Magazines and Media


This paper gives the definitions of various kinds of magazines commonly known in the subject of media. A definition makes the concept clear and the thing is well identified and there remains no confusion in the mind, in conducting any research the first thing is to know the terms and as to what do they mean or signify or speak of themselves. A reading of this article will take the reader and researcher towards this conclusion that every magazine of whatever name and kind it may be it has a store of information in it and this is the core meaning of the word. Who is to define a word or a thing? The right vests in the master of the language to whom the word belongs. Who are the master of the language? They are those highly qualified to say anything about the language in whom the people of that language reposed full confidence and trust and whose verdict is accepted as final. The stress is on the will of the people every where. Thus in all fields abstract or substantial the will of the people is not to be ignore and must be given due weight and honoured.