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The concept of cluster stability is introduced as a means for assessing the validity of data partitionings found by clustering algorithms. It allows us to explicitly quantify the quality of a clustering solution, without being dependent on external information. The principle of maximizing the cluster stability can be interpreted as choosing the most self-consistent data partitioning. We present an empirical estimator for the theoretically derived stability index, based on imitating independent sample-sets by way of resampling. Experiments on both toy-examples and real-world problems effectively demonstrate that the proposed validation principle is highly suited for model selection.
Neural Computation, 2004
Data clustering describes a set of frequently employed techniques in exploratory data analysis to extract "natural" group structure in data. Such groupings need to be validated to separate the signal in the data from spurious structure. In this context, nding an appropriate number of clusters is a particularly important model selection question. We introduce a measure of cluster stability to assess the validity of a cluster model. This stability measure quanti es the reproducibility of clustering solutions on a second sample, and it can be interpreted as a classi cation risk with regard to class labels produced by a clustering algorithm. The preferred number of clusters is determined by minimizing this classi cation risk as a function of the number of clusters. Convincing results are achieved on simulated as well as gene expression data sets. Comparisons to other methods demonstrate the competitive performance of our method and its suitability as a general validation tool for clustering solutions in realworld problems.
Machine Learning
In cluster analysis, selecting the number of clusters is an “ill-posed” problem of crucial importance. In this paper we propose a re-sampling method for assessing cluster stability. Our model suggests that samples’ occurrences in clusters can be considered as realizations of the same random variable in the case of the “true” number of clusters. Thus, similarity between different cluster solutions is measured by means of compound and simple probability metrics. Compound criteria result in validation rules employing the stability content of clusters. Simple probability metrics, in particular those based on kernels, provide more flexible geometrical criteria. We analyze several applications of probability metrics combined with methods intended to simulate cluster occurrences. Numerical experiments are provided to demonstrate and compare the different metrics and simulation approaches.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2010
Work on clustering combination has shown that clustering combination methods typically outperform single runs of clustering algorithms. While there is much work reported in the literature on validating data partitions produced by the traditional clustering algorithms, little has been done in order to validate data partitions produced by clustering combination methods. We propose to assess the quality of a consensus partition using a pattern pairwise similarity induced from the set of data partitions that constitutes the clustering ensemble. A new validity index based on the likelihood of the data set given a data partition, and three modified versions of well-known clustering validity indices are proposed. The validity measures on the original, clustering ensemble, and similarity spaces are analysed and compared based on experimental results on several synthetic and real data sets.
Pattern Recognition, 2010
An important goal in cluster analysis is the internal validation of results using an objective criterion. Of particular relevance in this respect is the estimation of the optimum number of clusters capturing the intrinsic structure of your data. This paper proposes a method to determine this optimum number based on the evaluation of fuzzy partition stability under bootstrap resampling. The method is first characterized on synthetic data with respect to hyper-parameters, like the fuzzifier, and spatial clustering parameters, such as feature space dimensionality, clusters degree of overlap, and number of clusters. The method is then validated on experimental datasets. Furthermore, the performance of the proposed method is compared to that obtained using a number of traditional fuzzy validity rules based on the cluster compactness-to-separation criteria. The proposed method provides accurate and reliable results, and offers better generalization capabilities than the classical approaches.
Neural computation, 2001
We introduce a method for validation of results obtained by clustering analysis of data. The method is based on resampling the available data. A figure of merit that measures the stability of clustering solutions against resampling is introduced. Clusters which are stable against resampling give rise to local maxima of this figure of merit. This is presented first for a one-dimensional data set, for which an analytic approximation for the figure of merit is derived and compared with numerical measurements. Next, the applicability of the method is demonstrated for higher dimensional data, including gene microarray expression data.
