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2010, Holomorphic Dynamical Systems
This paper investigates the behavior of discrete holomorphic local dynamical systems through the lens of conjugacy and stability theory. It provides precise definitions of local conjugacy and categorizes fixed points based on the eigenvalues of the derivative at those points. Key theorems are presented that dictate the conditions of linearizability and the existence of structures such as Fatou flowers in relation to specific dynamical behaviors. Through these results, the foundational aspects of discrete dynamics are explored, revealing insights into their asymptotic properties and invariant subsets.
This is a survey on the local structure about a fixed point of discrete finite-dimensional holomorphic dynamical systems, discussing in particular the existence of local topological conjugacies to normal forms, and the structure of local stable sets in the non-hyperbolic case. The author hopes to keep the survey up to date, and thus it would be grateful to anybody pointing out missing (or mistaken) results and references, and/or suggesting topics to be included or expanded in it.
This is a survey on the local structure about a fixed point of discrete finite-dimensional holomorphic dynamical systems, discussing in particular the existence of local topological conjugacies to normal forms, and the structure of local stable sets in the non-hyperbolic case. The author hopes to keep the survey up to date, and thus it would be grateful to anybody pointing out missing (or mistaken) results and references, and/or suggesting topics to be included or expanded in it.
Advanced Courses of Mathematical Analysis III - Proceedings of the Third International School, 2008
Theorem 0.1: (Identity principle) Let X, Y be two (connected) Riemann surfaces, and f , g ∈ Hol(X,Y ). If the set {z ∈ X | f(z) = g(z)} admits an accumulation point then f ≡ g. Corollary 0.2: Let X, Y be two Riemann surfaces, f ∈ Hol(X,Y ) not constant, and w ∈ Y . Then the set f−1(w) is discrete. Theorem 0.3: (Open mapping theorem) Let X, Y be two Riemann surfaces, and f ∈ Hol(X,Y ) not constant. Then f(X) is open in Y . In particular, f is an open mapping.
Analysis and Mathematical Physics, 2011
This paper contains a selection, dictated by personal taste and by no means complete, of open problems in local discrete holomorphic dynamics. Mathematics Subject Classification 2010. Primary: 37F99. Secondary: 32H50.
Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems, 2007
Let f 1 and f 2 be rational maps with Julia sets J 1 and J 2 , and let : J 1 → P 1 be any continuous map such that •f 1 = f 2 • on J 1. We show that if is C-differentiable, with non-vanishing derivative, at some repelling periodic point z 1 ∈ J 1 , then admits an analytic extension to P 1 \E 1 , where E 1 is the exceptional set of f 1. Moreover, this extension is a semiconjugacy. This generalizes a result of Julia (Ann. Sci.École Norm. Sup. (3) 40 (1923), 97-150). Furthermore, if E 1 = ∅ then the extended map is rational, and in this situation (J 1) = J 2 and −1 (J 2) = J 1 , provided that is not constant. On the other hand, if E 1 = ∅ then the extended map may be transcendental: for example, when f 1 is a power map (conjugate to z → z ±d) or a Chebyshev map (conjugate to ±Q d with Q d (z + z −1) = z d + z −d), and when f 2 is an integral Lattès example (a quotient of the multiplication by an integer on a torus). Eremenko (Algebra i Analiz 1(4) (1989), 102-116) proved that these are the only such examples. We present a new proof. 1074 X. Buff and A. L. Epstein whose domain may have empty interior. Consider any map h : Z → P 1 where Z ⊂ P 1 , and let ζ ∈ Z be any accumulation point. If ζ = ∞ = h(ζ) then we say that h is C-differentiable at ζ if lim z→ζ h(z) − h(ζ) z − ζ exists. Note that the existence of a non-zero finite limit is unaffected by precomposition or postcomposition by local analytic isomorphisms, and in particular by Möbius transformations. Thus, it makes sense to speak of C-differentiability with non-vanishing derivative even when ζ or h(ζ) is the point at infinity. In what follows, we use the term analytic in the sense of Riemann surface theory. As the relevant Riemann surfaces will all be open subsets of P 1 , our usage of this term is identical with the classical usage of meromorphic.
The Nepali Mathematical Sciences Report
In this paper, we prove that the escaping set of a transcendental semi group is S-forward invari-ant. We also prove that if a holomorphic semi group is a belian, then the Fatou, Julia, and escaping sets are S-completely invariant. We also investigate certain cases and conditions that the holomorphic semi group dynamics exhibits the similar dynamical behavior just like a classical holomorphic dynamics. Frequently, we also examine certain amount of connections and contrasts between classical holomorphic dynamics and holomorphic semi group dynamics.
