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Artificial Intelligence: Foundations of Computational Agents is about the science of artificial intelligence (AI). It presents AI as the study of the design of intelligent computational agents. The book is structured as a textbook, but it is accessible to a wide audience of professionals and researchers.
Artificial Intelligence was developed in 1956 and came into existence as a paradigm of cognition. It derived a powerful and lusty philosophical patrimony of functionalism and affirmatism. The history has shown a turn away from the functionalism of standard AI toward an alternative position that re-asserts the priority of development, interaction, and, more recently, emotion in cognitive systems, focusing now more than ever on enactive models of cognition. The method of looking for the solutions to problems, in Artificial Intelligence, can be brought about, in many ways, without cognition of the Domain, and in different situations, with knowledge of it. This procedure is usually called Heuristic Search. In such techniques matrix techniques reveal themselves as important. Their introduction can enable us to understand the precise way to the look for a solution. This paper explains the logical foundation of Artificial Intelligence with feasible applications.
Artificial Intelligence: Critical Concepts, 2000
General Introduction to the four-volume reference work "Artificial Intelliegnce: Critical Concepts"
5 1.0 CONCEPT OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE "Artificial intelligence" is a synthetic term whichdue to its suggestive potentialhas caused many misunderstandings and false expectations. Its origin can be traced back to the year 1956. This year was important in many aspects. For example, the book "Automata Studies" came out, compiling now famous articles in the field of cybernetics (Shannon & McCarthy, 1956). Since the first appearance of the words "artificial intelligence", usually associated with John McCarthy's 1956 Dartmouth Summer Research Project, interest in the topic and research into the development of intelligent machines has seen several ups and downs. Artificial intelligence (AI) is an important technology that supports daily social life and economic activities. It contributes greatly to the sustainable growth of Japan's economy and solves various social problems (Lu, Li, Chen, Kim, Serikawa, 2018). Artificial intelligence refers to the ability of a computer or a computer-enabled robotic system to process information and produce outcomes in a manner similar to the thought process of humans in learning, decision making and solving problems (Intelligence, 2017). By extension, the goal of AI systems is to develop systems capable of tacking complex problems in ways similar to human logic and reasoning.
Artificial Intelligence, 1974
Professor LighthiU of Cambridge University is a famous hydrodynamici~t with a recent interest in applications to biology. His review of artificiai intelligence was at the request of Brian Flowers, then head of the Science Research Council of Great Britain, the main funding body for 3ritish university scientific research. Its purpose was to help the Science Research Council decide requests for support of work in AI. Lighthill claims no previous acquaintance with the field, but refers to a large number of authors whose works he consulted, though not to any specific papers. The Lighthill Report is organized around a classification of AI research in~,o three categories: Category A is advanced automation or applications, and he approves of it in principle. Included in A are some activities that are obviously applied but also activities like computer chess playing that ar. • often done not for themselves but in order to study the structure of intelligent behavior. Category C comprises studies of the central nervous system including computer modding in support of both neurophysiology and psychology. Category B is defined as "building robots" and "bridge" between the other categories. Lighthill defines a robot as a program or device built neither to serve a useful purpose nor to study the central nervous system, which obviously would exclude Unimates, etc. which are generally referred to as industrial robots. Emphasizing the bridge aspect of the definition, Lighthill states as obvious that work in category B is worthwhile only in so far a~ it contributes to the other categories. If we take this categorization seriously, then most AI researchers lose intellectual contact with Lighthill immediately, because his three categories have no place for what is or should be our main scientific activity-ztudying the structure of information and the structure of problem solving processes independently of applications and independently of its realization in animals or humans. This study is based on the following ideas: (1) Intellectual activity takes place in a world that has a certain physical and intellectual structure: Physical objects exist, move about, are created and destroyed. Actions that may be performed have effects that are partially known. Entities with goals have available to them certain information about this world. Some of this information may be built in, and some arises from.
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology, 2021
Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) is the quickest developing field of software engineering and innovation. It has accomplished an extraordinary achievement in limited ability to focus time. It is essentially the cycle of reflecting human insight to machines. In this paper, we have detailed the idea and the models of Man-made brainpower alongside its future degree.
