Perceptions of collective efficacy sources in volleyball

Introduction ’We have to believe that we can make it as a team!’ Coaches, players and other sport enthusiasts routinely talk about the importance of team confidence. Psychologists refer to this concept as collective efficacy, defined as ’a group’s shared confidence that they will successfully achieve their goal’. Previous research findings revealed that teams with a strong sense of collective efficacy set more challenging goals, exert more effort, and are ultimately more likely to succeed. Nevertheless, little is known about the sources contributing to the development of collective efficacy. Therefore, in this study we examined which behaviours and events are perceived as sources of collective efficacy beliefs in volleyball. Study 1 In Study 1, volleyball coaches from the highest volleyball leagues (n=33) in Belgium indicated the most important sources of collective efficacy. This list was then adapted based on the literature and on feedback given by an expert focus group, resulting...