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Das Berliner Osteuropa-Institut wurde in den Jahren des Kalten Krieges gegrundet. Beginnend mit den Grunderjahren zeichnet die Autorin entscheidende Phasen der Organisationsbiografie bis in die 1970er-Jahre nach. Als innovativ erweist sich die Verknupfung des wissenssoziologischen Zugriffs mit einer organisationssoziologischen Perspektive. Das Buch basiert auf der Analyse zahlreicher Dokumente, wie Tonbandmitschnitten, Gutachten, wissenschaftlichen Abhandlungen, Briefen und Zeitungsartikeln sowie der Auswertung qualitativer Interviews. Als bedeutende Wissenschaftler der Osteuropaforschung werden Max Vasmer, Werner Philipp, Hans-Joachim Lieber und Karl Christian Thalheim behandelt."
Film und Filmindustrie in der Ukraine, 2022
The history of Ukrainian cinema and the film and television industry over the past 30 years is a history of an arduous process of liberation from colonial dependencies. It reflects the development of Ukrainian national identity, the language issue, and the political economy of a contested sector. After a decline in the 1990s, dependence on Russian capital and the Russian market led to the industry’s Russification. Money and ideas, including aggressive anti-Ukrainian and anti-liberal views of history, came from Moscow. Russian-language films were produced in Ukrainian studios for low wages. Change came only in 2014. Funding for cinema was improved, legal language quotas in the production and post-dubbing of films were better enforced. This weak-ened the Ukrainian television lobby’s ties to Russia, but led to disputes over the distribution of funding. Beyond the struggle for big money, the past 30 years has seen the emergence of excellent documentaries and a Ukrainian cinéma d’auteur that enjoys a permanent place at international film festivals.
pp. 491-493: Arnaud Lechevalier/Jan Wielgohs (Hgg.): Borders and Border Regions in Europe. Changes, Challenges and Chances, Bielefeld: transcript Verlag 2013.
PROKLA. Zeitschrift für kritische Sozialwissenschaft
The EU has adopted a common sei of technological standards and an organizational framework in the field of telecommunication, which have the applicant states to accept. Seemingly a pure question of technology outside the political process, this set actually contributes to a hierarchical division of labour between old and new members of the EU. Furthermore the benchmarking process, in which the progress of the applicant states is measured, forces the applicant states in competition for best adaption and provides westem companies with optimal information for their investment decisions.
Universitätsverlag Kiel | Kiel University Publishing eBooks, 2022
After an introduction to the origins and fields of work of the historical sub-discipline of Eastern European History, the author describes the circumstances surrounding the founding of the Seminary of Eastern European History in Kiel in 1958 as well as the development of the staff and the organization, including its integration into the History Department in 2000. The presentation of the research fields of the specialists for the history of Eastern Europe working in Kiel is structured accordingly to the subcategories of the subject: History of the Russian Empire and the Soviet Union, History of East Central Europe including the Baltic countries, History of Southeastern Europe. A specific feature of Eastern European History in Kiel is the strong interest in the contemporary as well as pre-modern history of the countries in Eastern Europe. Most courses on Eastern European History are also offered as courses on the history of the Middle Ages or else modern times and aimed at all history students. According to the motto »In space we experience time«, numerous study trips to countries in Eastern Europe took place. As one of the disciplines of Eastern European studies in Kiel, the Seminary of Eastern European History keeps close contacts to the institutes of Slavic Studies and Eastern Law. The international contacts result partly from individual research interests and partly from the university partnerships regarding Irkutsk, Kaliningrad, and Poznań in particular.
Rheinisch-westfälische Zeitschrift für Volkskunde, 2020
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sub\urban. zeitschrift für kritische stadtforschung
Hannover: Verlag der ARL - Akademie für Raumentwicklung in der Leibniz-Gemeinschaft eBooks, 2020
Journal of Modern European History, 2018
Zapiski Historyczne, 2017
kritische berichte - Zeitschrift für Kunst- und Kulturwissenschaften, 2013
Zeitschrift für Buch- und Bibliothekswesen, 2019
Geschichte der Universität Unter den Linden 1810-2010, 2010
BpB DOSSIER Lange Wege der Deutschen Einheit
Angewandte Chemie, 2003
Alltag | Kultur | Wissenschaft : Die volkskundlich-kulturanthropologischen Institute und Landesstellen, 2021
In: Tenorth, Heinz-Elmar (Hg.): Geschichte der Universität Unter den Linden 1810-2010, Band 5: Praxis ihrer Disziplinen. Transformation der Wissensordnung. Berlin: Akademie-Verlag 2010, S. 303-319, 2010