Visions of a Generalised Probability Theory



Computer vision is an ever growing discipline whose ambitious goal is to enable machines with the intelligent visual skills humans and animals are provided by Nature, allowing them to interact effortlessly with complex, dynamic environments. Designing automated visual recognition and sensing systems typically involves tackling a number of challenging tasks, and requires an impressive variety of sophisticated mathematical tools. In most cases, the knowledge a machine has of its surroundings is at best incomplete – missing data is a common problem, and visual cues are affected by imprecision. The need for a coherent mathematical ‘language’ for the description of uncertain models and measurements then naturally arises from the solution of computer vision problems. The theory of evidence (sometimes referred to as ‘evidential reasoning’, ‘belief theory’ or ‘Dempster- Shafer theory’) is, perhaps, one of the most successful approaches to uncertainty modelling, as arguably the most straightforward and intuitive approaches to a generalized probability theory. Emerging in the last Sixties from a profound criticism of the more classical Bayesian theory of inference and modelling of uncertainty, it stimulated in the last decades an extensive discussion of the epistemic nature of both subjective ‘degrees of beliefs’ and frequentist ‘chances’ or relative frequencies. More recently, a renewed interest in belief functions, the mathematical generalization of probabilities which are the object of study of the theory of evidence, has seen a blossoming of applications to a variety of fields of applied science. In this Book we are going to show how, indeed, the fruitful interaction of computer vision and evidential reasoning is able stimulate a number of advances in both fields. From a methodological point of view, novel theoretical advances concerning the geometric and algebraic properties of belief functions as mathematical objects will be illustrated in some detail in Part II, with a focus on a perspective ‘geometric approach’ to uncertainty and an algebraic solution of the issue of conflicting evidence. In Part III we will illustrate how these new perspectives on the theory of belief functions arise from important computer vision problems, such as articulated object tracking, data association and object pose estimation, to which in turn the evidential formalism can give interesting new solutions. Finally, some initial steps towards a generalization of the notion of total probability to belief functions will be taken, in the perspective of endowing the theory of evidence with a complete battery of estimation and inference tools to the benefit of scientists and practitioners.