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The need for new generation systems has motivated the development of microgrids. This new concept may provide significant benefits such as losses reduction, high degree of efficiency and reliability to the transmission and distribution networks. This paper presents generalities about microgrids, including general structure and different topologies. Also an original methodology for facilitating its design and evaluation is proposed. Finally, the microgrid located at the Parque Tecnológíco de Guatiguará at the Universidad Industrial de Santander, is analyzed and an operation analysis is included for different operations stages of loads and generation, the performance of operation of storage systems, the interaction with the grid and an energy balance for all the system.
The purpose of this research paper is present of overview of microgrid (MG) system. This paper demonstrate the techniques of energy generation through renewable energy sources (RES) such as solar, wind, geo thermal, bio mass and conventional power generation methods for micro grid system. It also review the control system, protection system and energy storage methods used in micro grid system. Moreover, the article deals with the key issues present in generation and storage. Furthermore, new developments in the fields of micro grid are also addressed in this paper.
The demand for high quality electricity and growing electricity consumption has been caused by increasing electrification of daily life causes and the rising number of sensitive or critical loads. Due to the rapid increase in global energy consumption and the diminishing of fossil fuels, the customer demand for new generation capacities and efficient energy production, delivery and utilization keeps rising. The micro grid concept has the potential to solve major problems arising from large penetration of distributed generation in distribution systems. A proper control strategy should be implemented for a successful operation of a micro grid . Different load models can be simulated and analyzed using MATLAB and PSCAD software. In this paper, the work done in the field of Micro Grid has been reviewed.
International Journal of Renewable Energy Research, 2014
Grid connection capability of distributed generation attracts researchers due to the cumulative demand for electricity and environment pollution concern as a new emerging technology for providing reliable and clean power supply. A microgrid comprises distributed generation, energy storage, loads, and a control system that is capable of operating in grid-tied mode and/or islanded mode. As operation modes are shifted, the microgrid should successfully manage the voltage and frequency adjustment in order to protect the grid and any loads connected to the system. Facilitation of the generation-side and load-side management and the resynchronization process is required. This paper presents an overall description and typical distributed generation technology of a microgrid. It also adds a comprehensive study on energy storage devices, microgrid loads, interfaced distributed energy resources (DER), power electronic interface modules and the interconnection of multiple microgrids. Details o...
A microgrid is low or medium voltage that includes and operates its own distributed energy resources. From the viewpoint of the distribution system, it can be seen as single entity, which is connected to the distribution network at a point of common coupling. The aim of this project was to evaluate the effects on, e.g., grid losses and grid loading of the operation of a grid-connected microgrid in the distribution grid. A linear programming model has been developed for the optimal operation of a microgrid. The model has been applied on a real distribution grid that supplies an area in Gothenburg. The microgrid which is a 400 V network consisting of 78 villas includes various energy resources with the focus put on renewable energy generation and energy storage systems. Photovoltaic systems, wind turbines, batteries, a hydrogen energy storage system, and a combined heat and power generation plant are among the resources used in the microgrid. Five cases of different energy resources m...
CIRED 2012 Workshop: Integration of Renewables into the Distribution Grid, 2012
The biggest challenge in the contemporaneous world: maintain the supply of electric energy with reliability and quality. A lot of technological solutions, involving telecommunications, energy storage, dispersed generation (DG) with alternative sources and another usual electric generation, are in large scale implementation. Moreover, Microgrids (MG) concept is in large discussion in order to obtain better results in operation and management of this new distribution system. Local black start strategies are one of the most important implementation for that new kind of grid. In the first phase of the R&D project developed with CPFL, one Brazilian electric utility, inside of the environment of ANEEL, the Brazilian Regulatory Agency to the electric system, it was made a study concerning the technologies of distributed micro generators and connection requirements. Models and control strategies simulations have been done in order to reproduce the performance of this energy sources when connected in the grid during the practice tests. It was evaluated topologies with resistive loads, capacitive loads, and inductive/non-linear loads. These topologies are in parallel with the distribution utility grid using a special test bench able to synchronize the energy and power quality measurements of all devices.
