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AI-generated Abstract
This paper discusses the challenges and strategies associated with enhancing online and distance education at the University of Idaho (UI). It identifies a lack of centralized administrative oversight and support for distance education programs, leading to fiscal inefficiencies and operational fragmentation. Recommendations include retaining revenue generated by distance education programs, simplifying revenue collection processes, examining pricing structures, and developing a comprehensive business plan to ensure sustainability and quality of distance education offerings.
Barton County Community College (Barton) is a comprehensive, public, two-year community college located in Great Bend, Kansas. Our service area, which spans 5,486 square miles and seven large counties, is truly a vast region. Furthermore, Barton's second campus is located 140 miles away at the Fort Riley Army Installation where the college provides services to members of the military and their families, civilian employees, and the general public. The college also provides educational opportunities to more than 1,500 students through our distance learning programs including online, hybrid, and ITV. For over 39 years, Barton has served the scattered small communities across our extremely rural, under populated west-central Kansas service region. In fall, 2007 1. Increase academic and support services at several points in the college's interaction with distance learning students. 2. Improve assessment of distance student learning. 3. Increase distance student retention. 4. Increase distance learning faculty and staff development. 5. Increase the percentage of courses that incorporate distance learning technology.
Through a modified Delphi study, an expert panel identified 62 concepts organized in eight issue categories that impact administrative decisions as higher education institutions commit to implementing distance education courses and programs. Using a mail survey, 62 department chairs in Colleges of Agriculture in Land-Grant Universities ranked the impact these concepts had on their decisions to implement distance education
Online Journal of Distance …, 2003
Recent issues in this journal and other prominent distance-learning journals have established the need for administrators to be informed and prepared with strategic plans equal to foreseeable challenges. This article provides decision makers with 32 trends that affect distance learning and thus enable them to plan accordingly. The trends are organized into categories as they pertain to students and enrollment, faculty members, academics, technology, the economy, and distance learning. All the trends were identified during an extensive review of current literature in the field
Challenges and opportunities emerge when a partnership between a state university and a partner from the private sector seeks to provide a high quality non-licensure master’s program for teachers and other educators through the most affordable and convenient platform available. Opinions are prevalent as stakeholders speak out in regard course development and delivery. Regulatory approval must be attained for the delivery of academic programs by distance learning as opposed to the traditional face-to-face instructional delivery method.
There are now over six million students in the USA taking at least one online course 31 percent of all students in the USA (public, private and for-profit) are now taking at least one course online Since 2003, online enrollments have grown by 358 percent However, since 2003, the proportion of respondents who agree that their faculty ‘fully accept’ the ‘value and legitimacy of online education’ has edged up from 30.4 percent to just 32 percent One-third of all academic leaders continue to believe that the learning outcomes for online education are inferior to those of face-to-face instruction. Academic leaders at institutions with online offerings have a much more favorable opinion of the relative learning outcomes for online courses than do those at institutions with no online courses or programs. 65 percent of all reporting institutions said that online learning was a critical part of their long-term strategy, a small increase from 63 percent in 2010. For-profit institutions are th...
Rapid development and high achievements of information technology and information systems have been used broadly in public services, however in many countries higher education often remains ignored by the e-government policies. The aim of our research tends to fill this gap and more specifically to focus on online distance learning.
