond length constraints are imposed. They are required to relieve steric stresses in biomolecules prior to a molecular dynamics simulation. Unfortunately, the latter often require constraints, leading to difficulties in initiating trajectories from unconstrained energy minima. This difficulty was overcome by requiring that the components of the energy gradient vanish along the constrained bonds. The modified energy minimization algorithm converges to a lower energy in a fewer number of iterations and is more robust than current implementations. The method has been successfully applied to the Dickerson DNA dodecamer, CGCGAA'ITCGCG. 0 1995 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. techniques' are routinely used in X-ray diffraction studies of proteins and DNA to adjust bond lengths, bond angles, etc. so that they conform to known stereochemical values. They have been used extensively in the parameterization of molecular mechanics force fields's3 and in molecular dynambiomolecules, in which the stresses in the molecule lar structure and function. Gradient minimization ics (MD) and Monte Carlo (MC) studies of generally must be prior to the commencement of the simulation^^,^ and in which, for large
Methods for performing large-scale parallel Molecular Dynamics(MD) simulations are investigated. A perspective on the field of parallel md simulations is given. Hardware and software aspects are characterized and the interplay between the two is briefly discussed. A method for performing ab initio md is described; the method essentially recomputes the interaction potential at each time-step. It has been tested on a system of liquid water by comparing results with other simulation methods and experimental results. Different strategies for parallelization are explored. Furthermore, data-parallel methods for short-range and long-range interactions on massively parallel platforms are described and compared. Next, a method for treating electrostatic interactions in md simulations is developed. It combines the traditional Ewald summation technique with the nonuniform Fast Fourier transform-ENUF for short. The method scales as O(N log N), where N is the number of charges in the system. ENUF has a behavior very similar to Ewald summation and can be easily and efficiently implemented in existing simulation programs. Finally, an outlook is given and some directions for further developments are suggested.
Bioinformatics, 2013
Motivation: Molecular simulation has historically been a lowthroughput technique, but faster computers and increasing amounts of genomic and structural data are changing this by enabling large-scale automated simulation of, for instance, many conformers or mutants of biomolecules with or without a range of ligands. At the same time, advances in performance and scaling now make it possible to model complex biomolecular interaction and function in a manner directly testable by experiment. These applications share a need for fast and efficient software that can be deployed on massive scale in clusters, web servers, distributed computing or cloud resources.
International Journal of Quantum Chemistry, 2014
Our new molecular dynamics (MD) simulation program, MODYLAS, is a general-purpose program appropriate for very large physical, chemical, and biological systems. It is equipped with most standard MD techniques. Long-range forces are evaluated rigorously by the fast multipole method (FMM) without using the fast Fourier transform (FFT). Several new methods have also been developed for extremely fine-grained parallelism of the MD calculation. The virtually buffering-free methods for communications and arithmetic operations, the minimal communication latency algorithm, and the parallel bucket-relay communication algorithm for the upper-level multipole moments in the FMM realize excellent scalability. The methods for blockwise arithmetic operations avoid data reload, attaining very small cache miss rates. Benchmark tests for MODYLAS using 65,536 nodes of the K-computer showed that the overall calculation time per MD step including communications is as short as about 5 ms for a 10 million-atom system; i.e., 35 ns of simulation time can be computed per day. The program enables investigations of large-scale real systems such as viruses, liposomes, assemblies of proteins and micelles, and polymers.
Journal of Computational Chemistry, 1997
In this study, we present a new molecular dynamics program for simulation of complex molecular systems. The program, named ORAC, combines Ž . state-of-the-art molecular dynamics MD algorithms with flexibility in handling different types and sizes of molecules. ORAC is intended for simulations of molecular systems and is specifically designed to treat biomolecules efficiently and effectively in solution or in a crystalline environment. Among its unique Ž . features are: i implementation of reversible and symplectic multiple time step Ž . algorithms or r-RESPA, reversible reference system propagation algorithm specifically designed and tuned for biological systems with periodic boundary Ž . conditions; ii availability for simulations with multiple or single time steps of Ž . standard Ewald or smooth particle mesh Ewald SPME for computation of Ž . electrostatic interactions; and iii possibility of simulating molecular systems in a variety of thermodynamic ensembles. We believe that the combination of these algorithms makes ORAC more advanced than other MD programs using standard simulation algorithms.
Advances in Engineering Software, 1998
In this paper, a novel algorithm for solution of the constrained equations of motion with application to simulation of the molecular dynamics systems is presented. The algorithm enables the solution of equations of motion with an internal coordinates model wherein the high-frequency oscillations are frozen by explicit inclusion of hard constraints in the system as well as by clustering of atoms and, thus, allowing a much larger time step in the integration. For a molecular system with N clusters, the algorithm achieves the optimal sequential complexity of O(N). However, the main advantage of this new algorithm is its efficiency for massively parallel computation. In fact, this is the first known algorithm that achieves a both time-and processor-optimal parallel solution for the constrained equations of motion, i.e. an optimal computation time of O(logN) by using an optimal number of O(N) processors. In addition to its theoretical significance, this algorithm is also very efficient for practical implementation on the coarse grain MIMD parallel architectures owing to its highly decoupled computational structure. ᭧
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