International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering (IJATCSE), 2020
This paper highlighting the main issues in the new era of distributed generation closed to the distribution network or popularly known as Micro Grid (MG) system, in the electrical power system network. A MG is particularly a section of the large power distribution system that comprises distributed or co-generation, energy storage system and loads. In this paper, review on the system architecture, operational modes and also the control challenges on the demand response in MG system is demonstrated. The gathered information is compressed and then written in brief to be used as a quick guide for the new researchers or newcomers in this field. All important elements in the MG will be explained in brief as well as comparing the worthy outcomes and the potential fields of research in particular in terms of energy flow control that would enhance practical use of MG system and its elements.
The paper presents the operational results of a real life residential microgrid which includes six apartments, a 20 kWp photovoltaic plant, a solar based thermal energy plant, a geothermal heat pump, a thermal energy storage, in the form of a 1300 litres water tank and two 5.8 kWh batteries supplying, each, a couple of apartments. Thanks to the thermal energy storage, the solar based thermal energy plant is able to satisfy the 100% of the hot water summer demand. Therefore the thermal energy storage represents a fundamental element in the management of the residential demand of thermal energy. It collects renewable thermal energy during day-time to release it during night-time, effectively shaving the peak of the thermal energy demand. The two electric storages, on the other hand, provide the hosted electrical subsystems with the ability to effectively increase the self-consumption of the local energy production, thus lowering the amount of energy surplus to be sold back to the grid, and increasing the self- sufficiency of the microgrid. For instance, the storage has supported self-consumption up to the 58.1% of local energy production with regard to the first battery, and up to the 63.5% with regard to the second one. Also, 3165 and 3365 yearly hours of fully autonomous activity have been recorded thanks to the first, and the second battery respectively. On the other hand, the yearly average efficiency amounts to 63.7%, and 65.3% respectively, for the first and second battery. In the second part of the paper we propose a computational framework to evaluate the overall performance of the microgrid system, while accounting different operating conditions and energy management policies. From this perspective, the framework acts as a useful modelling and design tool, to assess the opportunity of employing alternative energy management system topologies and strategies. Eight different configurations, with growing complexity, have been derived from the original system on purpose. The simulations, carried out based on real data related to one-year time period, have provided results showing that, the higher the integration level of electrical and thermal storage is, the higher degree of self-sufficiency can be achieved by the microgrid, and, in turn, the more consistent the yearly energy saving become.Nevertheless, despite the energy cost reduction achievable with the availability of storage systems in the Leaf House, their high investment cost made them not really profitable at the current price conditions for devices and energy purchase.
Springer eBooks, 2019
The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and regulations and therefore free for general use.
Sustainability, 2022
Microgrids have been proposed as a solution to the growing deterioration of traditional electrical power systems and the energy transition towards renewable sources. One of the most important aspects of the efficient operation of a microgrid is its topology, that is, how the components are connected. Some papers have studied microgrid topologies; however, these studies do not perform an exhaustive analysis of the types of topologies, their applications, characteristics, or technical advantages and disadvantages. The contribution of this paper is the integration of the most important functional properties of microgrid topologies in terms of reliability, efficiency, structure, costs, and control methods. The study analyzes 21 topologies divided into six classifications with their respective sub-classifications. The analysis was based on the characteristics of the current (AC or DC), the control mechanisms, the transition between the operating modes, and the operating costs. As a result of the evaluation, it was evidenced that SST-based completely isolated coupled AC topologies, completely isolated two-stage AC decoupled, and multiple microgrids show the best performances. In contrast, the use of two-stage and three-stage partially isolated AC decoupled topologies is not recommended because of their high operating cost and low efficiency and reliability.
