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33 pages
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South America is one of the 7 continents of the earth with many different countries and languages. The SAJL will promote interaction among logicians based in South America and also between logicians from South America and logicians from other continents. The aim of the South American Journal of Logic is to promote logic in all its aspects: philosophical, mathematical, computational, historical by publishing high quality peer-reviewed papers.
This is the book of abstracts of the 19th Brazilian Logic Conferences. The Brazilian Logic Conferences (EBL) is one of the most traditional logic conferences in South America. Organized by the Brazilian Logic Society (SBL), its main goal is to promote the dissemination of research in logic in a broad sense. It has been occurring since 1979, congregating logicians of different fields — mostly philosophy, mathematics and computer science — and with different backgrounds — from undergraduate students to senior researchers. The meeting is an important moment for the Brazilian and South American logical community to join together and discuss recent developments of the field. The areas of logic covered in the conference spread over foundations and philosophy of science, analytic philosophy, philosophy and history of logic, mathematics, computer science, informatics, linguistics and artificial intelligence. Previous editions of the EBL have been a great success, attracting researchers from...
Revista brasileira de história da matemática (RBHM), 2020
This article presents the first part of a historical overview of the development of logic in Brazil, and describes the development of contemporary logic in the county with an emphasis on its socio-institutional and interdisciplinary aspects. After a brief introduction recounting the development of logic within the Luso-Brazilian academic milieu, we mention the work of the first Brazilian authors and groups of scholars who may be considered logicians. Special emphasis is given to the emergence of original research in logic in Brazil with the pioneering work of Newton Carneiro Affonso da Costa and the creation of paraconsistent logic. Also highlighted are the establishment of the Centre for Logic, Epistemology and History of Science (CLE) at the State University of Campinas (Unicamp), the creation of the Brazilian Logic Society (SBL), the realization of the Brazilian Logic Conferences (EBLs), and Brazilian participation in the Latin American Symposia on Mathematical Logic (SLALMs). Th...
La lógica en el Perú durante los siglos XVI y XVII: de la translatio studiorum a las principales propuestas americanas. , 2023
El objetivo principal de esta ponencia es analizar el proceso de transmisión de las principales teorías lógicas de Europa hacia América en los siglos XVI y XVII. Este movimiento se inserta en la denominada translatio studiorum que en la última década ha empezado a conocerse con mayor detalle. La difusión de las principales escuelas lógicas europeas se inició con la llegada de los primeros profesores universitarios al Perú quienes en su mayoría pertenecían a las escuelas tomista, escotista y nominalista. Estas escuelas prontamente se consolidaron en los claustros universitarios y ofrecieron los insumos para la creación de nuevas perspectivas lógicas exigidas a su vez por un contexto cultural y filosófico americano y peruano muy peculiar en los siglos XVI y XVII. En ese sentido, esta presentación se divide en tres grandes partes. En la primera, se estudia el proceso de transmisión (translatio studiorum) propiamente dicho de las escuelas lógicas. En la segunda, las condiciones que forjaron el planteamiento de una perspectiva lógica distinta de acuerdo con las exigencias del contexto peruano. Finalmente, se evalúan las posibilidades teóricas para sostener la existencia de una escuela lógica propiamente americana y peruana.
La lógica experimenta actualmente un crecimiento vertiginoso. Acompañada de un impulso inter y transdisciplinario, se despliega como un saber que transforma la naturaleza de las nociones de epistemolog&iacure;a y semántica. Es hora de que los filósofos se confronten a los problemas y a las nuevas preguntas esbozadas por estos avances. En verdad es manifiesto que hay ya algunos emprendimientos importantes en ese sentido. Emprendimientos que contribuyen en la exploración de nuevas direcciones del rol de la lógica como organon. El objetivo principal de nuestra colección es precisamente promover la publicación y traducción de obras en lengua castellana sobre lógica, filosofía de la lógica, filosofía de la ciencia, epistemología y semántica de la lenguas naturales. Esperamos que un tal foro de publicación fomentará la consolidación de vínculos ya existentes entre las disciplinas mencionadas y la construcción de nuevos lazos inter-y transdisciplinarios. Logic is nowadays growing at a breathtaking pace with a trans-and interdisciplinary élan which is transforming the very nature of the notion of epistemology and semantics. The time is ripe for philosophers to take up the challenges resulting from this impulse and indeed there are clear signals that many philosophers have already responded by taking upon themselves the task of reinstating logic in a new version of its old role of organon.The aim of this series is to promote the publication in Spanish of worksin logic, philosophy of logic, philosophy of science, epistemology and semantic for natural languag. This publication forum should foster the consolidation of existing links between those disciplines and the building of new inter and transdisplinary ones. The Volume La lógica como herramienta de la razón has been published by the UK publisher College Publications. Their Spanish language series Cuadernos de Logica, Epistemologia y Lenguaje, distinguishes itself by promoting and supporting researche in the field of Logic, where logic takes anew the role of an Organon, prescribed in Antiquity by Aristotle. Nowadays; this role of logic is deployed in its inter-and transdisciplianry character. Two other salient characteristics of this collection that I would like to point out, is as, already mentioned, that it publishes original work in Spanish and the second is copyright policy of all CP titles that allows authors to retain full rights for their own work. Prof. Atocha Aliseda (Universidad Autonoma de Mexico) We congratulate, moreover (the Spanish-speaking scientific community) should congratulate ourselves for the launching of a collection that promotes the publication in Spanish of work in this field, " Prof Arancha San Ginés (Universidad de Granada) Extracted from the Radio interview with Atocha Aliseda (Universidad Autonoma de Mexico), on the occassion of the publication in 2014 of her book La lógica como herramienta de la razón. Directores de la Serie: Shahid Rahman (Université de Lille3-STL:UMR 8163-CNRS) Juan Redmond (Universidad de Valparaíso, STL-UMR8163 Lille3) Editor Asistente: Rodrigo López Orellana (Universidad de Valparaíso/Universidad de Salamanca)
