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2001, Journal of Interpersonal Violence
Polaschek et al. / RAPISTS' OFFENSE PROCESSES Models of the offense process set out to provide a description of the cognitive, behavioral, motivational, and contextual factors associated with a particular type of offense. They model the temporal relationships between the variables of interest and focus explicitly on the proximal causes or the how of offending. In this study, qualitative analysis was used to develop a descriptive model of the offense process for 24 adult rapists. Sentenced offenders provided detailed retrospective descriptions of their thoughts, emotions, and behavior prior to and during their most recent rape. These descriptions were analyzed using a grounded theory approach. The resulting preliminary model contained the following six phases: background factors to the offense, goal formation, approach behavior, offense preparation, the offense, and postoffense behavior. These stages are discussed along with the model's theoretical, research, and clinical implications. The model is consistent with existing multivariate theories of rape and has clear taxonomic potential.
Sexual Abuse, 2008
Although considerable efforts have been made to develop and validate etiological models of male sexual offending, no theory is available to guide research or practice with female sexual offenders (FSOs). In this study, the authors developed a descriptive, offense process model of female sexual offending. Systematic qualitative analyses (i.e., grounded theory) of 22 FSOs' offense interviews were used to develop a temporal model documenting the contributory roles of cognitive, behavioral, affective, and contextual factors in female sexual abuse. The model highlights notable similarities and divergences between male and female sexual offenders' vulnerability factors and offense styles. In particular, the model incorporates male co-offender and group co-offender influences and describes how these interact with vulnerability factors to generate female sexual offending. The gender-specific research and clinical implications of the model are discussed.
Clinical Psychology Review
In the past decade, research into the etiology of rape has increasingly focused on cognitive variables. The studies reviewed in the present article provide evidence that men with a high proclivity to rape have more rape supportive attitudes, are more likely to consider victims to be responsible for rape, and are less knowledgeable about the negative impact of rape on the victims. These men tend to misperceive cues emitted by women in heterosocial interactions; fail to generate inhibitory self-verbalizations to suppress association of sex and aggression; and have more coercive, sexual fantasies. Furthermore, a high proclivity to rape is associated with a semantic network in which concepts of sex and power are closely linked in such a way that power cues are necessary precursors of sexual feelings. Multivariate studies suggest that rape-supportive attitudes interact with noncognitive factors in the etiology of rape. Implications for rape prevention and treatment of rapists are considered. Finally, methodological issues are discussed, and recommendations for future research are given. © 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd SEVERAL EPIDEMIOLOGICAL studies indicate an alarming prevalence of rape. In North American samples of college students (e.g., and in community samples (e.g., , about one in four women report to have been the victim of a rape or an attempted rape. About 15% of male college students report to have attempted at least once to have intercourse with an unwilling female (Koss et al.,
Psychology Crime & Law, 2011
Much of the existing knowledge base of multiple perpetrator rape (MPR) comes from studies undertaken more than 20 years ago, and thus fails to integrate contemporary perspectives on sexual violence. The current study used Grounded Theory methodology to construct a holistic model of MPR from 15 victim accounts. The model of multiple perpetrator rape (MMPR) included both the actions of the perpetrators and the reactions of the victim in a temporal sequence of 13 categories, 9 of which had sub-categories that allowed for individual differences. Broad themes of MPR were then explored using a total of 101 cases. Each case was coded in the 9 sub-categories where individual differences were allowed from the model. An associative analysis of these sub-categories was then performed using Smallest Space Analysis. Two dominant themes were displayed. The Manipulate theme included two perpetrators who offended sequentially and socialised with the victim. The Force theme did not involve any social interaction, as the force and teamwork of the group enabled the victim to be physically overpowered.
Forensic Science International, 1992
In this paper it is proposed that the behaviour of an offender during a sexual assault can bs considered as consisting of three main groupings or 'aspects'. These have been termed 'Modus Operandi', 'Sexual and Personal Gratification' and 'Attitude and Intimacy'. Although an oversimplification, such a model facilitates a preliminary description of the offender which can be of direct assistance to an investigating officer. Various factors affect the consistency and variability of behaviour and the model has formed a basis for the development of a concept as to which behaviours might be the more useful for identifying linked offences. This more systematic approach to the investigative and intelligence processes is reliant on a victim's statement containing very detailed information about the offender's actions, together with a record of as much of his speech as can be recollected. The material required is described using the model and the text is illustrated with case examples. Instances are quoted of the possible inferences and their relevance to the investigation of sexual offences.
International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 2002
Criminal psychological profiling has progressively been incorporated iuto police procedures despite a dearth of empirical research, bMeed, in the study of serial violent crimes for the ptupose of psychological profiling, vet 3, few orightal, quantitative, academically reviewed studies actually exist. This article reports on the analysis of 62 incidents of serial sexual assault. The statisticaI procedure of multidimensional scalhtg was employed in the analysis of this data, which in turn produced afire-cluster model of serial rapist behavior First, a central clnster of behaviors were identified that represent common behaviors to all patterns of serial rape. Second, four distinct outlying patterns were identified as demonstratbtg distinct offence styles, these being assigned the following descriptive labels bratalit3; intercourse, chaotic, and ritual. Furthermore, analysis of these patterns also identified distinct offender characteristics that allow for the use of empirically robust offender profiles in fi¢ture serial rape investigations.
