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Rambut jagung (Zea Mays L.Sacharata) merupakan bagian dari tanaman jagung yaitu bagian tangkai putik.Rambut jagung memiliki kandunganvitamin K, alfa tokoferilkuinon, beta-sitosterol, stigmesterol, asam yushushu dan volatile alkaloid yang bermanfaat dalam Pengobatan berbagai penyakit seperti hipertensi, batu ginjal, radang ginjal, diabetes mellitus, hepatitis, infeksi saluran kemih, dan batu kandung empedu. Teh adalah minuman yang mengandung kafein, sebuah infusi yang dibuat dengan cara menyeduh daun, pucuk daun, atau tangkai daun yang dikeringkan dari tanaman Camellia sinensis dengan air panas.Teh Herbal adalah sebutan racikan bunga, daun, biji, akar, atau buah kering untuk membuat minuman yang juga disebut teh herbal.Walaupun disebut "teh", racikan atau minuman ini tidak tentu harus mengandung daun dari tumbuhan teh.Untuk mengetahui kandungan serta manfaat dari teh herbal rambut jagung ini dilakukan pengujian dengan hasil yang didapatkan yaitu kadar air 1,6%, kadar ekstrak dalam air 47,81%, kadar serat kasar 4,5%, kadar abu larut dalam air dari abu total 1,04% ,kadar alkalinitas abu larut dalam air (sebagai KOH) 1,29%, angka lempeng total 9,3 x 10 2 , kadar abu total = 4,27%, kadar abu tak larut dalam asam = 0,62% dan serta cemaran mikroba (uji coliforom) yang tidak melebihi standar SNI. Dan juga terdapat senyawa metabolit sekunder seperti : tannin, saponin dan flavanoid yang berguna dan bermanfaat bagi tumbuhan dan manusia.Dari sepuluh parameter yang dilakukan didapatkan hasil yang sesuai dengan SNI 01-3836-2000 Teh Kering dalam Kemasan.
Roasted sugarcane has good taste roasted so enduser enough. In addition to taste, roasted sugarcane perfectly suited to the climate in the famous Padang is hot so people often use roasted sugarcane drinks as release thirst. In addition there are many people who say that the roasted sugarcane has many benefits.
Nurfadlun Konio, 2021
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan kadar besi air sumur di Kelurahan Dulalowo dan Heledulaa, Kota Gorontalo. Sepuluh sampel air sumur diambil secara acak dari lima sumur yang berbeda di setiap kelurahan. Sampel air pada setiap sumur terdiri dari air bagian atas, tengah, dan dasar. Penentuan kadar besi menggunakan Spektrofotometer Serapan Atom pada panjang gelombang 248,33 nm. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kadar besi air sumur di Kelurahan Dulalowo adalah 0,030 ppm (D1), 0,265 (D2), 0,224 ppm (D3), 0,158 ppm (D4), dan 0,149 (D5). Sementara, kadar besi air sumur pada Kelurahan Heledulaa adalah 0,100 ppm (H1), 0,039 ppm (H2), 0,159 ppm (H3), 0,198 ppm (H4), dan 0,235 ppm (H5). Hasil ini berarti bahwa kandung Fe dalam air sumur di kedua kelurahan tersebut masih memenuhi standar baku air minum.