The thesis aims to inspect various aspects concerning the Microgrid (MG), as a way to integrate distributed electricity generation technologies, storage and loads. In this framework, the energy management represents a remarkable issue both in grid connected and islanded mode. This action is typically performed in the MG in two stages: a day-ahead planning, called to determine generation profiles of controllable sources according to forecasts, and real time dispatching, in order to smooth out load variation and renewable power fluctuations. In a centralized control scheme, the SCADA system is in charge of this function. One of the main topics of this work is to draw up methodologies for day-ahead planning and operation of the Experimental MG realized at premises of the Power System Laboratory at Politecnico di Bari, including fuel-based and renewable production facilities, energy storage and loads. To this purpose, different procedures for day-ahead scheduling are proposed in Chapter 1, based on suitable models and according to specific operation strategies. The results of this step are validated by means of static and dynamic assessment. Moreover, experimental test of actual system operation according to planned power levels is provided. A further characteristic of a MG is the contemporary coverage of thermal and electric demand. In this multi-energy system, the flexibility and economic operation is provided through CHPs facility and energy storage systems. In Chapter 2, planning procedures involving models for integrated water-based thermal supply infrastructure and dealing with occupant thermal comfort are proposed. In particular, the influence of thermal and electric energy storage is investigated in day-ahead operation planning, and the behaviour of different heating sources and thermal storage is assessed through a detailed engineering model. The procedures are applied to a configuration of Experimental Microgrid with empowered thermal section. In Chapter 3, methodologies to deal with the diffusion of the Electric Vehicles (EV) are investigated. In particular, the integration of EV parking lot in MG as well as new concept of Electric vehicle supply infrastructure (EVSI) are evaluated. In the first case, the day-ahead planning of MG with a fleet of EV is investigated, focusing on interactions between EV aggregator and MG operator. In the latter, structures for AC and DC EVSI are presented, that include energy storage system, PV plant, charging points, also in V2G configuration and a common bus. In particular, the optimal design of an AC and DC EVSI is proposed, aiming at defining the size and technology of devices. The DC solution is designed on different configurations in order to realize a demonstrator in the Bari port area, in the framework of the CONNECT project, financed in the H2020 call ECSEL 2016.
In the present world where environmental issues are posing a great threat to the survival of mankind a better yet effective way of reducing carbon emissions and improving the environment by less usage of fossil fuels was suggested. This approach was called microgrid (MG). Renewable energy resources could be used effectively to produce electricity and can be easily integrated with the conventional grid. This paper elaborates on the basic concept of microgrid, and then describes the challenges and future prospects of the microgrid. Distribution generators along with energy storage devices and proper interfacing power electronic devices are used. Working on the basis of the type of microgrid is also discussed in this paper.
In this modern era, technology continues to develop and improve, experiencing a signification transformation from the traditional concept and centralized power generation to an incorporated system with distributed energy resources (DER) which is then located closer to the local loads. A sustainable solution with this future concept would be the Microgrid application, and it is a growing system in recent days. This system consists of an integration of the generation from different renewable energy sources that contain energy storage systems. Microgrid also acts as a backup source to failure of the main power supply allowing the network to operate independently. This technology has provided a high reliance on the economy and the growing demand of the technologies such as the energy generated from wind and solar. The growth in several Microgrid utilization has also decreased the reliance on the usage of fossil fuels. The idea of the Microgrid application and implementing it into the ne...
International Journal of Advances in Applied Sciences (IJAAS), 2021
This research paper discusses the different types of microgrids, their structural arrangements and the technology adopted for different power management projects. It also deals with various control strategies and security plans used for optimal performance. A detailed overview of the direct current (DC) microgrid system is discussed, outlining its configurations and technical-economic aspects. Performance evaluation of microgrid carried out through various reliability codes is also provided.
This paper demonstrates the Design, Modelling and Simulation of the Micro grid as contemporary project where it delivers the power based on load requirement. For different type of loads the paper reflects the usage of the renewable energy resources taken into consideration. Here various energy delivering and storage criteria for Micro grid has been designed with the aspect of continuously sourcing the power during any circumstances. Photovoltaics which has less efficiency is boosted with MPPT Technique and Battery Energy Storage System which is designed with Bidirectional DC-DC Converter for controlling the charging and discharging based on load plays a vital role in the integration with the Utility grid. The power to intermediate levels is being supplied taking into the concern of power quality issues and suitable protection scheme is adopted to clear the Faults that is occurring within the system. For Fault clearance the algorithm for tripping action of circuit breaker is develope...