Clinical Psychology Review, 2008
Whether treatment programs are effective at rehabilitating rapists is yet to be determined empirically. From a scientist-practitioner perspective, treatment should be based on an empirical understanding of rape and rapists, and evidence-based knowledge of treatment outcome with rapists. In this paper we comprehensively review the characteristics of rapists, etiological features implicated in the commission of rape, and relevant treatment outcome research. We pay particular attention to contemporary knowledge about the core vulnerabilities and features required to understand and treat rapists effectively, and, where possible, highlight similarities and differences between rapists, child molesters and non-sexual violent offenders. We use an epistemological framework to (a) critique the various etiological accounts of rape available and (b) help guide professionals' use of such knowledge in both treatment design and evaluation. Gaps in the understanding of rapists' characteristics and etiological features are highlighted, as are discrepancies between current knowledge and treatment approaches. We conclude by highlighting areas for future research and practice innovation.
Purpose: Understanding the motivation of sex offenders plays a key role in societal perception of victim culpability and offender responsibility. This study identified patterns of offender motivation, assessed motivation stability across offenses, and estimated the influence of offense/victim specific factors on motivation in comparison to offender factors. Methods: Employing mixed-methods sequential explanatory research design, the study utilized confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) to identify motivational factors underlying 346 crime events. Second, motivation stability was assessed across offenses committed by 69 offenders. Finally, interview data were reviewed to assess whether offender types emerged corresponding to CFA results. Results: A motivational typology was identified comprised of five offender groupings built upon two underlying constructs, one driven by sexual gratification and the other linked to anger/aggression. Minimal change in motivation was observed across offenses committed by the same offender against different victims. Offense/ victim specific influence (22-23%) and offender related influence (77-78%) were similarly distributed with both sexual and anger-driven motivation. Conclusions: Motivation plays a key role in offending. Offense/victim specific factors have similar proportional influence on crime motivation in comparison to offender factors irrespective of the type of motivation. Contrary to popular public perception, victim blame is not warranted regardless of what motivates offenders.
Child Abuse & Neglect, 2008
Objective: The aim of this study is to identify the distinct developmental experiences associated with child sexual abuse and rape. Method: For 269 sexual offenders (137 rapists and 132 child sexual abusers), developmental experiences were recorded from a behavioral checklist, a parental-bonding survey, and a sexual history questionnaire. Offender classification was obtained from official records and verified through polygraph examinations. Results: Compared to rapists, child sexual abusers reported more frequent experiences of child sexual abuse (73%), early exposure to pornography (65% before age 10), an earlier onset of masturbation (60% before age 11), and sexual activities with animals (38%). In contrast to child sexual abusers, rapists reported more frequent experiences of physical abuse (68%), parental violence (78%), emotional abuse (70%), and cruelty to animals (68%). Both child sexual abusers and rapists (>93%) reported frequent exposure to violent media during their childhood. Most offenders (94%) described having insecure parental attachment bonds; 76% of rapists reported avoidant parental attachments and 62% of child sexual abusers reported anxious parental attachments. Conclusions: Findings from this study support the role of specific developmental experiences as etiological factors in differential sexual offending. Child sexual abusers' developmental histories were characterized by heightened sexuality; whereas rapists' childhood histories were more indicative of violence. These findings have implications for the treatment of sexual abusers and the prevention of sexual abuse. Practice implications: This study's findings suggest that sexual offenders have been socialized to satisfy human needs of intimacy and sexuality through maladaptive means, which implies that a risk management approach may not be sufficient treatment. Although risk models teach offenders skills to avoid high-risk situations, they fail to address the maladaptive strategies that they may have developed for satisfying needs. Instead, the focus of treatment should be to equip offenders with the knowledge, skills, and opportunities to achieve these needs in an acceptable manner. Thus, this model will provide these individuals with the opportunity to live a healthy life without sexual offending.
Behaviour Research and Therapy, 1994
The aim of the current study was to determine the relationship in sexual offenders between conflict, affective states and particular sexual behaviors (fantasies and masturbatory activities while having such fantasies). To this end we developed the "Fantasy Report", a self-assessment method for recording affective components and sexual behaviors. Thirteen rapists and 9 pedophiles filled out the Fantasy Report every 2 days for a period of 60 days. In rapists, negative mood and the presence of conflicts coincided with both overwhelming deviant sexual fantasies and increased masturbatory activities while having such fantasies. Furthermore, the emotions most frequently reported by rapists following conflicts were loneliness, humiliation, anger and feelings of inadequacy and rejection. Affective components, however, were not associated with nondeviant sexual behaviors. For the pedophiles, the data revealed a significant relationship only between negative moods and deviant sexual fantasies. These data are interpreted to mean that, in sexual offenders, negative affect is a crucial component in the chain that leads to deviant sexual behaviors.