KnE Social Sciences
The policy tools for implementing services for citizens to increase capacity, competence, and qualifications through distance higher education (DHE) are widely accessible. It is however unclear which methods the Government uses and can use to implement these DHE policies operationally for citizens to immediately obtain the benefits. Furthermore, the opportunities for citizens to continue to higher education are limited, as evidenced by the low gross participation rate (APK). This rate is around 34.5% due to factors such as policymakers’ commitment, policy implementers’ ability, inequality of access, and public knowledge about DHE. Information technology is a tool for implementing distance education that has a substantial systemic and constructive impact on dedicated students. It also affects the continuity of the Government, the House of Representatives, and academics. Keywords: policy implementation, distance higher education, information technology
Pearson is the world's learning company, with expertise in educational courseware and assessment, and a range of teaching and learning services powered by technology. Our mission is to help people make progress through access to better learning. We believe that learning opens up opportunities, creating fulfilling careers and better lives. For more, visit Online Learning Consortium The Online Learning Consortium (OLC) is the leading professional organization devoted to advancing the quality of online learning worldwide. The member-sustained organization offers an extensive set of resources for professional development and institutional advancement of online learning. Visit for more information. Tyton Partners Tyton Partners provides investment banking and strategy consulting services to companies, foundations, post-secondary institutions, and investors as they navigate the complexities of the global knowledge sector. For more information about Tyton Partners visit or follow us @tytonpartners Digital Learning Compass: e-Literate e-Literate is a weblog about educational technology and related topics that is co-published by Michael Feldstein and Phil Hill, who are also partners at MindWires, an educational technology analyst and consulting firm. It covers a broad range of topics related to trends in educationparticularly teaching and learning in higher education-that are impacted by technology. WCET (WICHE Cooperative for Educational Technologies) WCET is the leader in the practice, policy, & advocacy of technology-enhanced learning in higher education. WCET is a, member-driven, non-profit which brings together colleges and universities, higher education organizations and companies to collectively improve the quality and reach of e-learning programs. Visit Babson Survey Research Group The Babson Survey Research Group (BSRG) is a survey design, implementation, and analysis organization. BSRG has worked on a number of large surveys including the annual survey of global entrepreneurship (GEM) involving more than 70 countries and 160,000 respondents worldwide and the thirteen annual surveys of online education covering all colleges and universities in the US. National 2 DEFINITIONS AND METHODS This report uses data collected under the U.S. Department of Education's National Center for Educational Statistics (NCES) Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) Fall Enrollment survey. Beginning with Fall 2012, the data includes distance education enrollments, using the following: Item Definition Distance education Education that uses one or more technologies to deliver instruction to students who are separated from the instructor and to support regular and substantive interaction between the students and the instructor synchronously or asynchronously. Technologies used for instruction may include the following: Internet; one-way and twoway transmissions through open broadcasts, closed circuit, cable, microwave, broadband lines, fiber optics, satellite or wireless communication devices; audio conferencing; and video cassette. DVDs, and CD-ROMS, if the cassette, DVDs, and CD-ROMS are used in a course in conjunction with the technologies listed above. Distance education course A course in which the instructional content is delivered exclusively via distance education. Requirements for coming to campus for orientation, testing, or academic support services do not exclude a course from being classified as distance education. IPEDS collects distance education enrollments in two categories: • "Exclusively" distance education: All of the student's enrollments for the term were through distance education courses. • "Some but not all" distance education: The student enrolled in a mix of course modalities, including some distance education courses. This report creates a third category-composed of the sum of "exclusively" and "some but not all" distance education courses: • "At least one" distance education course: A new data field created as the sum of the above two categories. The sample for this analysis is comprised of all active, degree-granting institutions of higher education in the United States that are open to the public. The focus of this report is the distance education data that has been collected by IPEDS for the fall 2012, fall 2013, fall 2014 and fall 2015 terms. IPEDS reporting includes a number of other variables that describe the size, sector, and focus of each institution of higher education. This data allows us to compare institutions using a consistent set of definitions provided by the IPEDS survey. Note: Changes over time for individual institutions is calculated using their IPEDS ID numbers. A small number of institutions have changed the way in which they report to IPEDS, and have not maintained the same ID numbers, so linkage is not possible. This does not impact data for a particular year, nor any national or state level comparisons-it will, however, preclude the inclusion of these institutions in a state list of top ten growth in overall enrollments or distance enrollments. NATIONAL OVERVIEW In higher education, 29.7% of all students are taking at least one distance course. The total distance enrollments are composed of 14.3% of students (2,902,756) taking exclusively distance courses and 15.4% (3,119,349) who are taking a combination of distance and nondistance courses.
Developments in Business Simulation and Experiential Learning: Proceedings of the Annual ABSEL conference, 2014
Panelists lead discussion of implementation issues in distance education. Distance education is broadly conceived to include modes that result in infrequent face to face meetings with faculty. The panel begins with a discussion of an on-line, project based, MBA program. Implementation problems associated with Internet resources are discussed. Compared with classroom courses, on-line courses may require different behavioral cues. One panelist reports his study of cues for predicting on-line student performance. Organizational and faculty responses to distance education change the role of faculty, with accompanying workload and quality issues. Audience is invited to participate, with observations on changes in their circumstances when implementing distance and other non-traditional education modes.
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Distance Education, 1999
Higher Education: Handbook of Theory and Research, 2020
Proceedings 27th Annual National …, 2003
Online Learning
Technological Innovation and Instructional Design, 2013
The Internet and higher education, 1999
Encyclopedia of Distance Learning, 2005