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2006, Der Nervenarzt
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Ethik in der Medizin, 2010
Die junge Debatte um das neuro-enhancement hat mittlerweile eine beträchtliche zahl deutschsprachiger Publikationen hervorgebracht. Mit "neuro-enhancement -ethik vor neuen Herausforderungen" bereichern Bettina schöne-seifert, Davinia Talbot, Uwe opolka und Johann Ach die Debatte um einen umfangreichen sammelband. seine vierzehn Beiträge gehen auf eine Klausurwoche zurück, die 2005 stattfand.
Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 62(5), 823-848, 2014
In recent years, the theme of neuroenhancement has led to many heated discussions and to a surprising range of academic endeavours dealing with the topic. Most notably, the emerging field of neuroethics has become a prominent, almost monopolistic arena for this debate. In our paper, we provide an overview of issues relevant to the theme of enhancement, starting from a precise conceptualisation of the relevant range of phenomena and practices, including some informed estimates as to the prevalence and efficacy of neuroenhancement. We then sketch an alterna- tive critical perspective that, in our view, is better suited than the narrow perspective of neuroethics to deal with the many relevant societal developments and norma- tive orientations that inform both the alleged enhancement “trend” and the public debates surrounding it. We support our case for what we call a critical philosophy of neuroscience by discussing recent forms of venture science that have emerged in line with the commercialising of academic research and with the commodification of life and health. Furthermore, we point to a trend towards blind acceleration in various spheres of contemporary life, and discuss its ramifications for the theme of enhance- ment. Countering the perspective of applied ethics, we finally call for a more explic- itly political positioning on the part of those that deal with these themes.
Ethik in der Medizin, 2006
von der feministischen "Care-Ethik"; gleichwohl ergeben sich vielfältige Überschneidungen, nicht zuletzt auch die Betonung der Beziehungsorientierung. Beide Spielarten der "Care-Ethik" tun sich allerdings schwer, das Verhältnis der "Sorge" zur normativen Ethik, d. h. zu den Rechten und Pflichten des jeweiligen Gegenübers, zu klären [2, 9]. Zum Verhältnis von (Selbstund Für-)Sorge und normativer Moral vgl. ([4], Kap. I).
Zurück in die Zukunft. Die Bedeutung von Diskursen über "Zukunft" in der Wissenschaftsgeschichte, 2018
In diesem einleitenden Beitrag zum Tagungsband „Zurück in die Zukunft“ geht es um die unterschiedlichen Schnittstellen, die „Zukunft“ als Denkkategorie mit Gesellschaft und Wissenschaft verbinden.
© felicitas matern interview-kontroversen in der psychiatrie 40 Neuropsychoanalyse-Modeerscheinung oder Rückkehr zu den Freud'schen Urkonzepten?
Berichte zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte, 1981
Rhetorikalte und neue Disziplin* Summary: Plurifunctionality of rhetoric guaranteed its survival and promoted its renascence as modern discipline. There are four aspects of rhetoric to be pointed out: l. rhetoric as the art of persuasive speech; 2. rhetoric as a doctrine (including its institutionalisation); 3. rhetoric as a descriptive apparatus; 4. rhetoric as a normative authority. The latter two aspects allow to define rhetoric as a secondary grammar and its function as that of a metatext. In the process by which a culture organizes itself the rhetorical text achieves the status of a metatext and thus comes into the same level as those texts through which a cultural system attempts to describe itself. Rhetoric describes and prescribes procedures for the construction of communicative forms and communicative situations in which speech is used for various purposes; that is, it takes on the task of making language functional. The dichotomous conception of language which rhetoric developed at its very beginning motivates the dichotomy between aesthetic (poetic) and practical functions of language. Rhetoric as a secondary system with normative claims and internalized (social and aesthetic) values becomes a decisive factor in the attempt of a culture to organize its lingual and communicative system, on the one had because of the deeply rooted dichotomy, on the other because of the tendency of rhetoric to build up a unified language with definite features and clear functions on the basis of the dichotomous scheme. Rhetoric as metatext, including its normative and descriptive functions, collapses in the 18th century, due to a new system of aesthetic values. The criticism of rhetoric is based on concepts of creativity and originality and a new evaluation of lingual questions. Thus the function of rhetoric as a stabilizing force is overthrown. The cultural context develops new decriptive systems with inherent normativity : stylistics, semantics, theory of literature, linguistic poetics, new (semiotic) rhetoric. The new disciplines retrace the path of rhetoric toward the stabilization of the unified language.
Prokla, 1988
; besonders aber Hans Grünberger und Andrea Maihofer, ohne deren Hilfe der vorliegende Aufsatz nicht hätte realisiert werden können, und dem Institut für sozialwissenschaftliche Untersuchungen, das die Arbeit an dem Thema gefördert hat.
Focusing on toxicology as a leading discipline that analyzes health im- plications of nanosciences and nanotechnologies, we study the formation of disci- plinary identities. By expanding its disciplinary boundaries, participating within the new research fields, continuing with its previous research and only vaguely shaping its topics, toxicology is searching its way into the new fields without giv- ing up its
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Psychologie und Geschichte, 1991
Beiträge der Österreichischen Ludwig Wittgenstein Gesellschaft, 2008
Österreichische Zeitschrift für Soziologie
Synthesis Philosophica, 2016
in: Lehren bildet? Vom Rätsel unserer Lehranstalten, hg. v. Karl-Josef Pazzini, Marianne Schuller & Michael Wimmer, Bielefeld (transcript) 2010, S.175-197
Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 60 (6). , 2012