The purpose of this action research is to improve the competence learning material digestive systeForests cover a lot of land vegetation, tropical rainforest is one of them, a lot of diversity tumbuahn that inhabit tropical rain forests. Perhutani forest BKPH Sub Kedunggalar, Sonde and Natah an extensive teak forests, plant species which inhabit such pembelit plants, climbing atapun adhesive (epiphytes). Identification is performed to determine the type of epiphytic plants, morphological and anatomical stem, and diversity of epiphytic plants.This qualitative study using field exploration methods, by conducting observation and identification of the morphological and anatomical stem seen from the file type transporters (xylem and phloem) in Pteridophyta and Spermatophyta in Sub BKPH Kedunggalar, Sonde and Natah. Sources of data in the form of primary data that is the result of the identification of epiphytic plants. Data collection techniques using observation and documentation, then be making the herbarium at each epiphytic plant species were found. Analysis of the data used by seebagai following stages: Data Accumulation (Collection of Data), Data Reduction (Reduction of Data), Data Display (Presentation of Data), and conclution darwing (Withdrawal Conclusion).Epiphytic plants found 3 Sub BKPH the 5 species were divided into 2 families (Polypodiaceae and Orchidaceae) 4 genus (Drynaria, Cyclophorus, Dendrobium, and Cymbidium); Family Polypodiaceae; 2 genus is Drynaria, Cyclophorus; Drynaria species querchifdia J. Sm, Cyclophorus lanceolatus. Family Orchidaceae, which consists of 2 genera Dendrobium, Cymbidium; Dendrobium species crumenatum, bifalce Dendrobium, and Cymbidium finlaysmanum.
In economic unstable conditions, the company is required to take advantage of existing capabilities as much as possible in order to maximum and tough competition,the company should have good management and identify the problems and selecting and implies a process manager, to improve performance to the maximum. Activity-based management includes two dimensions of the costs of providing cost information about resource activity products, customers, suppliers and distribution channels. Activity-based costing is useful to improve accuracy of charges. Dimension process of providing information about what to do why it should be carried out how an activity should be implemented in order to reduce costs. This research aims to demonstrate the effect of the use of accounting information management is focused on the frequency of publication of regular reports, the frequency of the publication of the report update and quality management accounting information as well as the personality of the manager of financial performance on PT.Surya Success. The population used in this study is the manager PT.Surya Success. This data used is secondary data types. This study is based on a quantitative approach to the techniques of multiple linear regression analysis with SPSS. According to the research done can be seen that the quality of information didn't significantly affect financial performance, Management Accounting, Cost Efficiency, Timeliness real impact on financial performance.
Mahasiswa Semester 1 Kelas I A Tabulampot atau yang sering kita kenal tanaman buah dalam pot, merupakan salah satu cara untuk membudidayakan tanaman berupa buah-buahan yang ditanam di dalam pot.
Abstrak Mata pelajaran geografi tentang sumber daya alam yang tidak dapat diperbaharui memuat banyak konsep kongkrit yang contohnya belum banyak dikenal siswa kelas XI seperti minyak bumi, batu bara, emas, perak, bauksit, belerang, kuarsa dan mineral lainnya. Agar contoh-contoh tersebut mudah untuk dikenali oleh siswa maka diperlukan bantuan alat peraga. Alat peraga dalam pembelajaran memiliki banyak fungsi di antaranya: (a) meningkatkan minat belajar siswa. (b) meningkatkan pemahaman dan daya ingat siswa. Di samping alasan tersebut pengembangan alat peraga diperkuat oleh hasil penelitian Hartati (2010:128) bahwa " pengembangan alat peraga secara signifikan mampu meningkatkan keterampilan berpikir kritis peserta didik dan hasil belajar ". Tujuan penelitian ini adalah pengembangan alat peraga yang dapat menunjukkan wujud nyata tiga dimensi dan diamati secara langsung dari objek sumber daya alam yang tidak dapat diperbaharui. Hasil uji coba produk diperoleh nilai 86% dengan kriteria " layak ". Berdasarkan hasil validasi dan uji coba tersebut disimpulkan bahwa alat peraga sumber daya alam layak digunakan sebagai alat peraga di sekolah. Beberapa saran yang diperkirakan dapat meningkatkan manfaat dan pengembangan produk yang akan datang diajukan adalah: (1) pengembangan lebih lanjut disarankan menggunakan bahan-bahan yang lebih modern dan praktis dalam memobilisasinya., (2) agar menggunakan desain yang lebih baik dan unik untuk penampilan luar dari produk agar dapat terlihat lebih menarik bagi calon pengguna produk, (3) diharapkan kepada pengembang lebih lanjut untuk melengkapi objek mineral yang belum tersedia pada alat peraga seperti nikel, timah, alumunium, mangaan, tembaga, intan, tras, dan lainnya. Kata kunci : alat peraga, sumber daya alam yang tidak dapat diperbaharui.