In this paper, we propose a novel approach to validating clusterings. We treat a given clustering as a baseline and define a collection of perturbations of it that give possibly different assignment of points to clusters. If these are indexed by a hyperparameter, integrating with respect to a prior gives an averaged assignment matrix. This matrix can be visualized as a heat map, allowing clusterings and their stability properties to be readily seen. The difference between an averaged assignment matrix and the baseline gives a measure of the stability of the baseline. This approach motivates a general and computationally fast algorithm for evaluating the stability of distance-based and exponential-model type clusterings, including k-means. In addition, these criteria can be used to choose the optimal number of clusters. Our method compares favorably with data based perturbation procedures, such as subsampling, in some conditions such as small sample size. In addition, there is evidence that our method performs better relative to subsampling methods on some problems.
Pattern Recognition Letters, 2006
Cluster validation is a major issue in cluster analysis. Many existing validity indices do not perform well when clusters overlap or there is significant variation in their covariance structure. The contribution of this paper is twofold. First, we propose a new validity index for fuzzy clustering. Second, we present a new approach for the objective evaluation of validity indices and clustering algorithms. Our validity index makes use of the covariance structure of clusters, while the evaluation approach utilizes a new concept of overlap rate that gives a formal measure of the difficulty of distinguishing between overlapping clusters. We have carried out experimental studies using data sets containing clusters of different shapes and densities and various overlap rates, in order to show how validity indices behave when clusters become less and less separable. Finally, the effectiveness of the new validity index is also demonstrated on a number of real-life data sets.
Neural Processing Letters, 2006
Cluster validity has been widely used to evaluate the fitness of partitions produced by clustering algorithms. This paper presents a new validity, which is called the Vapnik–Chervonenkis-bound (VB) index, for data clustering. It is estimated based on the structural risk minimization (SRM) principle, which optimizes the bound simultaneously over both the distortion function (empirical risk) and the VC-dimension (model complexity). The smallest bound of the guaranteed risk achieved on some appropriate cluster number validates the best description of the data structure. We use the deterministic annealing (DA) algorithm as the underlying clustering technique to produce the partitions. Five numerical examples and two real data sets are used to illustrate the use of VB as a validity index. Its effectiveness is compared to several popular cluster-validity indexes. The results of comparative study show that the proposed VB index has high ability in producing a good cluster number estimate and in addition, it provides a new approach for cluster validity from the view of statistical learning theory.
SMC'03 Conference Proceedings. 2003 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics. Conference Theme - System Security and Assurance (Cat. No.03CH37483), 2003
Cluster validity investigates whether generated clusters are true clusters or due to chance. This is usually done based on subsampling stability analysis. Related to this problem is estimating true number of clusters in a given dataset. There are a number of methods described in the literature to handle both purposes. In this paper, we propose three methods for estimating confidence in the validity of clustering result. The first method validates clustering result by employing supervised classifiers. The dataset is divided into training and test sets and the accuracy of the classifier is evaluated on the test set. This method computes confidence in the generalization capability of clustering. The second method is based on the fact that if a clustering is valid then each of its subsets should be valid as well. The third method is similar to second method; it takes the dual approach, i.e., each cluster is expected to be stable and compact. Confidence is estimated by repeating the process a number of times on subsamples. Experimental results illustrate effectiveness of the proposed methods.
International Journal of Information Technology and Computer Science
The main task of any clustering algorithm is to produce compact and well-separated clusters. Well separated and compact type of clusters cannot be achieved in practice. Different types of clustering validation are used to evaluate the quality of the clusters generated by clustering. These measures are elements in the success of clustering. Different clustering requires different types of validity measures. For example, unsupervised algorithms require different evaluation measures than supervised algorithms. The clustering validity measures are categorized into two categories. These categories include external and internal validation. The main difference between external and internal measures is that external validity uses the external information and internal validity measures use internal information of the datasets. A well-known example of the external validation measure is Entropy. Entropy is used to measure the purity of the clusters using the given class labels. Internal measures validate the quality of the clustering without using any external information. External measures require the accurate value of the number of clusters in advance. Therefore, these measures are used mainly for selecting optimal clustering algorithms which work on a specific type of dataset. Internal validation measures are not only used to select the best clustering algorithm but also used to select the optimal value of the number of clusters. It is difficult for external validity measures to have predefined class labels because these labels are not available often in many of the applications. For these reasons, internal validation measures are the only solution where no external information is available in the applications. All these clustering validity measures used currently are time-consuming and especially take additional time for calculations. There are no clustering validity measures which can be used while the clustering process is going on. This paper has surveyed the existing and improved cluster validity measures. It then proposes time efficient and optimized cluster validity measures. These measures use the concept of cluster representatives and random sampling. The work proposes optimized measures for cluster compactness, separation and cluster validity. These three measures are simple and more time efficient than the existing clusters validity measures and are used to monitor the working of the clustering algorithms on large data while the clustering process is going on.