Trabalhos em linguística aplicada, 2021
This paper presents a descriptive analysis of SCOPUS' and Web of Science's journal lists, in order to illustrate and critically assess the current presence of Latin American journals included in these mainstream databases and their working languages for publication. The latest lists of journals released by both databases as of March 2020 were analyzed in terms of journal language and country of publication. Results show Brazil clearly emerges as the regional leader, especially in WoS' Science Citation Index Expanded and Emerging Sources Citation Index. However, this predominance of Brazilian journals does not entail a corresponding relevance of the Portuguese language. Spanish is the predominant language in mainstream Latin American journals, especially in the Social Sciences and Humanities, while journals identified as multilingual tend to associate either Spanish or Portuguese with English. The combination of Spanish and Portuguese is significantly smaller. This calls for a critical revision of the state of the Latin American scientific-editorial field as a linguistic market, as well as for further questioning the role of English as the lingua franca of academia. Keywords: linguistic market; Latin American scientific field; English as lingua franca RESUMO Este artigo apresenta uma análise descritiva das listas de revistas do SCOPUS e do Web of Science (WoS), a fim de ilustrar e avaliar criticamente a presença atual de revistas latino-americanas incluídas nesses bancos de dados e seus idiomas de trabalho para publicação. As últimas listas de revistas divulgadas pelos dois bancos de dados em março de 2020 foram analisadas em termos de idioma e país de publicação. Os resultados mostram que o Brasil emerge claramente como líder regional, especialmente no Science Citation Index Expanded e em Emerging Sources Citation Index do WoS. No entanto, esse predomínio de revistas brasileiras não implica uma relevância correspondente da língua portuguesa. O espanhol é o idioma predominante nas principais revistas latino-americanas, especialmente nas ciências sociais e humanas, enquanto as revistas identificadas como multilíngues tendem a associar espanhol ou português ao inglês. A combinação de espanhol e português é significativamente menor. Isso exige uma revisão crítica do estado do campo científico-editorial latino-americano como um mercado linguístico, além de questionar ainda mais o papel do inglês como língua franca da academia. Palavras-chave: mercado linguístico; campo científico latino-americano; inglês como língua franca
This book series promotes the advance of scientific research within the field of logic in Asian countries. It strengthens the collaboration between researchers based in Asia with researchers across the international scientific community and offers a platform for presenting the results of their collaborations. One of the most prominent features of contemporary logic is its interdisciplinary character, combining mathematics, philosophy, modern computer science, and even the cognitive and social sciences. The aim of this book series is to provide a forum for current logic research, reflecting this trend in the field's development. The series accepts books on any topic concerning logic in the broadest sense, i.e., books on contemporary formal logic, its applications and its relations to other disciplines. It accepts monographs and thematically coherent volumes addressing important developments in logic and presenting significant contributions to logical research. In addition, research works on the history of logical ideas, especially on the traditions in China and India, are welcome contributions. The scope of the book series includes but is not limited to the following: • Monographs written by researchers in Asian countries. • Proceedings of conferences held in Asia, or edited by Asian researchers. • Anthologies edited by researchers in Asia. • Research works by scholars from other regions of the world, which fit the goal of "Logic in Asia". The series discourages the submission of manuscripts that contain reprints of previously published material and/or manuscripts that are less than 165 pages/ 90,000 words in length. Please also visit our webpage: Relation with Studia Logica Library This series is part of the Studia Logica Library, and is also connected to the journal Studia Logica. This connection does not imply any dependence on the Editorial Office of Studia Logica in terms of editorial operations, though the series maintains cooperative ties to the journal. This book series is also a sister series to Trends in Logic and Outstanding Contributions to Logic.
The International Directory of Logicians is a listing of over 260 of the world's foremost living logicians. It provides a compact summary of each entrant's education, professional appointments. honours and awards, principal publications. as well as a description of the nature and significance of their contributions to logic, and a 'vision statement· concerning logic's future prospects. Logic here is understood in its broad sense. encompassing all branches of mathematical logic and the philosophy and the history of logic. Inclusion in the Directory is by invitation only, following a rigorous selection process guided by a distinguished Advisory Board.
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EGOAVIL, Jean Christian Ponencia «Lógica y epistemología: hitos en la teoría de la razón de Miró Quesada». Congreso Internacional Lo heterodoxo en la lógica y en la razón. Día Mundial de la Lógica 2021. Organizado por Sociedad Peruana de Epistemología y Lógica. 13-16 de enero de 2021.
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Journal of Educational Media & Library Sciences, 2019
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