El paleopaisatge estuarí d'Empúries


Archaeological and paleo-environmental research on the area surrounding the old Empúries settlement describes the influence of the evolution of the coastline and the former courses of the Rivers Ter and Fluvià on the urban development and trade network of this major colony, and on its subsequent decline. The present article uses stratigraphy and sedimentology techniques, including isotopic dating methods, to analyse coastal and fluvial evolution with the aim of linking the chronology of the main sedimentary events with archaeological models of spatial organisation and territorial use. The application of these methods has enabled the authors to reconstruct the Holocene depositional architecture of the Empúries coastal plain, to define its sedimentary characteristics in space and time, and to contribute to understanding the evolution of the Empúries coastline from the Neolithic until the mediaeval period. The sedimentary evolution model suggests that the present progradant infill stage of the Empúries plain, initiated around 6.500 BP, is the result of the progressive retrogression of the estuarine system inherited from the previous Versilian Transgression stage, going from Empúries and Cinclaus to the area near the posterior Iberian-Roman settlement at Mas Gusó, in Bellcaire. The evolutionary stage of the estuarine system at the time when the first Greek settlers arrived in Empúries suggests that it could have been used both as a sheltered sea port and as a communications route with the hinterland, at least until the beginning of our era.