There are a number of theoretical models in existence to explain the etiology of male-perpetrated sexual offences. Unfortunately, however, theoretical models explaining female-perpetrated sexual abuse against children and adults are practically non-existent. The development of models explaining female sexual abuse is crucial for the future advancement of empirically informed research and treatment on female sexual offending. In this chapter, we describe a relatively new model-the Descriptive Model of Female Sexual Offending (DMFSO)-that describes the sequence of factors associated with female-perpetrated sexual offending. This model was developed from a qualitative analysis of female sexual offenders' offencerelated interviews and describes the sequence of factors that culminate in female-perpetrated sexual offending. We describe the methodology employed to develop this model, key features of the model, the offence styles associated with the model, and key research and treatment implications for the future.
Journal of Investigative Psychology and Offender Profiling, 2014
An aim of this paper was to examine if the rapist's motivations of anger and power as inferred from rape crime scene behaviours differentiates between rape victim genders. In addition, it was sought to analyse the resistance strategies employed by rape victims to investigate whether gender influences victim-offender behavioural interactions. A sample of 24 female and 12 male rape victims aged from 13 to 39 years were analysed. The data were extracted from the US National Crime Survey, which contained 12 reported cases of male rape. It was hypothesised that the theme of power would be evident from the rapists' behaviour as illustrated by the crime scene actions and victim-offender interaction. Smallest Space Analysis, a multi-dimensional scaling technique, was employed to identify the themes present in the perpetration of rape. The crime scene actions illustrated several distinctions relating to the theme of power present in the offender's motives irrespective of the victim's gender. An additional finding was that victim resistance strategies differentiated between male and female rape victims.
Sexual Abuse-a Journal of Research and Treatment, 2004
focused on the measurement of distortions rather than on theorizing about the underlying structures that are responsible for generating and organizing them. Recently T. Ward (2000; suggested that offenders have underlying causal theories about themselves, their victims, and broader categories of people (e.g., women and children), and that these implicit theories enable post hoc explanation as well as prediction of people's actions and reactions. D. L. L. examined rape-related attitudinal scales and constructed and outlined five core implicit theories. Here, we examined whether evidence for these five theories was also found in offense process descriptions generated from interviews with 37 imprisoned rapists. Coding of the descriptions revealed support for all five theories.
Journal of Sexual Aggression, 2007
This project examined the two main questions of why and when behaviors change. In the course of five studies, four aims were addressed. The first, a first step to why behaviors change, was to determine whether the behavioral subtypes of control, sex, and violence could differentiate offenses within the elements of a crime (e.g. the offender, victim, and situation. The second, a first step to when behaviors change, was to similarly determine whether the behavioral subtypes of control, sex, and violence could differentiate offenses within the temporal phases of a crime (e.g. before, during, and after the crime). The third aim was to determine which behaviors to use as the basis of the proposed three ways to examine behavioral consistency. Finally, the last was to use behavioral trajectories to explore patterns of (e.g. when) and possible explanations for (e.g. why) behavioral change. Multiple techniques of multidimensional scaling as well as behavioral trajectories were used. Results ...
Purpose -The idea that criminal behavior is a function of the offender's personality, also called the Homology hypothesis, has a long history in forensic psychology and criminology. This assumption, however, has been decried as lacking empirical support. In spite of much social concern relative to sexual offenses, there is virtually no research looking at the stability of offending pattern in sex offenders of adult women. This paper aims to fill some of the gaps.
Psychology, Crime & Law, 2009
Abstract Semi-structured interviews eliciting cognitions and motivations were carried out with 15 incarcerated female child sexual abusers (nearly 50% of the current UK female sexual offender prison population). Qualitative analysis indicated that four of the five motivational ...
Journal of Community Psychology, 1979
This study examined the assignment of blame in rape episodes by female observers. When the rapist's behavior was described as caused by intrapsychic, as compared with organic factors, greater blame was assigned to the rapist. A greater degree of causal attribution to factors external to the rapist occurred with organic, as compared with intrapsychic, causation. Ratings of the severity of punishment deserved by the rapist differed significantly as a function of both intrapsychic versus organic causation and whether the rape was characterized as sexually versus aggressively motivated.
International Journal of Advanced Studies in Sexology, 2021
The rationalization used by rapists to justify their criminal behavior are a risk factor for relapse. The modification of cognitive distortions is a therapeutic purpose for rehabilitation (Someda, 2009). Using Rape Scale (Bumby, 1996) we evaluated the participants' (N = 480, 57 convicted rapists, 223 students non-rapists) level of cognitive distortions related to rape. Using ANOVA we identified differences between convicted rapists, psychology or law students and polytechnic students (F(3,461) = 60,69, .000, η2p = 0.283). In line with previous research (Bell, Kuriloff & Lottes, 1994), men are more lenient with rapists, accept more justifications about rape and blame the victim more. We identified differences between male and female participants and between male students and convicted rapists (F(2,477) = 98,88, .000, η2p = .293).This research brings new evidence for the importance of cognitive restructuring for implicit cognitive distortions. We discuss possible limitations and directions for future research.
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