Network Invariants for Real-Time Systems

2004, Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science


We extend the approach of model checking parameterized networks of processes by means of network invariants to the setting of real-time systems. We introduce timed transition structures (which are similar in spirit to timed automata) and define a notion of abstraction which is safe with respect to linear temporal properties. We strengthen the notion of abstraction to allow a finite system, then called network invariant, to be an abstraction of networks of real-time systems. In general the problem of checking abstraction of real-time systems is undecidable. Hence, we provide sufficient criteria, which can be checked automatically, to conclude that one system is an abstraction of a concrete one. Our method is based on timed superposition and discretization of timed systems. We exemplify our approach by proving mutual exclusion of a simple protocol inspired by Fischer's protocol, using Weizmann's model checker TLV.