American Journal of Mathematics, 2000
We shall describe a canonical procedure to associate to any (germ of) holomorphic self-map F of C n fixing the origin so that dF O is invertible and non-diagonalizable an n-dimensional complex manifold M , a holomorphic map π: M → C n , a point e ∈ M and a (germ of) holomorphic self-mapF of M such that: π restricted to M \ π −1 (O) is a biholomorphism between M \ π −1 (O) and C n \ {O}; π •F = F • π; and e is a fixed point ofF such that dF e is diagonalizable. Furthermore, we shall use this construction to describe the local dynamics of such an F nearby the origin when sp(dF O ) = {1}.
International Mathematics Research Notices, 2013
We prove that the stable manifold of every point in a compact hyperbolic invariant set of a holomorphic automorphism of a complex manifold is biholomorphic to C d , provided that a bunching condition, which is weaker than the classical bunching condition for linearizability, holds.
Contemporary Mathematics, 2011
Two dynamical systems u t (t, •) = (Lu)(t, •), L = A, B, u(0, •) = f , which can serve as toy models for infinite systems of interacting particles in continuum are studied. Here u(t, •) and f are holomorphic functions in some K ⊂ C, and A, B are linear operators in a certain Banach space E of such functions. It is proven that both A and B generate C 0 semigroups and hence the above Cauchy problems have solutions in E. In some particular cases, ergodicity and reversibility are proven.
We investigate the dynamical behaviour of a holomorphic map on an f −invariant subset E of U, where f : U → C k , with U an open, connected and polynomially convex subset of C k. We also prove a Birkhoff type Theorem for holomorphic maps in several complex variables, i.e. given an injective holomorphic map f, defined in a neighborhood of U, with U star-shaped and f (U) a Runge domain, we prove the existence of a forward invariant, maximal, compact and connected subset of U which touches ∂U.
Eprint Arxiv Math 9205209, 1992
Contents: 1. Quasiconformal Surgery and Deformations: Ben Bielefeld, Questions in quasiconformal surgery; Curt McMullen, Rational maps and Teichm\"uller space; John Milnor, Thurston's algorithm without critical finiteness; Mary Rees, A possible approach to a complex renormalization problem. 2. Geometry of Julia Sets: Lennart Carleson, Geometry of Julia sets; John Milnor, Problems on local connectivity. 3. Measurable Dynamics: Mikhail Lyubich, Measure and Dimension of Julia Sets; Feliks Przytycki, On invariant measures for iterations of holomorphic maps. 4. Iterates of Entire Functions: Robert Devaney, Open questions in non-rational complex dynamics; Alexandre Eremenko and Mikhail Lyubich, Wandering domains for holomorphic maps. 5. Newton's Method: Scott Sutherland, Bad polynomials for Newton's method
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 2009
We investigate the dynamical behaviour of a holomorphic map on a f −invariant subset C of U, where f : U → C k. We study two cases: when U is an open, connected and polynomially convex subset of C k and C ⊂⊂ U, closed in U, and when ∂U has a p.s.h. barrier at each of its points and C is not relatively compact in U. In the second part of the paper, we prove a Birkhoff's type Theorem for holomorphic maps in several complex variables, i.e. given an injective holomorphic map f, defined in a neighborhood of U , with U starshaped and f (U) a Runge domain, we prove the existence of a unique, forward invariant, maximal, compact and connected subset of U which touches ∂U.
The Quarterly Journal of Mathematics, 1988
The Michigan Mathematical Journal, 2001
Mathematische Zeitschrift, 1996
Let E denote the space of entire holomorphic functions on C2(z, w) with the topology of uniform convergence on compact sets.
Nonlinearity, 2007
Fibered holomorphic dynamics are skew-product transformations F (θ, z) = (θ + α, f θ (z)) over an irrational rotation, whose fibers are holomorphic functions. In this paper we study such a dynamics on a neighborhood of an invariant curve. We obtain some results analogous to the results in the non fibered case.
Let M be a two-dimensional complex manifold and f : M → M a holomorphic map. Let S ⊂ M be a curve made of fixed points of f , i.e. Fix( f ) = S.W estudy the dynamics near S in case f acts as the identity on the normal bundle of the regular part of S. Besides results
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