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7 pages
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AI-generated Abstract
The paper discusses the significant risks associated with fires onboard naval ships, highlighting the complexity of their environments, the challenges posed during firefighting, and the implications for both safety and environmental factors. A detailed examination of historical incidents illustrates the severity of potential casualties and damages, emphasizing the necessity for stringent fire safety regulations and preventative measures specific to naval operations.
VTT Tiedotteita - Valtion Teknillinen Tutkimuskeskus
020 722 111, faksi 020 722 4374 VTT, Tuuli Oksanen. Survivability for ships in case of fire. Final report of SURSHIP-FIRE project [Laivojen selviytymiskyky tulipalossa. SURSHIP-FIRE-projektin loppuraportti].
Journal of Marine Engineering & Technology
The paper describes a study on fire accidents taking place aboard container ships. In total, 39 confirmed container ship fire accidents were discovered in the period 1996-2017. An epidemiological hazard analysis disclosed four high-consequence hazardous cargos that are calcium hypochlorite, compressed charcoal briquette products, rechargeable batteries and divinylbenzene. Cause-consequence analyses of the fire accidents with the four types of cargos were carried out that explicated all possible scenarios of accident escalation starting from a cause and ending with a consequence. The frequency of experiencing major fires was estimated as well. Further, different solutions to reduce fire detection time were explored and supported by fire simulation modelling with computational fluid dynamic software. Results of the simulation for two different detection solutions are presented.
The National Marine Safety Committee is developing a new fire safety standard applicable to domestic commercial vessels in Australia. The process involves applying the terms of reference for the standard, reviewing incident data, identifying issues and developing solutions to those issues. This paper discusses observations arising from a study of fire incident data. Specific issues pertaining to fire safety are listed, as well as proposed solutions to those issues.
A Ro-Ro vessel caught on fire and fire fighting ability of seafarers appeared to be incapable although the competency proved on papers
Revue internationale des services de santé des forces armées: organe du Comité international de médecine et de pharmacie militaires = International review of the armed forces medical services: organ of the International Committee of Military Medicine and Pharmacy
L'incendie à bord d'un batiment est un risque redouté par tous les commandants de navires civils ou militaires. Outre les activités de navigation, des victimes intoxiquées par les fumées d'incendie peuvent survenir lors d'opérations de construction, d'entretien ou de démantèlement, lors d'opérations d'instruction au profit du personnel de sécurité ou marins-pompiers. En effet tout navire est exposé au risque car il représente "un risque industriel complexe" dans un volume restreint confiné, dans un milieu clos parfois surpeuplé (centrale énergétique au gas-oil, un garage parfois avec des véhicules particuliers et des camions chargés de produits divers, un hôtel avec ses cuisines et ses leiux de vie collective). Lors d'une inhalatino de fumées d'incendie, il se produit une double intoxication: une intoxicatino au monoxyde de carbone et une intoxication cyanhydrique aiguê. L'acide cyanhydrique bloque la respiratino cellulaire et empêch...
IMAM 2013, 2013
In the paper is outlined a fire safety assessment framework for passenger ships, developed as one of the tasks for the European project FIREPROOF ( The framework can yield the safety level attained by a candidate passenger ship design, with respect to fire incidents. The methodology is driven by a fire risk model, governed by explicitly stated principles and assumptions. A function characterizing fire severity is defined. To risk's calculation contribute all onboard spaces by means of: the associated probability of ignition, the reliability of the installed fire suppression systems; and the incurred fatality "cost" that is determined from the consequences of several "loss scenarios" considered. As a case study, risk is calculated with respect to an ignition incident in a cabin balcony, with fire effluents spreading towards deck's interior. Results are presented as fatalities per ship year, as probability of zero fatality and in the form of F-N curves.
Nase More Znanstveno Strucni Casopis Za More I Pomorstvo, 2013
The purpose of this study is to identify importance of safety and firefighting systems of ships, their types, arrangements, regulations, and installation. Taking a tugboat as a case study declaring all of its safety equipment, requirements and firefighting systems may help representing the importance of such requirements onboard ships. In the first chapter of this report we will begin by defining ship types and where is our case study from this classification. We will define tugboats, their types, functions and specifications. In the second chapter, exposing safety onboard ships will be our target, declaring types of safety, risks to which a ship is subjected to face and responses to these risks. We cannot talk about safety onboard without talking about SOLAS conventions and its regulations for safety equipment, lifesaving appliances, personal safety, operational safety, safety of navigation and radio communications. Also we will declare GMDSS rules. Third chapter would be about firefighting systems onboard ships. We will begin by understanding the fire definition, its basics and classifications. Also we will see SOLAS regulations for this purpose and the importance of FSS Code. This chapter includes the 3 main systems of fire, prevention systems, detections and alarm systems, and main firefighting systems. Also includes means of escape in case of fire. In the fourth chapter, our case study will take place which is a tugboat defining its minimum safety requirements and its own firefighting systems and procedure in many fire cases onboard harbor tugboats. The fifth and last chapter is our conclusions concluded after declaring and studying our safety and firefighting requirements for ships and studying the case study properly.
Fire in the air is one of the most hazardous situations that a flight crew might be faced with. Fire may start in an engine or an APU, cargo holds, toilet waste bins, high temperature bleed air leaks, electrical equipment compartment or landing gear bays. Without an aggressive intervention, fire can lead to a catastrophe within a very short time (Figure 1).
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Applied Ocean Research
Journal of ETA maritime science/Journal of eta maritime science, 2024
Ocean Engineering, 2018
Brodogradnja, 2017
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Jurnal Teknologi, 2014
Ocean Engineering, 2017
Marine Structures, 2019
Kapal: Jurnal Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Teknologi Kelautan
Fire Safety Journal, 2000