An algebraist’s view on border bases

2005, Algorithms and Computation in Mathematics

This chapter is devoted to laying the algebraic foundations for border bases of ideals. Using an order ideal O, we describe a zero-dimensional ideal from the outside. The first and higher borders of O can be used to measure the distance of a term from O and to define O-border bases. We study their existence and uniqueness, their relation to Gröbner bases, and their characterization in terms of commuting matrices. Finally, we use border bases to solve a problem coming from statistics. Proposition 4.3.9. Let O be an order ideal such that the residue classes of the elements of O form a K-vector space basis of P/I. Let G be the O-border basis of I, and let G be the subset of G consisting of the elements marked by the corners of O. Then the following conditions are equivalent. 1. There exists a term ordering σ such that O = O σ (I). 2. The elements in G are marked coherently.