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این مقاله به حدود و مرزها و اصول آزادی بیان در دیانت بهائی پرداخته است.
بیشک آگاهی جامع از کاستیهای کلام موجود، پاسخ دقیق به امکان اسلامیسازی علوم و مبرهن به امکان پیرایش علوم از پیشفرضها، با نگاهی کلان به جایگاههای تأثیر و تأثر و از آن طریق اصطیاد چگونگی تأثیر باورهای کلامی بر علوم انسانی میسر است. نوشتار حاضر، ضمن پذیرش فیالجمله نه بالجمله ابتنای علوم انسانی و امهات مسائل این علوم بر گزارههای کلامی، با استفاده از روش تاریخی و تحلیل عقلی، هدف مذکور را در طرحی جامع دنبال میکند. بر اساس این طرح، الف) علم یا فعالیت علمی بهعنوان متعلق تأثیر گاهی بهصورت مستقیم و زمانی دیگر بهصورت غیرمستقیم از باورها اثر میپذیرند؛ ب) در تأثیر غیرمستقیم، باورهای کلامی در مرحلۀ اول بر عوامل معرفتی (عوامل فلسفی و علمی) یا غیرمعرفتی (ویژگیهای شخصیتی دانشمندان، فرهنگ، محیط و جامعۀ آماری و...) تأثیرگذار بر علم یا فعالیت علمی تأثیر میکنند و آنگاه بر علوم انسانی؛ ج) تأثیرگذاری بر فعالیت و فرایند تولید علم و پژوهش به دو صورت خرد و کلان تصورشدنی است؛ زیرا علم را میتوان ناظر به مسئلۀ پژوهشی و کلیت معرفت، تصور و مراحل تولید آن دو را بررسی کرد؛ د) همچنین در صورتیکه مراد...
Egyptian initiative for personal rights, 2022
أصدرت المبادرة المصرية اليوم ورقة بعنوان "لمعتنقي "الأديان السماوية" حصرًا؟ - كيف ناقشت الأعمال التحضيرية للدساتير المصرية قضايا حرية الدين والمعتقد؟" الورقة من تأليف محمد جمال علي الباحث بملف حرية الدين والمعتقد بالمبادرة وراجعها وحررها فريق عمل المبادرة. وتقدم الورقة قراءة متعمقة للنقاشات التحضيرية للدساتير المصرية حول مواد حرية الدين والمعتقد، وهي قراءة تستهدف بيان كيفية تناول التيارات والقوى السياسية المختلفة لقضايا حرية الدين والمعتقد، والكيفية التي غدا بها مصطلح الأديان السماوية مستخدما بكثافة للحد من الحريات الدينية والتنوع الديني داخل البلاد. كما تقدم الورقة قراءة نقدية للتفسير القضائي للمناقشات التحضيرية الخاصة بمواد حرية الاعتقاد في دستور ١٩٢٣؛ حيث يمثل هذا التفسير القضائي الحجة الأبرز للأحكام القضائية المؤكدة لحصر الحريات الدينية على الأديان"السماوية" الثلاثة المعترف بها فحسب.
OKARA: Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra
The most representative indicator of the success of Arabic learning process is the fluency of the students' speaking by using Arabic. This study aims to determine whether there are students who are fluent in spoken Arabic, to identify the students' characteristics who are categorically fluent in spoken Arabic, to identify how students gain fluency in spoken Arabic based on Ma'ani science perspective. This is a descriptive qualitative study, the data collected by using interviews, questionnaires, and observation. The data sources were the preachers/teachers and the students who were active and had been active in the Arabic Language Center of Darul Ulum Islamic Boarding School of Banyuanyar. The results of this study revealed: First, students who are fluent in spoken Arabic were classified as fluent after studying Arabic for four months at the Arabic Language Center. Second, there are four indicators of students to be classified as fluent Arabic speakers, the first and the most representative indicator is the proficiency of students in Arabic debate contest in various themes, the second is students' ability to converse using Arabic in many different situations, the third is the ability to talk using the original Arabic, and the fourth is the students' ability in a Arabic speech. The way the students gain fluency in spoken Arabic is dependent on the personality of each student. The diligent students tend to have high spirit in practicing conversational Arabic, acquiring and learning Arabic, and also supported by strong intelligence, then they will acquire fluency in speaking Arabic.
AHKAM:Jurnal Ilmu Syariah, 2014
Abstrak: Syariat Islam di Era Otonomi Daerah di Indonesia. Perkembangan Hukum Islam di Indonesia telah berlangsung sejak berdirinya kerajaan-kerajaan Islam di Nusantara sebelum datangnya masa penjajahan Belanda yang kemudian hari menguasai Nusantara selama lebih kurang 350 tahun. Pemberlakuan Hukum Islam itu sendiri berjalan dalam lima fase dengan mengalami pelbagai keadaan sebagai peluang sekaligus tantangan dari pihak penjajah yang bertujuan “devide at impera”, memecah belah dan mengadu domba, untuk tetap terus menjajah. Seperti siasat Snouck Hurgronje, dia mencetuskan gagasan teori Receptie dalam rangka memandulkan Hukum Islam, yang oleh Hazairin disebut “teori Iblis”. Perjalanan Hukum Islam pada fase menjelang kemerdekaan dan sesudahnya tetap eksis walau harus diperhadapkan dengan hukum Adat dan hukum Hindia Belanda. Sebagai bukti eksistensi Hukum Islam maka pengundangan Undang-undang No.1 Tahun 1974 Tentang Perkawinan menjadi pedoman bagi umat Islam Indonesia saat ini.Kata Kunc...
