Facebook as Emotion and Action

2015, Mediamorfoze


The present paper approaches Facebook as a cultural carnivalesque phenomenon. If we follow Mikhail Bakhtin’s view - it shares a number of defining features: excess, play, derision, ambivalence, multiple „voices” and a clearcut opposition to official Power. This opposition is not the expression of a clear message issued by a single author. It is mainly a reversal of the discourse of the o Other and the expression of freedom of views. As a play of masks Facebook allows its user to adopt an avatar considered to be immune of responsibility : it is what one can call an “public intimate” channel of communication. It is private but nonetheless expressed for a community of users. As a narrative it lacks a single author. Any user is author and lector; actor and audience. It represents a narrative without a closure and has family resemblance to play and performance. As a social mechanism Facebook seeks affiliation as cooperation and competition as domination. A lot of Facebook elicit an emotional approach. Emotion is a construal – action readiness - based on the appraisal of a situation in virtue of current goals and concerns of the individual. A lot of Facebook testimonials display a personal experience that is undisputable “true” (lyrical and ego centred). As such Facebook is a constant conversion mechanism that transforms emotion into reasons for beliefs and an invitation to action readiness – either in the mode of cooperation or participation or in the mode of domination and competition. „I like” is the minimal expression of emotion that creates the gateway to belief conversion and action. Keywords: Facebook, carnival, emotion, conversion, belief, action, narrative