This study aims to analyze the influence of production factors on the amount of nursery production, the level of efficiency produced and the management of production in the first goramy nursery business in 2x11 Enam Lingkung District, Padang Pariaman Regency. This research was conducted in March -April 2018 in 2x11 Enam Lingkung sub-district, Padang Pariaman Regency, West Sumatra. The research method used is survey and field observation. Data were analyzed using a quantitative descriptive approach. The research variables observed were land area (X1), number of larvae stocking (X2), amount of labor (X3), feed (X4) and total production (Y). The results of the research on the analysis of factors of production on the amount of nursery production showed that the factors of production of land area and feed had a non-significant positive effect, larvae had a significant positive effect on the amount of production while the labor had a non-significant negative effect on the amount of production. The level of technical, price and economic efficiency of this goramy breeding business is 0.887 or about 89%, 2,066 and 1,833 which means it is not efficient which means that the use of production factors needs to be increased in order to achieve efficient conditions. The result of return to scale with a value of 1.126 which indicates the category of increasing return to scale, which means that each additional factor of production will produce an additional proportion of production that is greater. Production management in this business can be said to be good in terms of product sustainability, collaboration between farmers and marketing agents, and the implementation of activities that follow the SOP that have been made together. Keyword : nursery, level of efficiency and production management ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk bertujuan menganalisis pengaruh faktor produksi terhadap jumlah produksi pendederan, tingkat efisiensi yang dihasilkan serta manajemen produksi pada usaha pendederan I ikan Gurami di Kecamatan 2x11 Enam Lingkung Kabupaten Padang Pariaman. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan Maret -April 2018 bertempat di kecamatan 2x11 Enam Lingkung Kabupaten Padang Pariaman, Sumatera Barat. Metode penelitian yang digunakan survey dan observasi lapangan. Data dianalisis dengan pendekatan deskriptif kuantitatif. Variabel penelitian yang diamati yaitu luas lahan (X1), jumlah tebar larva (X2), jumlah tenaga kerja (X3), pakan (X4) dan jumlah produksi (Y). Hasil penelitian mengenai analisis faktor produksi terhadap jumlah produksi pendederan menunjukkan bahwa faktor produksi luas lahan dan pakan mempunyai pengaruh positif yang tidak signifikan, larva mempunyai pengaruh positif yang signifikan terhadap jumlah produksi sedangkan tenaga kerja memberikan pengaruh negatif yang tidak signifikan terhadap jumlah produksi. Tingkat efisiensi teknis, harga dan ekonomi dari usaha pendederan ikan Gurami ini sebesar 0,887 atau sekitar 89%, 2,066 dan 1.833 yang artinya belum efisien yang artinya penggunaan faktor
The purpose of this study are to know the characteristics of consumers, and to know the consumer behavior in making decision to buying fried foods on fried itinerant traders in the Agricultural Faculty, University Of Lampung. Indeed fried food has a characteristic or a main attraction, especially for the lover. It becomes us to examine the background factors that influence the purchase of fried itinerant traders at the Faculty of agriculture, University of Lampung is to determine the factors that influence consumer behavior in purchasing fried itinerant traders at the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Lampung and find out the reasons consumers buy fried in itinerant traders. This study we did likerd using SPSS and to use it as an analytical tool. Obtained from the calculation of the percentage of the first benefits to be obtained from eating fried foods is to overcome hunger. Second, information about fried itinerant traders obtained from a friend, it is a concern of such information is the taste of fried foods are different roving. Third, the purchase consideration is the itinerant traders fried flavor. Fourth, the location of the purchase fried itinerant traders is in the gazebo FP and no negative effects posed after eating fried itinerant traders,
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