مجلة علوم اللغة والأدب, 2023
این مقاله به معرفی و بررسی انتقادی کتاب رابطۀ دین و فناوری نوشتۀ آقای دکتر حسین مطیع (استادیار محترم دانشگاه صنعتی اصفهان) میپردازد. تلاش اصلی کتاب، چنانکه خود مؤلف نیز تصریح میکند، بررسی تعامل فناوری و دین در متن جهانبینی اسلامی، و نیز ارائۀ نظریهای برای رسیدن به فناوری اسلامی است. مقالۀ حاضر، ابتدا خاستگاه کتاب و جایگاه آن در بین آثار دیگر مؤلف و سپس روششناسی پژوهش را مورد واکاوی قرار میدهد و آنگاه به ارزیابی دقیق پروژۀ مؤلف در باب فناوری اسلامی میپردازد. ادعای این مقاله آن است که کتاب در مسیر دستیابی به نظریهای منسجم در باب فناوری اسلامی به موفقیت زیادی نائل نمیشود و این کوشش، نیازمند اصلاح و تکمیل است. در واقع، دیدگاه مؤلف متمرکز بر مقاصد طراحان و کاربران مصنوعات فناورانه است و نه متوجه ساختار و ویژگیهای فیزیکی این مصنوعات، و بنابراین مفهوم "فناوری دینی" به آنچه که مؤلف، "فناوری غیردینی" (در مقابل ضددینی) مینامد تقلیل مییابد.
Umde dini tetkikler dergisi, 2019
Bu makale, Mu'tezile ve Eş'âriye fırkalarının kendi ilk kaynakları üzerine yapılan genel bir incelemedir. Kelam ilminin usulüne göre, ilmi bir konu hakkında araştırma yaparken tek bir kaynaktan veya fırkanın/ mezhebin düşüncesinden beslenmek doğru ve mümkün değildir. Dolayısıyla makalede adı geçen her fırkanın kurucusu ile birlikte fırkaya etkisi olan ilk
Hadith Mursal are hadith whose validity is still disputable as legitimation among scholars, since they fall to category of hadith dho’if (weak). Therefrom, several scholars argued that we might use them for hujjah mutlaq ( absolute argumentation), while some others said it might be wiser not to use them at all. Yet there is also another opinions which said it could be used under special conditions. Based on this, this study aims to uncover and shed light the disagreements above scientifically, as well as to find he differences and the influence of the jurisprudence of law-making (fiqh). Then, the researchers sought to raise a strong opinion based on the arguments presented in the thesis, so that the researchers and or anyone who wants to practice the Hadith Mursal can understand it properly. In this research, the author applied literature study method (qualitative), by collecting various references associated with the object of the research, and then reviewing, analyzing also compar...
AL ITQAN: Jurnal Studi Al-Qur'an
Laduni science is an extraordinary event that can be said to be beyond human behavior and this can be proof that Allah knows everything. In addition, it is also a reminder for us that even though humans have intelligence, they still cannot reveal all the secrets of God Almighty. Actually there is no definite theory to arrive at knowledge of laduni science, because it depends entirely on who will provide knowledge about the science. In contrast to science which is included in the category of exact knowledge, it is largely determined by one's perseverance. The more diligent and diligent in learning, the smarter and gain a lot of knowledge. And we will discuss in this article the basics of laduni science education in the interpretation of the Qur'an. Among them are verses and hadiths that discuss laduni science and comments by Sufis about laduni education.
مجلة جامعة الشارقة للعلوم الانسانية والاجتماعية
تعدُّ التفاعلية واحدة من أهم السمات التي أوجدتها الثورة التكنولوجية الحديثة للاتصال والتي ساهمت بنقل الإعلام المرئي والمسموع إلى مرحلة جديدة ومتقدمة تقوم على الانفتاح وعرض وجهات النظر وإعطاء الجمهور المزيد من الدور ليكون فاعلاً في العملية الاتصالية ويهدف البحث التعرف إلى دور الأدوات التفاعلية لمواقع القنوات الفضائية العربية وصفحاتها على شبكات التواصل الاجتماعي إضافة إلى التحري عما توفره هذه الأدوات من فرص التعبير عن الرأي بحرية، وكذلك مشاركة الجمهور العراقي في المنتديات لمناقشة القضايا المختلفة لما تعززه الأدوات التفاعلية من قدرة التعليق وإبداء الرأي ويعد البحث من البحوث الوصفية التي تستخدم المنهج المسحي بفرعيه ممثلةً بمسح الجمهور وأسلوب تحليل المضمون كفرع من فروع المنهج المسحي أما مجتمع البحث فيتمثل بجمهور محافظة ديالى ممن يسكنون أقضيتها الست وتم اللجوء إلى العينة العمدية وقد توصل البحث إلى عدد من النتائج المهمة.