Intelligent Data Analysis, 2014
Many stability measures, such as Normalized Mutual Information (NMI), have been proposed to validate a set of partitionings. It is highly possible that a set of partitionings may contain one (or more) high quality cluster(s) but is still adjudged a bad cluster by a stability measure, and as a result, is completely neglected. Inspired by evaluation approaches measuring the efficacy of a set of partitionings, researchers have tried to define new measures for evaluating a cluster. Thus far, the measures defined for assessing a cluster are entirely based on the well-known NMI measure. The drawback of this commonly used approach is discussed in this paper, after which a new asymmetric criterion, called the Alizadeh-Parvin-Moshki-Minaei criterion (APMM), is proposed to assess the association between a cluster and a set of partitionings. The APMM criterion overcomes the deficiency in the conventional NMI measure. We also propose a clustering ensemble framework that incorporates the APMM's capabilities in order to find the best performing clusters. The framework uses Average APMM (AAPMM) as a fitness measure to select a number of clusters instead of using all of the results. Any cluster that satisfies a predefined threshold of the mentioned measure is selected to participate in an elite ensemble. To combine the chosen clusters, a co-association matrix-based consensus function (by which the set of resultant partitionings are obtained) is used. Because Evidence Accumulation Clustering (EAC) can not derive the co-association matrix from a subset of clusters, a new EAC-based method, called Extended EAC (EEAC), is employed to construct the co-association matrix from the chosen subset of clusters. Empirical studies show that our proposed approach outperforms other cluster ensemble approaches.
Many stability measures, such as Normalized Mutual Information (NMI), have been proposed to validate a set of partitionings. It is highly possible that a set of partitionings may contain one (or more) high quality cluster(s) but is still adjudged a bad cluster by a stability measure, and as a result, is completely neglected. Inspired by evaluation approaches measuring the efficacy of a set of partitionings, researchers have tried to define new measures for evaluating a cluster. Thus far, the measures defined for assessing a cluster are mostly based on the well-known NMI measure. The drawback of this commonly used approach is discussed in this paper, after which a new asymmetric criterion, called the Alizadeh-Parvin-Moshki-Minaei criterion (APMM), is proposed to assess the association between a cluster and a set of partitionings. We show that the APMM criterion overcomes the deficiency in the conventional NMI measure. We also propose a clustering ensemble framework that incorporates the APMM's capabilities in order to find the best performing clusters. The framework uses Average APMM (AAPMM) as a fitness measure to select a number of clusters instead of using all of the results. Any cluster that satisfies a predefined threshold of the mentioned measure is selected to participate in an elite ensemble. To combine the chosen clusters, a co-association matrix-based consensus function (by which the set of resultant partitionings are obtained) is used. Because Evidence Accumulation Clustering (EAC) can not derive the co-association matrix from a subset of clusters appropriately, a new EAC-based method, called Extended EAC (EEAC), is employed to construct the co-association matrix from the chosen subset of clusters. Empirical studies show that our proposed approach outperforms other cluster ensemble approaches.
Pattern Analysis and Applications, 2009
In this paper, new measures—called clustering performance measures (CPMs)—for assessing the reliability of a clustering algorithm are proposed. These CPMs are defined using a validation measure, which determines how well the algorithm works with a given set of parameter values, and a repeatability measure, which is used for studying the stability of the clustering solutions and has the ability to
Abstract: Measuring the quality of data partitions is essential to the success of clustering applications. A lot of different validity indices have been proposed in the literature, but choosing the appropriate index for evaluating the results of a particular clustering algorithm remains a challenge. Clustering results can be evaluated using different indices based on external or internal criteria. An external criterion requires a partitioning of the data previously defined for comparison with the clustering results while an internal criterion evaluates clustering results considering only the data properties. In a previous work we proposed a method for selecting the most suitable cluster validity internal index applied on the results of partitioning clustering algorithms. In this paper we extend our previous work validating the method for density-based clustering algorithms. We have looked into the relationships between internal and external indices, relating them through linear regr...