Microgrids are becoming increasingly attractive to consumers and as such in the future, a great number of them will be installed at consumer's sites. In this situation, conventional distribution networks that accept distributed generation connections may face serious difficulty when its control and protection functions become more complicated. This incurs a burden to the network operation and some technical limitations will appear when a great number of distributed generations are installed. One way of overcoming such problems, a micro grid system is formed to provide reliable electricity and heat delivering services by connecting distributed generations and loads together within a small area. A microgrid is usually connected to an electrical distribution network in an autonomous way and employs various distributed generation technologies such as micro-turbine, fuel cell, photovoltaic system together with energy storage devices such as battery, condenser and flywheel. Micro grids can cause several technical problems in its operation and control when operated as autonomous systems. This paper is a review of three technical challenges on micro grid with respect to voltage and frequency control, islanding and protection of microgrids.
Materials Today: Proceedings, 2020
In this paper, as a method for incorporating renewable energy sources into a distributed generation network, a high-Frequency single phase AC mication grid is proposed. For the better operation of a microgrid the renewable energy source as a backup is collaborated with the main single-phase AC source. In this work we are controlling the battery energy storage system, PV module and the loads. The capacity of the battery is limited by a battery controller. The battery absorbs surplus force whenever there is excess vitality in the micro grid network, and gives extra energy to the micro grid if there is a energy deficiency in the micro grid network. The common houses are the loads (limit of 2.5 kilo Watt) consuming energy as electric charges. The power grid is linked to a micro grid network on one post which reduces the voltage from 6.6 kV to 200 V. on the other side. DC power sources that are integrated in one-stage CA are the solar energy dependent force and the battery space. The strategy for control assumes that the micro array will not depend entirely on the power supplied by the network, that the electricity from the sun and the battery are continuously sufficient.
Journal of Clean Energy Technologies, 2017
This paper presents many technical issues and shortcomings confronted in installation of micro-grids particularly in rural areas. It discusses the technical challenges involved in grid integration of micro-grids and highlights some aspects of stability in micro-grids. There are different types of micro-grid applications. The system layout and the control design vary depending on the application and so does the facet of stability in a micro-grid. It briefly encompasses the stability aspects of remote, utility connected micro-grids depending on the modes of operation, control topology, types of renewables and the network parameters. In the end, a brief insight into IEC 62257 specifications has been given.
2010 IEEE/PES Transmission and Distribution Conference and Exposition: Latin America (T&D-LA), 2010
The objective of this paper is to present the current status and state-of-the-art of microgrid systems as well as the barriers that are being encountered for their integration to the network. The expectation about the microgrid performance is high, thus, issues related to the microgrid standards, autonomous operation, control strategies, regulatory barriers as well as its protection and islanding operation, among other aspects, will be discussed herein. Some examples of practical installations worldwide will also be presented.
Energy is the most important part for growth in any sector because of that every country focusing on to be energy independent for fulfilling major energy needs from renewable energy it is necessary to use distributed energy resources/hybrid system micro-grids the best suitable solution for rural area where frequent grid failure is occurred. micro-grids are local energy providers which reduce energy expense and gas emissions by utilising distributed energy resources (DERs) and are considered to be promising alternatives to existing centralised systems. It is necessary to optimally design a micro-grid. This thesis deals with the basic concept, operation, control and protection of micro-grid, and active distribution networks in a broad perspective This dissertation investigates optimization of multiple energy resources and storage for micro-grid design. Case study is based on Sainik School Balachadi(SSB) , Jamnagar, Gujarat. The campus has potential to demonstrate all of hybrid micro-grid system. Further, the institute is an educational organization and is preparing our next generation to make carrier in armed forces. In armed forces, most of the establishments are isolated / semi-isolated from main grid and are deprived of energy at times. Demonstrating various renewable energy plants in hybrid (grid-connected and off-grid) operation may help defence sector to adopt renewable energy solutions to satisfy their energy needs. Collected their load data and also done survey of all building roofs and according to that done shadow analysis of all roofs with the use of pvsyst software. And analysis load detail and after doing simulation in HOMER and estimated installed capacity of different energy resources.
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