AI is the science and engineering of making intelligent machine, especially intelligent computer programs. It is related to the similar task of using computers to understand human intelligence, but AI does not have to contain itself methods that are bio logically observable while no consensual definition of Artificial Intelligence (AI) exists.AI is broadly characterized as the study of computation that allow for perception, reason and action. This paper examines features of artificial intelligence, intro duction, history, application, Future of AI
Taking the bionic approach as a basis, the article discusses the main concepts of the theory of artificial intelligence as a field of knowledge, which studies the principles of creation and functioning of intelligent systems based on multi-layer neural-like growing networks. The general theory of artificial intelligence includes the study of neural-like elements and multilayer neural-like growing networks, temporary and long-term memory, study of the functional organization of the "brain" of the artificial intelligent systems, of the sensor system, modulatory system, motor system, conditioned and unconditioned reflexes, reflector arc (ring), motivation, purposeful behavior, of "thinking", "consciousness", "subconscious and artificial personality developed as a result of training and education".
1 Objectives Within the course of the last 50 years, Artificial Intelligence has developed into a major field of research with a multitude of facets and application areas. While, in general, Artificial Intelligence research is driven by application needs, it is nevertheless a fact that foundational questions and theoretical insights have always been one of the driving forces behind its development. This includes the quest for realising intelligent behaviour in artificial systems as envisioned in the early days of AI research.
Artificial intelligence, or AI, is a cross-disciplinary approach to understanding, modeling, and creating intelligence of various forms. It is a critical branch of cognitive science, and its influence is increasingly being felt in other areas, including the humanities. AI applications are transforming the way we interact with each other and with our environment, and work in artificially modeling intelligence is offering new insights into the human mind and revealing new forms mentality can take. This volume of original essays presents the state of the art in AI, surveying the foundations of the discipline, major theories of mental architecture, the principal areas of research, and extensions of AI such as artificial life. With a focus on theory rather than technical and applied issues, the volume will be valuable not only to people working in AI, but also to those in other disciplines wanting an authoritative and up-to-date introduction to the field.
Abstract This chapter reviews common-sense definitions of intelligence; motivates the research in artificial intelligence (AI) that is aimed at design and analysis of programs and computers that model minds/brains; lays out the fundamental guiding hypothesis of AI; reviews the historical development of AI as a scientific and engineering discipline; explores the relationship of AI to other disciplines; and presents an overview of the scope, problems, and major areas of AI.
The objective of research in the foundations of Al is to explore such basic questions as: What is a theory in Al? What are the most abstract assumptions underlying the competing visions of intelligence? What are the basic arguments for and against each assumption? In this essay I discuss five foundational issues: (1) Core Al is the study of conceptualization and should begin with knowledge level theories. (2) Cognition can be studied as a disembodied process without solving the symbol grounding problem. (3) Cognition is nicely described in propositional terms. (4) We can study cognition separately from learning. (5) There is a single architecture underlying virtually all cognition. I explain what each of these implies and present arguments from both outside and inside Al why each has been seen as right or wrong.
Symbolic Computation, Berlin: Springer, 1982, 1982
Principles of Artificial Intelligence is intended to provide an introduction to "some of the more important, core AI ideas". Nilsson focusses on those ideas that he believes are relevant to "the engineering goal of building intelligent machines". These ideas are presented abstractly rather than discussed in the context of specific applications; he believes that an abstract understanding of the basic ideas will facilitate understanding specific AI systems and will also provide a sound basis for designing new systems.
2nd International Conference on Advances in Computing & Information Technologies (CACIT 2022), 2022
Nowadays, we remark that breakthroughs in the field of AI suggesting its similarity with human beings, tremendous diversity of subfields and terminologies implied in the AI discipline, huge diversity of AI techniques, mistakes of AI and hype could lead to confusion about a clear understanding of the field. In some cases, misunderstanding about AI led to hype, firing, and rude criticism even among many senior experts of the AI domain. In this paper, we proposed a “Comprehensive Overview of Artificial Intelligence (AI)” so that everyone (starting with newbies) is able, via clear insights, to make a difference rapidly. As a contribution to scientific literature, we unambiguously showed via carefully designed illustrations how the AI realm is held by well-known Theories of Intelligence and related AI Concepts that perfectly match the current technological advances in the field. And, of course, we provided a clear insight into Ethical concerns about Artificial Intelligence.
It is claimed that artificial intelligence is playing an increasing role in research areas.
Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications
The book series Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications (FAIA) covers all aspects of theoretical and applied Artificial Intelligence research in the form of monographs, selected doctoral dissertations, handbooks and proceedings volumes. The FAIA series contains several sub-series, including 'Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases' and 'Knowledge-Based Intelligent Engineering Systems'. It also includes the biennial European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI) proceedings volumes, and other EurAI (European Association for Artificial Intelligence, formerly ECCAI) sponsored publications. The series has become a highly visible platform for the publication and dissemination of original research in this field. Volumes are selected for inclusion by an international editorial board of well-known scholars in the field of AI. All contributions to the volumes in the series have been peer reviewed. The FAIA series is indexed in
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