Marketing Letters, 2010
Segmentation results derived using cluster analysis depend on (1) the structure of the data and (2) algorithm parameters. Typically neither the data structure is assessed in advance of clustering nor is the sensitivity of the analysis to changes in algorithm parameters. We propose a benchmarking framework based on bootstrapping techniques that accounts for sample and algorithm randomness. This provides much needed guidance both to data analysts and users of clustering solutions regarding the choice of the final clusters from computations which are exploratory in nature.
Proceedings of the 7th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management, 2015
Stability has been considered an important property for evaluating clustering solutions. Nevertheless, there are no conclusive studies on the relationship between this property and the capacity to recover clusters inherent to data ("ground truth"). This study focuses on this relationship, resorting to experiments on synthetic data generated under diverse scenarios (controlling relevant factors) and experiments on real data sets. Stability is evaluated using a weighted cross-validation procedure. Indices of agreement (corrected for agreement by chance) are used both to assess stability and external validation. The results obtained reveal a new perspective so far not mentioned in the literature. Despite the clear relationship between stability and external validity when a broad range of scenarios is considered, the within-scenarios conclusions deserve our special attention: faced with a specific clustering problem (as we do in practice), there is no significant relationship between clustering stability and the ability to recover data clusters
Intelligent Data Analysis, 2009
Clustering quality or validation indices allow the evaluation of the quality of clustering in order to support the selection of a specific partition or clustering structure in its natural unsupervised environment, where the real solution is unknown or not available. In this paper, we investigate the use of quality indices mostly based on the concepts of clusters' compactness and separation, for the evaluation of clustering results (partitions in particular). This work intends to offer a general perspective regarding the appropriate use of quality indices for the purpose of clustering evaluation. After presenting some commonly used indices, as well as indices recently proposed in the literature, key issues regarding the practical use of quality indices are addressed. A general methodological approach is presented which considers the identification of appropriate indices thresholds. This general approach is compared with the simple use of quality indices for evaluating a clustering solution.
Model selection in clustering requires (i) to specify a suitable clustering principle and (ii) to control the model order complexity by choosing an appropriate number of clusters depending on the noise level in the data. We advocate an information theoretic perspective where the uncertainty in the measurements quantizes the set of data partitionings and, thereby, induces uncertainty in the solution space of clusterings. A clustering model, which can tolerate a higher level of fluctuations in the measurements than alternative models, is considered to be superior provided that the clustering solution is equally informative. This tradeoff between informativeness and robustness is used as a model selection criterion. The requirement that data partitionings should generalize from one data set to an equally probable second data set gives rise to a new notion of structure induced information.
BMC Bioinformatics, 2013
K-means clustering is widely used for exploratory data analysis. While its dependence on initialisation is wellknown, it is common practice to assume that the partition with lowest sum-of-squares (SSQ) total i.e. within cluster variance, is both reproducible under repeated initialisations and also the closest that k-means can provide to true structure, when applied to synthetic data. We show that this is generally the case for small numbers of clusters, but for values of k that are still of theoretical and practical interest, similar values of SSQ can correspond to markedly different cluster partitions. This paper extends stability measures previously presented in the context of finding optimal values of cluster number, into a component of a 2-d map of the local minima found by the k-means algorithm, from which not only can values of k be identified for further analysis but, more importantly, it is made clear whether the best SSQ is a suitable solution or whether obtaining a consistently good partition requires further application of the stability index. The proposed method is illustrated by application to five synthetic datasets replicating a real world breast cancer dataset with varying data density, and a large bioinformatics dataset.
Knowledge Based Systems, 2018
A cluster validity index is used to select which clustering algorithm to apply for a given problem. It works by evaluating the quality of a partition, as output by a candidate clustering algorithm, getting around the common case of the lack of an expert in the given domain of discourse. Most existing validity indexes
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