Visualizing Hurricane Katrina

2006, Proceedings of the 4th international conference on Computer graphics and interactive techniques in Australasia and Southeast Asia - GRAPHITE '06


Hurricane Katrina has had a devastating impact on the US Gulf Coast. Forecasts of such events, coupled with timely response, can greatly reduce casualties and save billions of dollars.

Key takeaways

  • Data from remote sensing include the 3D terrain of New Orleans, land-surface satellite imagery of the region at multiple resolutions and the dynamic clouds imagery showing the actual hurricane path.
  • The atmospheric conditions (wind velocity, pressure and temperature) of the hurricane formation during the same time period where obtained from an atmospheric model known as "MM5 2 ".
  • Fig. 4 shows the eye of the hurricane (obtained from GOES-12 data) Figure 3: Streamlines of the hurricane wind vector field at landfall.
  • In this particular case, a scientist or a decision-maker is able to look at the visualization of the hurricane simulation (on the right) juxtaposed with aerial photography showing the flooding that resulted in New Orleans (bottom-left).
  • We have shown how various data sources can be used to create an effective, compelling and interactive visualization from diverse geoscientific data sources such as those describing Hurricane Katrina and her indirect consequences.