Journal of Arabic Literature (Jali), 2021
Nadzam is mazdzumat ilmiyah which is patterned speech that contains knowledge and normative. Changing the nadzam aims to make easier for someone to understand the knowledge and information that will be delivered. Nadzam is a literature which has high artistic value, there are beautifying elements. One of the nadzam which there are elemenys that make it beautiful is nadzamal-faraid al-bahiyah fi al-Qawaid al-Fiqhiyah creation by Sayyid Abi Bakar al-Ahdali Al-Yamani As-Syafii, that is muhassinat lafdziyah and muhassinat maknawiyah. The purpose of this research is : 1) to know the various kinds of jinas that found in the nadzam “Al-Faraid Al-Bahiyah fi Al-Qawaid Al-Fiqhiyah” creation by Sayyid Abi Bakar al-Ahdali Al-Yamani As-Syafii; and 2) to know the various kinds of poetry contained in the nadzam “Al-Faraid Al-Bahiyah fi Al-Qawaid Al-Fiqhiyah” creation by Sayyid Abi Bakar al-Ahdali Al-Yamani As-Syafii. This research is a type of qualitative descriptive research. In collecting data,...
المجلة العلمیة للدراسات التجاریة والبیئیة, 2017
This study aims to introduce a cognitive vision about human being, his position in the political western contemporary thought, especially for the western thinking theories in the two sides(liberal and socialist Marxian), and knowing its concern with human being from all sides in completeness, integration and balance, as human being is a human being. Also, knowing and viewing points of agreement, inefficiency and disagreement in the thoughts introduced by conceptions and conceptional theories about human being essence.
Al Manahij Al Adabiyyah Al Islamiyyah Al ‘Arabiyyah wa Al Malayuwiyyah, 2008
al-Ittijah : Jurnal Keilmuan dan Kependidikan Bahasa Arab, 2018
Cooperative learning is one of the learning models used by teachers in teaching and learning process, and it has many types when it is implemented in the classroom. In reality ashwat (Arabic phonology study) is one of the boring subjects considered by students in Ma'had Al-Imarot Bandung. The lecturer only instructs the students to pronounce the Arabic hijaiyyah letters and distinguish the letters adjacent to the makhraj (points of articulation of letters) and its nature. In the learning process, a lecturer uses only lecture method, who gives the examples of correct pronunciation then the students repeat those pronunciations after the lecturer. As a consequence, a lecturer should be able to update the learning process by using an interesting learning model by implementing cooperative learning for instance. The aims of this research is to know the reality of learning ashwat as Arabic pronunciation at Ma'had Al-Imarot Bandung, to know the ability of students to mastery of Arab...
LiNGUA: Jurnal Ilmu Bahasa dan Sastra, 2011
Al-Qur’an senantiasa menjadi objek kajian yang tak ada batas. Semakin lengkap piranti yang kita gunakan untuk mengkaji, maka semakin banyak pula yang kita peroleh. Berbagai model kajian bahasa seperti ilmu Fonologi (ilm al-ashwat), Morfologi (ilm al-sharf), Sintaksis (ilm al-nahw), Semantik (ilm al-dalalah), Balaghah (ilm al-balaghah) dan lain-lain, lahir melalui al-Qur’an. Semua itu tidak terlepas dari keberadaan al-Qur’an sebagai kitab suci yang mu’jiz sepanjang zaman yang selalu dipelajari oleh manusia, terutama umat Islam. Karena itu, tulisan ini memfokuskan pada peran badihiyah (kemampuan alami) yang telah ada pada diri manusia sebagai bekal untuk mengenal ayat Allah. <br />
With the spread of the new Corona virus "Covid-19" around the world, countries resorted to applying quarantine to control this disease and limit its spread, which is a health measure called by the Prophet more than fourteen centuries before scientists discovered microorganisms And the methods of their multiplication, spread, and their cause of disease and epidemics, and some believe that the Prophet Muhammad was the first to establish the concept of quarantine, for the Prophet explained his principles and laid his foundations with a sufficiently satisfactory statement in a number of noble prophetic hadiths, preventing people from entering the affected town It also prevented the people of that town from fleeing from it, whether this fleeing person showed signs of infection or not. I directed my face towards the Sunnah books to collect the hadiths of the Prophet that were mentioned in the quarantine, then divided them into three sections, then I studied these hadiths an analytical rhetorical study based on the analytical approach that deals with the holistic view of the text, tracing the effects of systems, and tracing every technical element in it that is from It would contribute to revealing the meaning and understanding its statement and the extent of the compatibility of its words, the coherence of its sentences, the consistency of its connotations, and the subsequent accuracy of the use of vocabulary and letters. This work was a desire to show the greatness of the Islamic religion, and an attempt to uncover an aspect of the Prophet's miracles, and there is no doubt that such research increases the believers' faith with their faith, and contributes to the call to God-and the Islamic religion, and emphasizes its value in the hearts of the worlds.
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